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13 marzo, 2022

The WHO's New Pandemic Treaty: A “New Global Public Health World Order” Power Grab?


Posted on: 

Tuesday, March 8th 2022 at 3:15 pm

Written By: 
Sayer Ji, Founder

The World Health Organization (WHO) is moving to create an international Pandemic Treaty which could impose more restrictive and legally binding pandemic policies among its 194 member nations, essentially given the WHO the power to preempt the national sovereignty of member States, and by implication, the civil liberties and health rights of the world’s citizens. 

Back in December 2021, the World Health Assembly – the WHO’s 194 member health policy forum – agreed to initiate a global process of drafting a new “pandemic treaty,” building off of the already existing international legal instrument regulating the global spread of disease known as The International Health Regulations (2005) (the “IHR”)

The IHR already acts as a legally binding instrument among all member States with the purpose to: 

“[P]revent, protect against, control and provide a public health response to the international spread of disease in ways that are commensurate with and restricted to public health risks, and which avoid unnecessary interference with international traffic and trade.”

Indeed, it was in January 2020, that pursuant to article 12 of the IHR that  the WHO Director-General (the “Director-General”) declared that the COVID-19 was a “public health emergency of international concern” (a “PHEIC”), setting off a worldwide tidal wave of highly restrictive government health policies resulting in lockdowns, mandatory masking, social isolation, school and business closings, and eventually culminating in compulsory vaccination, contact tracing and testing, in some populations. This was all the more egregious as pertains the widespread push for mandatory vaccination given that the mRNA technology used in the COVID jabs are highly experimental, having never before been tested in human clinical trials for safety or effectiveness. Their coerced or mandated use therefore violate informed consent given that evidence-based risk/benefit information based on long-term safety trails are not yet available.

The World Health Assembly’s decision late last year was adopted and titled “The World Together,” and is intended to be implemented under Article 19 of the WHO Constitution sometime in 2024. 

Article 19 of the WHO Constitution states:

“The Health Assembly shall have authority to adopt conventions or agreements with respect to any matter within the competence of the Organization. A two-thirds vote of the Health Assembly shall be required for the adoption of such conventions or agreements, which shall come into force for each Member when accepted by it in accordance with its constitutional processes.”

Despite the fact that the World Health Assembly’s December special session was only the second held since being founded in 1948, there has been very little reporting and next to no discussion around what could be the most significant centralization of global power within a single international organization for over half a century. The conspicuous absence of thorough coverage in the world media could be strategic, especially given the deep collusion we have witnessed between the media, governments, and corporations, when it comes to the uniteral COVID narrative that has been maintained without exception since the pandemic was declared. While the public's attention is now fixated on war, inflation, and other impending real, imagined or manufactured "catastrophes," the WHO's attempt to further consolidate and extend its power is going mainly under the radar. 

WHO Pushes Forward with “New Global Public Health World Order” 

On March 3rd, the WHO’s World Health Assembly announced they gave a green light to start negotiations on the international pandemic treaty which will cover the entire spectrum of concerns, including disease detection, alarm and response. Below is an infographic summary of the process sourced from the European Council's website

According to the WHO, their next steps are:  

  1. Hold its second meeting by August 2022 to discuss progress on a working draft. 

  2. Hold public hearings to inform its deliberations (Date to be determined)

  3. Deliver a progress report to the 76th World Health Assembly in 2023

  4. Submit its outcome for consideration by the 77th World Health Assembly in 2024. 

Not mentioned above, is a public forum for discussion about the WHO's intentions which would not only be appropriate, but which may be required before they can adopt the new treaty. This is where the public must step up and let their voices be heard to make sure the proper process is followed. 

Topics that should be publicly discussed include those brought up in a 2020 paper published in the BMC journal Globalization and Health titled, “The International Health Regulations (2005), the threat of populism and the COVID-19 pandemic,” which discusses how it is widely perceived that the WHO’s power granted through international health regulations enacted in 2005 is not yet sufficient and may need to be extended, and which would bring in a “new global public health world order.” The paper argues that popularist sentiment against the WHO’s approach to addressing the COVID-19 pandemic revealed weaknesses that require firming up the WHO’s power, despite major concerns that this would violate the national sovereignty of the world’s nations. 

What would this "new global public health world order" look like? Would the WHO have the sole right to both declare a global pandemic, and thereafter impose restrictions upon trade and travel between nations? How about lockdowns, medical surveillance, testing and mandatory vaccinations? Would censorship and cancel culture increase after such an intergovernmental agreement is struck? What of growing concerns that such a treaty would inject a new supra-national global governance structure in the world, rendering the former sovereignty of nation states and their constituent laws and citizen's protections, and in the case of the United States the US Constitution and Bill of Rights itself, void in times of what we are being told is an inevitable, future pandemic or declared global health emergency?

These are questions that should be considered deeply, especially considering that the  WHO has many stakeholders, including private donors and corporations. Indeed, one can easily follow the money to see that the WHO’s funding is not strictly governmental, as widely believed. In fact, the Gates Foundation is the second-largest contributor to the WHO, donating $780 million by September 2021, alone; second only to Germany, who donated 1.2 billion in the same time frame. The WHO also created the WHO Foundation, a fundraising arm of the WHO, designed so that wealthy individuals, NGOs, and corporations can make massive capital contributions to the WHO, essentially enabling them to leverage their shadowy power and wealth to influence the decisions of this global organization. The conflicts of interests here are simply massive, and reflect hidden agendas that may have profound implications for limiting the medical freedom of member States and their citizens in the future. 

Take a Stand Against the "New Global Public Health World Order" and for National Sovereignty

Thankfully, the non-profit [501c4] organization Stand for Health Freedom has put together a campaign to raise awareness on the key problems associated with the WHO's so-called Pandemic Treaty, so that your voice can be heard loud and clear. Here is the Stand for Health Freedom "Our Stand: At-A-Glance":

  • The WHO is creating the public health equivalent of a “one world government” yet they don’t have the authority to override the Constitution of the United States, nor its national sovereignty. For more details see below.

  • A Pandemic Treaty could pave the way for an initiative like the Good Health Pass, described by Tony Blair as an “internationally-recognized system of health passes” for world travelers.

  • If you believe in bodily sovereignty, parental rights, and informed consent, you must stand up now and let your voice be heard.

  • Our membership in the WHO doesn’t give this globalist organization the right to violate our civil liberties, human rights, and medical freedom.

If you are concerned about what you have read here, please act now by clicking this link to sign our petition opposing a Pandemic Treaty. Once we reach 100,000 signatures, the petition will be sent to lawmakers and the President of the United States.

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