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06 marzo, 2022

Lynsey Addario: Fake Photo-Journalist for The NY Times Does Ukraine


 Lynsey Addario: Fake Photo-Journalist for The NY Times Does Ukraine

FEBRUARY 28, 2022


It's often said -- and it's very true -- that a picture is worth a thousand words. That being said, a FAKE (staged) picture is therefore every bit as damaging to the public mind as the weasel words and deliberate omissions of a fake journalist. For that reason, Slimes "photojournalist" Lynsey Addario was awarded a Pulitzer Prize in 2009. In 2015, American Photo Magazine named Addario one of the most influential photographers of the past 25 years, writing that "Addario changed the way we saw the world's conflicts."

Exactly what makes Addario's "human rights" and war photos so special? I mean, pretty much anyone with basic camera skills can fly around the world and snap images of this or that "event," right? Answer: The value of Addario and other "photojournalists" like her is that they are unscrupulous Deep State operatives willing to stage photos and misrepresent situations in order to deceive a mass audience in ways that a mere writer could never do. You see, not only are images more emotionally powerful than words; but they reach the eyes of many more viewers as well. Not everyone reads complete articles, but one can't help but look at and be moved by "iconic" ™ images.

Before we get to Ukraine, let's have a look at some of the staged past fakery of this self-promoting "fearless" Deep State she-devil with a camera.

Weekly Standard


I News (UK)

After having allegedly been kidnapped twice by "the bad guys" (once in Iraq, once in Libya) -- and allegedly attacked in Pakistan (by Taliban) the "fearless," ever-death-defying and ever-self-promoting Addario nabbed a Pulitzer and a best-seller. Ah, show us the shekels, Lynsey. Show us the shekels.

Addario's Dramatic Illusions

1. Iraq, 2003: Drama photo of bodies dug up from a mass grave as a distraught man grieves against the wall. If the bodies were exhumed, then why are the white sheets not dirty? Why would bodies be dug up and then brought indoors, when they have to go out again for reburial? What about the stench? // 2. Afghanistan --- can't quite put my finger on it. But it just instinctively reeks of drama-fakery. Is that "child" a plastic dummy? And would a simple Afghan woman with a burka be wearing a plunging neckline and a pearl necklace? // 3. Libya: Classic dry-eyed crying crisis actor fakery.

The Judenpresse is really laying it on thick with this imaginary "war" between Russia and Ukraine. By the way, when we say "imaginary," we aren't denying that, as Russia has said, certain precision strikes have been made. The Fake News is the part about "invasions" and "street battles" and "casualties." One can sense the same 24/7 "flood-the-zone" mass marketing tactics which hyped up the Black Lives Matter protests in 2019; and then the Stupid-19 Scamdemic in 2020. Here too, the mass mania and the "We are all Ukrainians today" bullshit will die out soon and Normiedom will forget all about this "war" as well.

Before we get to Addario's most recent Ukraine photos, let's have a look at the similarities of the mass-formation "flood-the-zone" psychoses of the past several years -- in pictures.

The deluded and deranged denizens of the overlapping tyrannical kingdoms of Libtardia and Normiedom just get bounced around from one virtue-signalling cause and crisis to another to another.

Following are some of Addario's fake drama shots from Ukraine which the "Typhoid Mary" Slimes has prominently plastered for its credulous readership and for countless other news sources to pick up on and spread throughout the world.

Enjoy the laughs.

1. "Waaaah! Waaaah!" Julia, a teacher and Ukrainian volunteer fighter, dry-eye weeps for her country, and for Addario's camera. // 2. A burnt-out vehicle in Kiev. Where is the film of these street battles, Lynsey? And why is there rust on this truck? // 3. "Waaaah! Waaaah!" Fake "refugees" lay it on thick for Addario.

1. The Russians are absolutely NOT firing missiles into civilian apartment buildings! // 2. Poor old lady refugee poses for Addario as she "hides" in a parking garage. // 3. Angry woman in Russia protests what "her country" is doing --- as the globe-trotting Addario just "happens to be there" at the right moment to take pictures.

"Waaaah! Waaaah!"

"The children!"

The two photos above aren't Addario's -- but they're really comical doozies just out of Ukraine.

Boobus Americanus 1: The New York Times published some harrowing images from the war in Ukraine.

Boobus Americanus 2: We are all Ukrainians today.

St. Sugar: Fifteen dayss to slsow the sspread ... Black livess matter... Putin bad.... baaahhh baaahhh

Editor: Normies are as predictable as they are programmable. So sad.


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