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22 julio, 2021

President Biden Accuses Sayer Ji of "Killing People" - Here's His Response


Posted on: 

Thursday, July 22nd 2021 at 3:45 am



This week, The White House and President Biden singled out the free speech of 12 individuals claiming it was responsible for the failures of this administration to meet vaccination goals, implying that citizens do not have a right to make informed choices about their health, and are not able to discern what information is useful and valid in making those choices.

"Truth is stranger than fiction," has never been a more resonant phrase for me than at this moment in my life. Two days ago, I watched with some surprise President Biden make the following defamatory statement specifically against me, my wife, Dr. Kelly Brogan, and 10 other health rights advocates:  

 "Facebook isn't killing people -- these 12 people are out there giving misinformation. Anyone listening to it is getting hurt by it. It's killing people. It's bad information,

For context, President Biden was walking back his comments from a day earlier when he proclaimed that Facebook was "killing people" due to their failture to fully deplatform 12 individuals, myself included, in a manner directed by a shadowy foreign organization calling themselves The Center for Countering Digital Hate.

In making these defamatory remarks, he not only placed a target on me and my wife, American citizens, who in our defense have spent a good portion of our lives intending to help and not hurt people, but theoretically also anyone who openly questions or discusses the alleged safety of experimental medical interventions and/or refuses to participate in such interventions without access to adequate safety and efficacy data, i.e. the so-called "vaccine hesitant."

Clearly, President Biden doesn't know me, my beloved wife Kelly, or those he accuses of atrocious crimes against humanity  -- the so-called "disinformation dozen" -- nor is he familiar with our core advocacies which center on internationally accepted medical ethical principles like informed consent, or parental rights and bodily sovereignty (e.g. my body, my choice), and which the vast majority of the world's citizenry support.   

"I believe what we are standing for is actually very basic, and a common concern for the majority of Americans, if not most citizens worldwide. We want free access to information and open discussion on both the merits and shortcomings of medical interventions like vaccination, without which informed consent, parental rights, free speech, and the democratic process itself would not be possible." ~ Sayer Ji

In fact, he and his Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, who recently declared a 'War on COVID Misinformation," reference as a primary source of their dehumanizing accusations an organization that goes by the highly Orwellian name, the Center for Countering Digital Hate, and which has been a continual source of defamatory attacks against prominent health freedom advocates over the course of the past year, and which only yesterday, the Senator Hawley called out as a 'foreign dark money group' who should reveal their funding sources.



There have been previous attempts by independent journalists to explore and expose the CCDH's true agenda and origins, with the most relevant work published in a two part Off-Guadian expose' titled, "The Center for Cancel Culture and Digital Hypocrisy Part 1 and Part 2," wherein CCDH itself is called out for: 

"….meet[ing] the Commission on Countering Extremism's definition of so called hateful extremists."

I believe that "hateful extremists" is an increasingly apt description of CCDH, given how their work is now catalyzing and fomenting hate speech (now by the White House itself) against law-abiding citizens speaking out against compulsory medical procedures and related inhumane practices, such as the mandatory masking of children in our schools, despite the well-known adverse physical and psychological harms these are causing en masse. 

Indeed, in an article I wrote over a year ago titled, "Vaccine Extremism, Hate Speech, and the Well-Beaten Path Towards Genocide," I anticipated attacks against those in the health rights movement would escalate to the point of violence if the dehumanizing tactics against us were not more rapidly brought into the light of consciousness. 

Thankfully, there are some encouraging signs that the public is growing increasingly immune to the types of astroturfing campaigns CCDH and those they collude with within intelligence agencies, and the medical, pharmaceutical, media industries are expending immense resources to architect and execute.


Sayer's statement on Biden's accusations. 



Given the unprecendented circumstances we all face, I urge you to stand with me in sending a clear message to President Biden, the Surgeon General, and our elected officials that this movement is far larger than just me, or twelve people. There are, in fact, millions MORE THAN 12 people asking questions, standing up for informed choice, and willing to take a stand in exercising their basic human, civil, religious, and Constitutional rights. They need to hear this from you, and it's easy to TAKE ACTION HERE

Lend Your Voice: There are MORE THAN 12

I also want to personaly thank everyone who has reached out in support, in these trying times, as your well wishes, prayers, and concern are a source of continual encouragement and protection in the efforts I make in continuing my mission of providing you information that will empower you and your loved ones to take full control of your health destinies.

Together, I am confident, we will perservere and seeing a more beautiful world our hearts know is possible* come into being in our lives! 

Kind regards, 

Sayer Ji, 

Founder of Greenmedinfo

Co-Founder of Stand for Health Freedom


P.S. We are now universally deplatformed via social media outlets, and could use your help in sharing this article. Please forward it to friends, family, and those who share your values! Also, consider becoming a member of our increasingly coherent and supportive tribe of Greenmedinfo supporters. As a 100% user-supported, ad-free platform, we rely completely on our members and donations to continue to provide our service.

*The title of my friend Charles Eisenstein's great book. 

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