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06 noviembre, 2020

#Trump #Traps the #DeepState


Slimes Caption: Pam Bondi, the former attorney general of Florida, and Corey Lewandowski, President Trump’s former campaign manager, hold up a court order that permitted Trump campaign poll watchers to get closer to observe the ballot counting. NOVEMBER 6, 2020

NY Times: Trump Ratchets Up Attacks to Sow Doubt

Trump baselessly claimed widespread fraud and that people were “trying to steal the election.”


Some Anti-NY Times readers may have detected a wee bit of pessimism in our last bulletin (here). Before even publishing that one, several post-election E-mails received from subscribers had us worried that a few of "youse guys" might be jumping off the ledges of high-rise buildings any minute. In spite of our repeated calls for "cautious optimism," the occasional shaking of all of our faiths is perfectly understandable. After all, the Globo-Marxist-Libtard Axis of Evil has been kicking our collective asses up and down the football field ever since (((they))) crashed the world economy "under the watch" of poor President Herbert Hoover in 1929 -- and then installed the "savior" Franklin Demon Rosenfeld in 1933. Creeping pessimism is ingrained in us all.

But let's end this pity party and mount up again because with each passing hour, our confidence in the "Sting Theory" surrounding this most fraudulent presidential election in American history grows more and more. Hat tip to reader "Larry" for reminding us of Q Post # 4722 from September 16, 2020:

Add it all up.
1. Virus
2. Riots [organized _ANTIFA]
3. Fires
The 'Why':
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUxilJznKyY (video about "Color Revolutions")
Make no mistake, they will not concede on Election Night.
Make no mistake, they will contest this legally in battleground states.
Make no mistake, they will project doubt in the election results
Make no mistake, they will organize massive riots and attempt Anarchy-99 design
Playbook known. (emphasis added)

Translation: The patriots know what's coming. The trap has been set.

1. After nearly an entire century of losing to the Globalists, it's easy for us to sometimes fall back into sad-sack mode.
2. We-the-Good haven't been able to push back against the Globalist Conspiracy with any meaningful success since the peaceful and prosperous "America First" days of Harding-Coolidge!
3. Q Anon & Trump were expecting the "Great Steal" of 2020 and the counter-attack has begun.

Adding credibility to Q Anon's fairly obvious insinuation that devastating countermeasures would be activated at the right time are some of the very strong statements now being made by Trump and his most loyal surrogates. Donald Trump Jr., for example, tweeted this:

"The best thing for America’s future is for (Donald Trump) to go to total war over this election to expose all of the fraud, cheating, dead/no longer in state voters, that has been going on for far too long. It’s time to clean up this mess & stop looking like a banana republic!" (emphasis added)

All indications are that President Trump is indeed, in Godfather parlance, "going to the mattresses" over this -- which is why the worried piranhas of the Fake News are screaming "baseless!" ™ -- baseless!" ™ -- "baseless!" ™ Just have a Google search of the word "baseless" -- and see how many Trump stories come up! But the more shells marked "baseless" ™ that the Judenpresse Armada fires at Trump -- the greater the "boomerang effect" of those wayward blasts will be when Trump produces the tangible, undeniable evidence of massive fraud on a scale so immense it will shock the shit out of even the most witless and soulless normie.

So, if Trump & Q knew this was coming -- and if Trump, in no uncertain terms, is accusing the Demonrat's of massive voter fraud all across America --- the question becomes: "What exactly is the nature of the Sting operation?"

Trump -- as he had in 2016 -- has been warning about election fraud all year long; and has now come out strong in calling the ongoing circus a fraud. He has thus placed himself in a position where he MUST produce evidence.

Some plausible-sounding Internet scuttlebutt of these last few days claimed that Trump's "White Hats" in the Department of Homeland Security water-marked the legitimate ballots in such a way that ballot forgers and box-stuffers would not be able to detect. Though there was no way for us to confirm such leaked rumors, the tactic made perfect sense. It was only just hours ago, on the eve of the publication of this bulletin, that Steve Pieczeneik -- a 'White Hat" intelligence insider whom we have come to trust and respect -- confirmed the existence and methodology of "the Sting." The full video of his interview on Infowars Owen Shroyer Show (War Room) is linked below. Here are the key excerpts:

"This is really a sting operation. Trump knew this was happening. Eric (Trump) knew this was happening and they warned the public. I knew this was happening, however I could not say anything about it. ... What happened was, we marked, watermarked every ballot with what's called the QFS blockchain encryption code. In other words, we know pretty well where every ballot is, where it went and who has it.

So this is not a stolen election. On the contrary, we reversed the entire game of war along the lines of Sun Tzu -- the Art of War. And Trump was brilliant and is still brilliant at it. .... The reason he (Trump) hasn't been seen in several days --- well in the Art of War, you pull back, allow your enemy to make all the mistakes they are making -- manipulate the situation, expose them and then come in for the final killing. (Editor Note: In accordance with this Sun Tzu strategy, Q Anon has also been silent during this period.)

And that's what is happening now. None of this was unexpected. This is all part of the sting operation.

Let me tell you that 48 hours ago, I can say now with the permission of people in the intelligence community, we have sent out thousands and thousands of National Guard to twelve different states.... This has been a set-up by Trump for a long time.

People will be arrested as of tonight, tomorrow and it will go on for quite a while.... This is the biggest sting operation in the history of our country."

Pieczenik goes onto to make the amazing claim that the location of the specially marked and sophisticated ballots can actually be traced via "cyber communication." (Pieczenik interview clip) Now the "Editorial Board" of the ANYT is very slow to trust anyone -- but let us note that Pieczenik has stated that:

* Mossad & CIA engineered the 9/11 attacks
* The Epstein / Maxwell and Bronfman sex cults were Mossad operations
* The made-for-TV "mass shootings" of years past (weird how they suddenly stopped a few years ago, isn't it) were crisis-actor stunts.

That level of "paranoia" gives the man more than enough "street cred" in our book!

Stay tuned.

1 & 2. Pieczenik states that the Deep State walked into Trump's watermark trap.
3. Has the Maestro checkmated the scum once and for all?

Unsolved Q posts from 2018: "Watch the water." --- Could these strange posts and Trump's DELIBERATELY weird and REPEATED episodes of water-drinking -- which so amused those juvenile late-night commie comics -- have been referring to this moment?

We shall see who gets the last laugh, Mr. Colbert.


Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Trump is baselessly claiming voter fraud again.

Boobus Americanus 2: His baseless claims are undermining our democracy.


St. Sugar: Boobuss, your claimss of Trump's baseslessness are baselsss!

Editor: I think I understand now why Trump so meekly allowed the Demonrats to steal the 2018 mid-term Congressional elections in such a bold brazen manner. He may have wanted them to become even bolder for the 2020 sting.

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