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04 diciembre, 2021

The Omicron Variant HOAX

NOVEMBER 29, 2021

NY Times: Omicron variant upends global pandemic response.

Britain, Israel and others implemented new security measures as some health experts urged caution.

Don't throw those face-diapers away just yet, boys and girls. The Sons of Covid "variant" count has just reached the 15th letter of the 24-letter Greek alphabet. Like a script for a cheesy Hollyweird film, "Omicron"  has escaped from Africa. You see, when you're writing fictitious fecal matter, you can make Son of Covid -- and even Grandson of Covid -- appear wherever and whenever you need him to.

From the article:

"Omicron, a new variant first detected in Botswana, sent Europe into high alert on Saturday after cases were detected in the United Kingdom, Germany and Italy. Omicron cases were already detected in Belgium on Friday. The Czech Republic, Austria, Israel and the Netherlands were all investigating suspected cases of the variant."

Oooh. So scary! Of course, from a health standpoint, regular readers of The Anti-New York Times do not need to be told that there is nothing to worry about because the original Stupid-19 (itself a "variant" of a previous coronavirus) doesn't actually exist. But we're also confident in reassuring folks that even in terms of the geo-political, there is nothing to worry about either. After nearly two years, even many normies are losing their fear. The Stupid-19 / Great Reset plot is gradually turning into the Great Yawn and Great Backlash as patriots assume control.

Nonetheless, this article makes for some good comic rebuttal. Hazmat suits and hip waders on, boys and girls. Into Sulzberger's Cesspool we go for some "debunking" clean-up work.

-- "Son of Covid" --- If it feels as though you're watching a corny monster movie with an even cornier "son of" sequel -- it's because you are! 
Look out world -- here come the Omnicrons!

Slimes: There is still relatively little known about Omicron.
Rebuttal: Then why are certain government and "the paper of record" freaking out over it?

Slimes: It has mutations that scientists fear could make it more infectious and less susceptible to vaccines.
Rebuttal: Has that "fear" actually been established scientifically?

— though neither of these effects is yet to be established.
Rebuttal: (Palm to face, shaking my head, sighing) --- No comment necessary.

Slimes: Most confirmed cases of the variant are contained to southern African countries ...
Rebuttal: If there are no "confirmed cases" of the original (purified, isolated) --- then how the bloody heck were "variants" of the fake original ever "confirmed?"

Slimes: ... but there are worries the virus could have spread more widely before scientists there discovered it.
Rebuttal: There are "worries" over a non-existent "variant"  -- of which "relatively little is known" -- of a non-existent original??? Say what kind of "scientists" are these?

Slimes: “There’s been a window of probably about two weeks conservatively that this virus has been spreading,” said Andrew Pekosz ...
Rebuttal: Pekosz, eh? A "Polish" scientist. (cough cough)

Slimes: ... an epidemiologist from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Rebuttal: Johns Hopkins! Of course -- a wholly-owned whore house of NWO "sub-capos" Mike Bloomberg & Bill Gates. ---- Boom .... and boom!

Professor Pekosz (left) works for Globalist billionaires Gates & Bloomberg (both of whom have been strangely quiet and unseen lately)

Slimes: It is likely the variant is already in New York, Pekosz said. “There certainly is a chance that it has already spread globally, but we just don’t know yet,” Mr. Pekosz added.
Rebuttal: "We just don't know." ----- but be afraid anyway.

Slimes: Britain will require travelers from abroad to get a PCR test within 48 hours of their arrival and require contacts of those who test positive with a suspected case of Omicron to self-isolate for 10 days, regardless of vaccination status.
Rebuttal: The PCR "test" -- and this is according to its Nobel-prize-winning inventor, Kary Mullis -- was never intended to be a diagnostic tool. Conveniently for the Globalists, the outspoken Mullis died of "pneumonia" a few months before Stupid-19 was launched. The scamsters rely upon the deliberate misuse of his invention to yield false positives.

Slimes: Philip A. Chan, an infectious disease doctor at Brown University cautioned that without a robust global vaccination effort, “we are half-treating the pandemic” and leaving the world open to new and more transmittable variants.
Rebuttal: A "robust global vaccination effort," eh? Ah, show us the shekels, Dr. Chan. Show us the shekels.


Quite appropriately, as an astute reader just pointed out to us, OMICRON is an anagram for MORONIC. And indeed, even by the standards of many dumb-as-dirt normies, one would have to be an abject moron to keep falling for this manifest idiocy.

Keep right on pushing your endless "booster shots" Deep Staters. For with every new Greek letter "variant
", a new handful of jabbed and re-jabbed normies begin to slowly -- and I do mean "slowly" -- awaken. There can be no "storm" without the impassioned masses of Normiedom awakened, or at least neutralized --- and that takes time.

1. Kary Mullis (who died in late 2019) invented PCR as a technique for amplifying genetic material for research purposes. It is now being misused to yield false positives. // 2. Boy Chan of Brown University wants mandatory global vaccination. // Bozo Johnson of the UK (or an imposter?) is issuing new decrees to fight Omicron.
It's a medical clown show.
Boobus Americanus 1:  I read in the New York Times today that there's a new variant that's just come out of Africa --- Omicron.

Boobus Americanus 2: When will this thing ever end?
St. Sugar: Ssoon, Boobuss --- ssoon. At the end of the year, the CDC will re-calibrate its fake PCR testing procedures and ressume counting flu deathss again!

Editor: At this point, the variants are the desperate ploys of a dying Deep State. People are becoming psychologically immune to this idiocy and are starting to push back, or at least resist passively. 

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