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02 agosto, 2021

Marina Abramovic - 7 Deaths of Maria Callas

Marina Abramovic’s “7 Deaths of Maria Callas,” in Munich, includes opera excerpts and short films.
JULY 30, 2021
NY Times: Review: Marina Abramovic Summons Maria Callas in ‘7 Deaths of Maria Callas'
Part mixtape and part séance, this opera project by the famed performance artist attempts to unite two divas across time.


The Satanist to the Stars (who, due to Q-Anon-related public exposure, has had to deny being a Satanist -here) is touring Europe with, as usual, a bizarre show fixated with death and the summoning of the spirit of opera star, Maria Callas (1923-1977). After a stint in Munich, Marina Abramovic will "perform" in Paris, Athens, Berlin and Rome. What's most noteworthy about this article is the fact that a New York Slimes review, in and of itself, confirms that Abramovic is not some small potatoes nobody that we needn't worry about. Though certainly not well-known among the normie public, the low-life "elite" crowd is very well acquainted with her ghastly "performance art." From the article:

"The performance is bound for Paris and Athens in September, then Berlin and Naples — and who knows where else, with Abramovic’s celebrity behind it." (emphasis added)

Key word: celebrity. But if the average Joe or Jane has never even heard of this death-obsessed / blood-obsessed / urine-obsessed / semen-obsessed freak; then to whom, may we ask, is she considered a "celebrity?" Answer: to the well-connected Satanic and Marxist muckety-mucks of who lord over us "deplorables." That's who!

Lady Gaga (left) drinks "fake" blood at her mentor Abramovic's exhibit of a ritual killing. Could the body actually be real?

With Jacob Rothschild in front of 19th Century painting titled "Satan Summoning His Legions"

Several of Marina's "artworks" have featured Satanic pentagrams.

Abramovic lies inside of a burning sacrificial pentagram

Note statue of a child in the corner -- drenched in blood

"I'm an artist, not a Satanist." .... (Ok, Marina)

There's no denying it -- Satanism is quite popular among the PRC (Predatory Ruling Class), and the proof of that is in your face, actually. Members of the demonic cult always seem compelled to -- or perhaps are even required to -- reveal their "Duper's Delight," without us understanding it or believing it.

In the belief that a picture is worth a thousand words, what follows amounts to a whole booklet proving how they hide in plain sight.


1. "Monster" Energy Drink -- "666" -- "Unleash the Beast!" -- And a cross embedded within the letter "O" that inverts when you drink up. // 2. "Red Bull" is a red devil. The motto is "Red Bull gives you wings (Satan's wings, get it?) // 3. "Rock Star" features the Satanic Pentagram.


1. 2014: Katy Perry at the Grammy's, with Satan. // 2. 2012: Winged Madonna at the Stupor Bowl // 3. 2017: Hellacious Lady Gaga at the Stupor Bowl


1. Killary Clinton -- with pedo-Satanists John Legend and Chrissy Tiegen -- forms an upside-down crucifix with her hands and white under-blouse. // 2. Daughter Chelsea Clinton wears an upside cross. // 3. Melinda Gates does too.


Handmark is a developer of mobile content, based in Missouri. The "6" on the hand is the "mark of the beast."

"The Great Reset" crowd.

666's all over the place!


1. Saturday Night Live: "Songs by Lucifer" // 2. More SNL: The Devil delivers a News Broadcast. // 3. From the Chris Gethard Show: Will Farrell initiates a new recruit (covered in blood and feces) into the secret society of mask wearing Satanists (Think Covid "6" feet apart and masks).



1. The number 11 and its multiples are also important to Satanists (here) --World War I was ended at 11 AM, November 11 of 1918 -- 11-11-11. And then there was "9/11." // 2. D-Day (Devil's Day?) aka "Operation Overlord" (Satan) was initiated at exactly 6AM, on June 6 -- That's "666." // 3. JFK was murdered on November 22nd, That's 11-22 of 1963.

Have you ever wondered how the Globalists of the past have been able to keep their New World Order thing going so strong and relatively undetected for so many centuries -- knowing that they'd never live to see it come to fruition in their lifetimes? Well, the Satanic and ritualistic elements of their Monster Plot are the keys to making sense of the astonishing generational consistency. You see, an evil spirit -- whether you take that to be a preternatural force or manmade -- transcends this temporal world. Understand that, and you'll begin to appreciate the challenges of our defensive task at hand.

​Fight these mass-murderous, reality-inverting, truth-hating, child-raping, baby-eating bitches and bastards like there's no tomorrow --- and pray.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today about a performance artist named Marina Abramovic. She's touring Europe.

Boobus Americanus 2: Never heard of her.
St. Sugar: But many of the famouss people you HAVE heard about are eager to hang out with her, Boobuss.

Editor: The Podesta Brothers, Jay Z, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Alex Soros and so many others worship this high priestess of Satanism.

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