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30 octubre, 2021

Abusive Insanity - Portable Carbon Dioxide Monitor

Luke Beauregard, 8, holding a CO2 monitor he carries with him to school so that his mother, Lizzie Rothwell, can keep an eye on the school’s ventilation. OCTOBER 12, 2021

NY Times: The Hot New Back-to-School Accessory? An Air Quality Monitor.

Parents are sneaking carbon dioxide monitors into their children’s schools to determine whether the buildings are safe.
This story takes the ongoing demoralization and pussification of our young people to a whole new level of abusive insanity. It reads like the type of mocking humor that an irreverent satirist would write, but it's not satire.

From the article:

"When Lizzie Rothwell, an architect in Philadelphia, sent her son to third grade this fall, she stocked his blue L.L. Bean backpack with pencils, wide-ruled paper — and a portable carbon dioxide monitor.

The device gave her a quick way to assess how much fresh air was flowing through the school. Low levels of CO2 would indicate that it was well-ventilated, reducing her son’s odds of catching the coronavirus.

But she quickly discovered that during lunch, CO2 levels in the cafeteria rose to nearly double those recommended by CDC. She shared what she’d learned with the principal and asked if students could eat outside instead.

“He expressed surprise that I had any data at all,” she said.
Ms. Rothwell is one of a growing number of parents who are sneaking CO2 monitors into schools in a clandestine effort to make sure their children’s classrooms are safe. Aranet, which makes a monitor popular with parents, says orders have doubled since the new school year began." (emphasis added)

You see, it's not enough to be on guard against the coronabug. We must also monitor CO2 levels which would indicate a "poorly ventilated" environment more susceptible to becoming infested with coronabugs.
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!

1. Loony Lizzie and Loony Luke with his Covid-preventing CO2 detector. // 2 & 3. I recall the time as a second grader, circa 1970, when some older kids kicked my ass for having a Chitty-Chitty Bang Bang lunch box -- which they smashed up pretty good. (Mamma King treated me like an eternal infant because I was "the baby," so I'm thankful for the ass-kickin.') Imagine a boy bringing a CO2 detector to school in those days!  .

It gets even nuttier:

"Many of these parents have forged a community on Twitter, where they are using the hashtag #CovidCO2 to trade tips about how to smuggle the monitors into the classroom, how to interpret the data they are collecting and how to approach the school with their findings."

The sneaky parents described in this article -- in forcing their children to smuggle devices used to detect a harmless substance -- are actually abusing their children by turning them into a version of Orwell's "Junior Spies" from his dystopian novel, 1984. One of the mothers admits to having to bribe her reluctant daughter with chocolate bars. And a father quoted in the story describes how he makes his son wear baggy pants in order to better conceal the device. Such wonderful moral instruction libtards give to their children!

Of course, the ultimate irony here is that these "educated" idiots seem to have no concern at all about the excess CO2 and deficiency of oxygen inside of the stupid masks they are making their kids wear -- to say nothing of the bacteria accumulation, the psychological damage, and the shitty, sneaky, dishonorable moral lesson being taught. Theses soulless libtards are sick --- and stupid.
1. The Junior Spies from 1984 -- another Orwellian prophecy comes to pass. //  2. The Parsons children -- the odious little monsters turned their own father in for imaginary "thought crimes." // 3. Little Luke -- the Junior spy smuggles his CO2 detector into class so that his nasty libtard bitch of a single mother can stir up her "Karen" shit with the school.

We do not foresee the remnants of the mass mania over Stupid-19 surviving much longer into 2022. And, in due time (sooner rather than later, we hope) even the economic damage is repairable. The one adverse effect of the Great Scamdemic which may turn out to have the longest lasting and most irreparable consequences is the traumatic transformation of the already soft current generation of school kids into the fearful obedient drones of tomorrow. Between the going-on-two-years-now Stupid-19 and the eternal Climate Con Scare, this current crop is being groomed to grow up into an adult population that will be absolutely incapable of reclaiming its liberty, or even recognizing the concept. Fearful and free will never be!

The hand that rocks the cradle sways the future. And this cradle has been rocked into insanity.

Not recommended
What a difference 100 years makes!



Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that some parents are having their kids sneak CO2 detectors into the schools. They want to make sure that the rooms are properly ventilated to prevent Covid.

Boobus Americanus 2:  That's a good idea. Ventilation is critical in the fight against Covid.

St. Sugar: But if we allow CO2 to escape from buildings, it will seep into the atmossphere and contribute to Climate Change!
Editor: You just totally crossed the wires in Boobus's brain. 

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