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17 enero, 2022

How to Manufacture New "Waves" of "Covid Cases"

JANUARY 10, 2022
NY Times: Covid Updates: New York Reports 85,000 Cases, a New Daily Record


Cases -- Cases -- Cases -- They come in "waves"  -- exactly as a "prophetic" 2008 Director of National Intelligence report referencing a "potential" pre-2025 pandemic had predicted. But how exactly do we define a "case" anyway? And how do the "authorities" and their Fake News co-conspirators manage to conjure up these scary numbers and then, after they flatten out, dial up another "wave" again and again at regular intervals?

The pathetic spectacle has been re-run more times than an old episode of the "I Love Lucy" Show -- and it would even be funnier that Lucy's famous chocolates-on-the-conveyor-belt skit, were it not for the fact that the various tragic consequences of the Stupid-19 scamdemic are no laughing matter.
Let's break down the process by which the dumb-as-dirt terrorized masses of the overlapping tyrannical kingdoms of Normiedom & Libtardia have been tricked -- again and again and again -- into self-fulfilling the next predicted "wave"  or rise in "cases."
From DNI Report - 2008: "Waves of new cases would occur every few months. The absence of an effective vaccine would render populations vulnerable to infection. In this worst-case, tens to hundreds of millions of Americans would become ill and deaths would mount into the tens of millions." (here)

How to Manufacture New "Waves" of "Cases"

* Step 1

Have the CDC issue a scary press release announcing that a new "breakthrough" in "case numbers"  -- or even a scary brand new Greek-lettered "variant" -- has just arrived in New York by way of Africa or Asia.

The Bogeyman is now on his way to JFK Airport.
* Step 2

Sit back and laugh as millions of brain-dead normies -- with no flu like symptoms AT ALL -- line up, in the cold, outside of their local testing facilities.

Normies gonna norm.

* Step 3

Utilize either the flawed "antigen tests" to yield false positives or, better yet, the PCR "test" -- which was specifically designed (for research purposes), to multiply any tiny harmless remnant of this or that genetic material into a billion-copies -- an "infection." This will yield large numbers of "positives."

From NIH -- a "technique" -- not a "test"
August 2019 -- 3 months before diagnosis of first alleged "Covid" case.
1. "One of the things about PCR is that, if you do it well, you can find just about anything in anybody. I suppose you could call that a misuse of PCR." -- Kary Mullis (inventor of PCR)
2. The genius dies of "pneumonia" -- and his PCR research tool is soon hijacked for "testing." How convenient!

* Step 4

More tests = more "cases" and more "cases" = more TV hype and even more healthy normies lining up to get nose raped (often for the 2nd or 3rd time!).

The self-fulfilling prophecy is complete!

* Step 5

Don't over-do it all at once! The terror is much more effective when it comes in never-ending "waves" . So dial down the "surge" from time to time -- and then dash the hopes of the demented and demoralized normies by dialing up another "wave"  at a pre-determined time. Return to Step 1.

Good pool players know how to set up their next shot as part of their current shot.
Call it sad, call it funny --- but that's exactly how the scam of Stupid 19 "cases" has been played. As for the "death toll" -- the PCR tests (or even just "diagnosis by symptoms") occurs with captive and isolated seniors at the financially incentivized hospitals and nursing homes. Whatever the sick patient dies of, he will be tagged as "Covid." In the most egregious "cases" , the Ghouls in Gowns will straight-up MURDER granny (and sometimes younger people as well) with drugs and ventilators.

Oh if the normies only knew!

Boobus Americanus 1: I read an article in today's New York Times New York just reported a record number of new cases.

Boobus Americanus 2: When will these waves of cases ever end?
St. Sugar: It will end when you turn off the frickin' tellie and sstart thinking for yoursself --- you cretinouss clod!
Editor: Even by normie standards, I must say that I am surprised that so many of them are STILL buying this bullshit after two years now.

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