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19 abril, 2021

#GretaThunberg has taken up the cause of #vaccine

Greta Thunberg, with a School Strike for Climate sign, outside the Swedish Parliament in Stockholm last year.

APRIL 12, 2021

NY Times: Greta Thunberg Says She’ll Skip U.N. Climate Summit in Glasgow

The teenage activist, citing concerns about global vaccine inequality, said she would not attend the meeting “unless everyone can take part on the same terms.”

Hey, look who it is! Ghoulish Greta Gloomberg. Haven't heard too much from this mischievous little Marxist lately. The surly she-devil of Sweden hit her peak just before the Stupid-19 hoax replaced the Climate Con as the surest and fastest "crisis" pathway toward world tyranny. It was in December of 2019 that Slime Magazine anointed the deranged little Communist as "Person of the Year."

Just how loony is this Globalist greaseball -- this rancid Red rascal  -- this demonic "Damien" in drag? From that fawning Slime Mag article, a typical demented rant:

“Adults keep saying, 'We owe it to the young people to give them hope.' But I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act.”
Ya know, Greta, you're right to say that we should all "feel the fear," -- but the fear should not be about non-existent Global Warming / Climate Change , but rather, over the fact that a scummy little front monster like you can be so laughably glorified by Fake News, and then actually sold to millions of gullible boobs as the precocious "founder" of a "grassroots" movement. 
1. Such a miserable, hateful, demonic, deceitful joyless child. Her Marxist parents ought to be arrested, tried, publicly flogged with spiked whips and then swiftly hanged for deliberately manufacturing such a mendacious monster. // 2. Greta Gloomberg -- on the cover of GQ -- a men's fashion magazine -- dressed like a man. // 3. Is it a girl? Or a tranny-in-training?

With the Climate Con on the back-burner for now, Greta's handlers are diverting her influence toward fighting Stupid-19 (with vaccines) and promoting "social justice" while doing so. From the article:

Greta Thunberg, the Swedish climate activist, said she would not attend the next international climate talks unless everyone can be vaccinated equally and participate safely.

“Inequality and climate injustice is already the heart of the climate crisis, she said. If people can’t be vaccinated and travel to be represented equally that’s undemocratic and would worsen the problem.”

It takes a person of paralyzing stupidity not to be able to infer that Ghastly Greta, now 18, is but a child / teen prop -- merely the poison-carrying tip of a very long spear being pointed at humanity by the Rothschild-Soros Crime Syndicate. But her immediate handlers are, of course, her  degenerate actor / actress parents -- Svante Thunberg (Father) and Malena Ernman (mother). Greta the Grim has herself played small parts in a film. Are the advocates for "the children" on the Left not concerned over how this wretched little ghoul never seems to attend school and is used in this manner?
In addition to tackling Stupid-19, Greta Inc. has expanded the never-ending road show to the cause of "anti-racism" -- with the little script-reading monster bitching and moaning about how Climate Change disproportionately impacts the world's "indigenous peoples" . Speaking through the demonic avatar, the producers at Greta Inc. had this to say at a 2019 spectacle in Madrid:
“Their rights are being violated across the world and they are also among the ones being hit the most and the quickest by the climate and environmental emergency.” 
Ironically, the "indigenous peoples" are indeed being disproportionately harmed -- not by the climate, but rather, by the hoax associated with the climate. Vlad the Bad Putin, speaking of Great the Grim, said it well:

“No one has explained to Greta that the modern world is complex and different and ... people in Africa or in many Asian countries want to live at the same wealth level as in Sweden.”
Putin, as always, was being diplomatic. The colorful Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil, however, was less "diplomatic" when speaking of the demon child:
"Greta has said that the Indians died because because they were defending the Amazon. It's amazing that the press gives space to this kind of brat."
Tell it, Mr. President. Tell it!

1-3. The Marxist Thunberg family wearing black "anti-fascist" T-Shirts. // 4. Video has emerged of Greta's pig mother simulating sexual intercourse for a live play. // 5. Bolsanaro called the little brat, a brat.

To close this on a more uplifting note, The Anti-New York Times would like to give a bit of well-deserved hype to its own limited audience -- about another young lady that (((they))) don't want "youse guys" to know about because, opposite of the front-monster for Greta Inc., she exudes love, not hate -- and produces beauty, not ugliness. Akiane Kramarik, 25, is an American poet and painter who began drawing when she was four years old. Her best-known painting is Prince of Peace, which she completed when she was only eight years old.

Akiane (of Lithuanian descent) is a self-taught child prodigy painter who claims to have received divine message to start painting her visions. Her paintings are often spiritual, involving likenesses of Jesus, children, and animals. According to Kramarik, her main inspiration comes from her visions of Heaven. By age 12, she had completed sixty large, and stunning, paintings. Working non-stop for 20 years, she completed over 200 artworks, 800 literary works, and has published two best-selling books. And over the course of that time, though she has garnered some media attention, it doesn't amount to one millionth of the puffed-up hype bestowed upon Greta Gloomberg. Have a look at a few of her works. Such intrinsic beauty will wash away the nasty dog-shitish stink of demon-child Greta's excretions out of your nostrils, for sure.
Akiane Kramarik
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Greta Thunberg has taken up the cause of vaccine justice.

Boobus Americanus 2: Such passion for the world! What an amazing multi-faceted young lady!

St. Sugar: She'ss a piece of Marxist trash, Boobuss! Have a look at what a truly "amazing and multi-faceted young lady" has produced, much of it while sshe wass sstill a child.
Now how did I know that you would pick the cat portraits as your favorite Akaine paintings?!

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