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16 diciembre, 2021

COVID Jab red ALERT: Study of 4 million vaxxed people reveals a dangerous trend toward serious problems

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New data from a large Swedish study involving the different types of injection suggests exactly this.

People dying at alarming rates after their second COVID shot, according to large-scale new Swedish study

According to the recent retrospective cohort study, which drew from data of over 4 million people in Sweden, almost 4,000 Swedes (out of 4.03 million) died within two weeks of their second COVID shot.  If that death rate were extrapolated to one year, the death rate would equal an annual mortality rate of 2.5 percent (1 in 40 deaths per year) – which is about three times the overall average in Sweden (1 in 115 deaths per year).

Overall, available data suggests that people in Sweden are dying at a 20% higher rate within the first two weeks of getting their second COVID shot than what would normally be expected.

Additional data from the paper suggests that getting a COVID injection may actually increase your risk of COVID infection over time.

The paper, titled “Effectiveness of Covid-19 Vaccination Against Risk of Symptomatic Infection, Hospitalization, and Death Up to 9 Months: A Swedish Total-Population Cohort Study,” is currently available as a preprint with The Lancet.  The authors explain that COVID shot effectiveness wanes for ALL people in well under one year, and especially for men and frail older adults.  They use their data (along with the convenient scapegoat of perpetual viral variants) to justify the need for a booster dose.

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The reality, of course, is that if the first two doses of a shot don’t work well enough to protect someone against COVID-19, it’s not clear whether a booster shot would work any better … or if people will just be kicking the can down the road indefinitely and keep having to roll up their sleeves for more and more shots.

At this point, it seems almost certain that government officials and Big Pharma will push for the COVID shot to become yet another shot added to the adult vax schedule, along with the yearly flu shot.  How many avoidable deaths might this lead to?

And it’s not just death rates: Data on COVID shots during pregnancy is inconclusive – and virtually NO long-term data exists

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine earlier this summer – which, as we reported in a previous article, severely misrepresented the true rate of post-jab miscarriages – acknowledges that “more longitudinal follow-up, including follow-up of large numbers of women vaccinated earlier in pregnancy, is necessary to inform maternal, pregnancy, and infant outcomes.”

In other words, one of the most prestigious scientific journals in the world acknowledges that there’s not currently enough data to fully elucidate the true risks of COVID injections during pregnancy – and yet pregnant women are routinely advised to get the shot anyway, often while being made to feel guilty or afraid.

It should be noted that the idea that prenatal exposure to injections may correlate with adverse infant and child health outcomes is nothing new.  A 2019 study published in BMJ revealed that children born to moms who received flu shots during the 2009 influenza pandemic were more likely to be diagnosed with asthma, although statistically, this correlation was weak (the authors recommended additional research on the link between prenatal exposure to flu shots and childhood asthma).

And 2017 data published in the peer-reviewed journal Vaccine found that women who got flu shots during pregnancy during the 2010-11 and 2011-12 “flu seasons” were more likely to suffer a miscarriage, provided they also received a flu shot the previous year.  This calls into yet another unknown: how will repeat booster shots of the mRNA COVID jabs affect fertility and pregnancy outcomes?

Like virtually all medical products and procedures, these COVID shots (and indefinite boosters) will only increase the risk of harm and even kill people.  This is a statistical reality.  Given this, why is it ethical to compromise an individual’s right to choose whether they want to assume that risk for themselves or their children?

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