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05 mayo, 2021

Globo-Gangster #KlausSchwab #WEF

 Globo-Gangster Klaus Schwab
MAY 3, 2021

NY Times: A Look at Davos Through the Years

In 1971, the first annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, (then called the European Management Symposium) convened in the Swiss resort town of Davos. The annual Globalist conference was organized by a 33-year-old technocrat "intellectual" named Klaus Schwab (cough cough) of Germany -- in collaboration with his then-fiance, Hilde Stoll.

Through the years, the WEF meetings -- similar to those of the infamous Bilderberg Group -- have been attended by or supported by every "elite" scum-of-the-Earth Globalist one can think of. Rockefeller, Gates, Bloomberg, Zuckerberg, Soros, the Clintons, Obongo, Merkel, McStain, Dr. Falsie, Greta Gloomberg, Prince Charles et al. The Deep State celebrity attendees have included Leonardo DiCaprio, Bono and Angelina Jolie. The power and "prestige" of Schwab's annual nerd-prom is such that even Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump have attended -- although, to their credit, both presidents used the occasion to directly challenge Globalist ideology, right to their faces -- albeit in diplomatic terms.

1. Every January, the beautiful Swiss resort town of Davos gets polluted by a flatulent herd of self-important conspiratorial Globalist swine. // 2. "Professor" Schwab & Stoll -- still plotting at Davos after a half-a-century! // 3. Trump at Davos (2018): “I believe in America. As president of the United States I will always put America first just like the leaders of other countries should put their country first also.
Schwab's credentials as a "behind-the-scenes" global power player of the highest rank are undeniable. Above: With Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates, Bill Clinton

About Schwab's WEF, there's really not much else that a regular advanced reader of The Anti-New York Times -- or even just an intermediate-level student of New World Order studies in general -- needs to be told that cannot already be inferred. These pieces-of-shit -- using scams like the Climate Con, "Free Trade," Turd World Immigration and Stupid-19 -- work towards the establishment of an all-powerful One World Government modeled on the basis of a bee-hive -- with us "global citizens" serving as  dispensable worker bees toiling away to produce unlimited amounts of golden honey for (((them))). Then, when the time comes, their medical monsters will finish us off with a morphine ventilator combo.

What's different about Schwab is that very few high-profile Globalists have left such a blatant spoken and written paper trail as he has. When it comes to Satan Klaus and his WEF, there's no "conspiracy theory" here, boys and girls. The man is a straight-up and candid gangster whose words are very useful to us activists who must struggle to convert the normies within our midst.

Straight from the mouth (and pen) of one of the most high-ranking control freaks on Planet Rothschild.

* On the Climate Con

"We speak about a carbon-free world. That's the objective of the Paris Agreement. Most countries have subscribed to this objective. And many, many companies have now also issued statements that they would achieve carbon neutrality.

It's not enough to hold only corporations responsible. I think we have a common responsibility, all stakeholders of global society, which means it's also us individual consumers, and it's the government.

And the government has to contribute to fighting climate change by creating the necessary incentives and also disincentives. We need the government to step in to build the necessary infrastructures. We cannot fight climate change by doing here a little bit, there a little bit. We need to have an integrated (governments & corporations) ecosystem approach. And I think here the government has a major role to play, to provide the kind of integrated vision for the future."

* On Stupid-19
"The worldwide crisis triggered by the coronavirus pandemic has no parallel in modern history. It is our defining moment -- we will be dealing with its fallout for years, and many things will change forever....  A new world will emerge, the contours of which are for us to both imagine and draw." (here)

One of the world's acknowledged power brokers is telling us what he wants to do. Why shouldn't we believe him?

* On "The Great Reset"

You will own nothing, and you will be happy. This is how our world could change by 2030.” (see image below, from WEF Twitter)

* On Marxism
From WEF website:
"Does capitalism need some Marxism to survive the Fourth Industrial Revolution?" (here)

* On Microchips in Humans
"Certainly within the next 10 years we will have microchips. At first we will implant them in our clothes. And then we could imagine that we will implant them in our brains, or in our skin. And in the end, we can imagine that there will be a direct communication between our brain and the digital world." (video here)


To sum it all up for newbies & normies -- this New World Order of (((theirs))) intends to obliterate national boundaries, abolish private property, fuse politically oppressive Communism with economically exploitative Cartel Capitalism, severely restrict the production of energy and chip us in our brains. Schwab's words -- not ours. Now do you believe? (If you're a normie, probably not).

Total global domination by "the elite" would mean Marxist abolition of private property and brain micro-chipping. Schwab's words, not ours!
OK, Satan.
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today about how the Davis meeting was set up by Klaus Schwab 50 years ago.

Boobus Americanus 2: I've heard of Charles Schwab -- but not Klaus Schwab.

St. Sugar: The fact that the name of a man who hass wielded ssuch power for 50 years is sso little known tellss uss what, Boobuss?

 Editor: It proves that there IS a conspiracy for world domination!


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