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24 abril, 2022

#Fake #TrainStation #Massacre #Ukraine

"At least 50 killed"

APRIL 10, 2022

The Deep State's "wag-the-dog" script writers on the ground in the Ukraine -- supremely confident in the rock-like stupidity of the bewildered subjects of western Normiedom -- aren't even trying to mimic reality anymore. Seriously now; if Hollyweird were to produce "massacre" images as amateurish as this, film critics would pan the film for its lousy low budget effects. The fictional story-line is just as implausible as the visual effects because the very idea of the Russian military firing a missile into a crowded train station packed with thousands of RUSSIANS (Donetsk Republic) makes no sense, at all! Only in the buried fine print of the article -- contrasted to the top-of-page shock headline -- do we discover that Russia is denying such a deed and calling it a Ukrainian "provocation" (false flag).

More than just a false flag -- it's a hoax false flag -- for if the strike which killed 50+ was real, the "officials" of the Ukraine wouldn't need to show us crisis actors and / or plastic dummies in body bags. We would surely see actual realistic-looking destruction, body parts, rivers of blood and mutilated bodies. And given that I-phones and 24/7 surveillance cameras are ubiquitous these days (especially at places like train stations) -- why aren't we seeing the harrowing video images of the explosion and
bloody chaotic immediate aftermath? Hmmm?

Enjoy the made-for-TV shit-show.

What the heck is this???

Fake blood on the pavement, but no crater and luggage remains standing.

The oddly intact section of the "Russian missile" has the words "for the children" written on it.

Crisis actors, or plastic dummies. That's the only question.

Plenty of "dead bodies" -- but why no images of wounded and bleeding people? (Just like Sandy Hook School, 2012)

Plastic bloodless dummy twisted up on a train station bench. Ya think the cameraman could help the poor bloke, no?

Of course, no staged atrocity propaganda is complete without the standard children's toy. (sniffle sniffle)

Both subconsciously and deliberately, evil sociopaths always "project" their foul wishes and deeds upon their innocent targets. The scriptwriters' use of the term "for the children" on the "Russian missile" represents not merely the type of murderous mockery which (((they))) would do -- but have actually done!

Prior to a 2006 Israeli attack on Lebanon, Jewish children were invited to sign heavy artillery shells directed at Lebanon, writing taunting messages like "from Israel with love." This drew a scathing commentary from a Jewish columnist named Robert C. Koehler of Tribune Media Services:

"Maybe the bombs that destroyed the home of the 8-year-old girl in the southern Lebanon village of Ayta Chaeb were autographed by little Israeli girls. Maybe they were decorated with hearts and Stars of David. Maybe they said 'from Israel with love.

The corruption and militarization of the young .... This is the collective obscenity of militarized hatred. It's not just a game that adults play. We pull the children into it.

Welcome to the gates of hell and madness. We can no longer afford to militarize our irrational streak."

Yep. Whether it's a real shell as it was in Israel, or a fake missile as it was in the Ukraine -- only the "usual suspects" would think of writing love notes on a bomb.

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