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11 diciembre, 2021

Draconian COVID measures DON’T work, over 400 studies suggest

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Lockdowns, mask mandates, school closures, shot mandates … these overstepping rules have been going on for months, and more and more people are getting jabbed … yet the rates of COVID-19 are reportedly increasing in many parts of the world, including the United States.  Is it fair to say that these COVID mitigation measures simply aren’t working?  And can anyone project how these measures will impact rates of mental illness?

Research ROUNDUP: Here are just a handful of the HUNDREDS of studies revealing failure of COVID mitigation policies

The Brownstone Institute recently compiled a jaw-dropping collection of data from over 400

references on the effectiveness and impact of COVID mitigation policies around the world, ranging from mask mandates to lockdowns.

Revelations include the following:

  • There has been a significant negative impact on infant and child development: one study currently available for preprint only found that “children born during the pandemic have significantly reduced verbal, motor, and overall cognitive performance” compared to children before the pandemic
  • There is NOT good evidence that lockdowns work – even the Wall Street Journal wrote that “statistical analysis shows that locking down the [American] economy didn’t contain the disease’s spread and reopening it didn’t unleash a second wave of infections”; another study concluded that the “claimed benefits of lockdown appear grossly exaggerated”
  • People from lower socioeconomic communities and minority groups continue to be disproportionately affected by lockdown policies

It’s not hard to imagine why these studies come to these conclusions.  Lockdowns have been linked to delays in medical care, increased exposure to domestic violence and abuse, social isolation, increased sedentary activity (among populations who are already largely sedentary), weight gain, impaired child development, job loss, financial ruin, business closures, and untold psychological harm.

And yet the pandemic appears to continue – with no end in sight of draconian mitigation measures and forced vax programs.

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In wake of the COVID fiasco, experts fear wave of mental health problems coming for Americans

The substance abuse and mental illness epidemic in America was already concerning before the pandemic began.  Now, experts are bracing themselves for a wave of worsening mental health crises following the tragic pandemic and even more tragic lockdowns, forced business closures, forced school closures, and more.

According to Mental Health America, over half of American adults with a mental health problem already do not receive treatment.  Additionally, suicidal ideation among adults has been increasing every year since 2012.  Even youths in America are suffering increasing rates of major depression – so just imagine how being forcibly isolated from their peers and being continually exposed to fear-mongering news (or even shamed or excluded for having parents who don’t want them to get vaxxed) will influence the minds of younger generations.

Ask yourself:

Is it fair to label someone a conspiracy theorist or someone spreading “misinformation” just because they question the utility of lockdowns?

Is it fair to label someone “anti-vax” simply because they are trying to learn more about the safety and risk of these drugs and mitigation measures in order to make informed choices for themselves?

For that matter, is it wise to take a “one-size-fits-all” approach when it comes to administering medications to an entire population, without regard for an individual’s medical history or religious and philosophical beliefs – especially when no medication will ever be 100% risk-free?

Are medical mandates and lockdowns ethical or even effective?  No doubt, these are important questions.

Sources for this article include:


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