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16 diciembre, 2021

NY Times: As U.S. Nears 800,000 Virus Deaths, 1 of Every 100 Older Americans Has Perished

DECEMBER 15, 2021

NY Times: As U.S. Nears 800,000 Virus Deaths, 1 of Every 100 Older Americans Has Perished

They are among the most vaccinated groups, but people 65 and older make up about three-quarters of the nation’s coronavirus death toll.

Though certainly not intending to do so, the "paper of record" -- in big bold headline letters as well as in the small print -- has just announced  to all of Normiedom (though to no effect) that the Stupid-19 scamdemic (including its oh-so-scary "son of" variantsequels) is a hoax of historic proportions. In case the subtle significance of the headline escaped your own notice, let's try it again and let it sink in: 1 of Every 100 Older Americans Has Perished.

Just to keep this discussion on "normal" grounds -- let us put aside, for argument's sake only -- the little known (concealed) facts that:

* No new virus has ever been purified, isolated and identified.
* There has been and continues to be a deliberate misclassification of deaths (for money).
* The PCR "test" is calibrated to yield false positives (for money).
* Hospitals and nursing homes have deliberately isolated, sedated, ventilated and mass murdered many seniors (for money).
* Hospitals in poorer areas have also deliberately isolated, sedated, ventilated and murdered some healthy younger people (for money).

Those damning little details aside, this headline still means that over the course of nearly a 2 year long period, in a country with an average life expectancy of 78.8 years, 1 out of every 100 of those "65 and older" (that includes folks in their 80s, 90s, and 100s!) has passed away.

....... Yeah ... so?

Is 1% really such a wildly disproportionate  ratio? Are humans not mortal? Furthermore, as the article itself confirms, most of the dead suffered from other serious conditions (94% according to the CDC).

You would think that the OPENLY publicized death-by-age statistics would cause Normie to scratch his head in bewildered confusion and ask: "What's the big deal?" ---- But no.

Here's another "open conspiracy" confirmation from the articles headline graphic:

"Three quarters of U.S. Covid deaths have been among people 65 and older."

So then, why the frickety-frack are we traumatizing and masking up toddlers and children for?

The astonishing takeaway from these admissions is this: Even when the "respectable" media  OPENLY serves up -- albeit unintentionally and indirectly -- enough raw data for any semi-astute reader to quickly pick up and easily debunk the "crisis" story line, the stupefied subjects of the overlapping tyrannical kingdoms of Normiedom & Libtardia still can't critically think their way out of the brown bag of dog shit which has been placed over their stone-filled heads. Providing them with a "2" and another "2" (in a frickin' headline, no less!) still isn't enough. No, only when the Judenpresse specifically announces "4" are they finally able to puzzle out such advanced algebra equations -- proudly believing they did it "on their own."


Think, Boobus.... Think!!!

The shattered mind of a normie has been gang-raped to pieces and cemented back together in such a hardened block form that it can no longer recognize blatantly contradictory double-think -- even when it's in his face. Point out the almighty CDC's own published statistics to an "educated" normie (including doctors and scientists!) and you're likely to get the type of response which so frustrated the protagonist of Orwell's "1984," Winston Smith, while he was being  schooled by O'Brien of the "Thought Police:"

"What can you do, thought Winston, against the lunatic who is more intelligent than yourself; who gives your arguments a fair hearing and simply persists in his lunacy?”

Short of whacking a normie over the head with a tire iron, what can you do to get him to see the obvious? Answer: Other than planting a seed in a dry crack of his block head and praying for rain at a future date, not much. So save your breath and move on to the next lost soul.
1. 2021 is -- literally -- as bad as "1984." // 2. O'Brien "intelligently" preaches well-worded madness to Winston. // 3. Normie blockheads may hold advanced degrees and can memorize reams of data -- yet they cannot detect the simplest clues, nor recognize patterns, nor think things through to a logical conclusion without guidance from media-anointed "experts."
Boobus Americanus 1:  I read in the New York Times today that people over 65 make up the majority of Covid deaths, even though they have the highest vaccination rates.

Boobus Americanus 2: Interesting. I wonder why that is.
St. Sugar: Because they're frickin' OLD Boobuss!!!

Editor: And, in most cases, suffer from diabetes, dementia, heart conditions, obesity, strokes, asthma etc"

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