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24 abril, 2022

#FakeNews Forced to Admit #Russia is Winning

APRIL 19, 2022


What's this about "Ukraine's last stand?" How can that be? For weeks, Fake News had been trumpeting Russia's disastrous campaign against the plucky Ukrainians --- even calling it "Putin's Vietnam." Now, this sudden turn of events from Sulzberger's Slimes:

"After weeks of shelling and bombings, the Russian siege of the critical Ukrainian port city of Mariupol has culminated in a last stand by a few thousand Ukrainian troops, holed up in a sprawling, smoldering steel plant that backs up to the sea. Russia had given the Ukrainian fighters in Mariupol until Sunday morning to lay down their weapons or be “eliminated.” ...... Capturing Mariupol would be a major victory for Russia that could strengthen its push to command Ukraine’s east. (emphasis added)

Evidently, the "disinformation" put out by the Russian media these past 7 weeks was true after all. The big bad Rooskies have indeed been "kicking ass and taking names" all along -- so much so, in fact, that even "the paper of record" is now compelled to acknowledge the reality. "Putin's Vietnam" my ass!

The Hill


Global Geneva

Sky News (Australia)

While researching old archived issues of the New York Slimes from the World War II years, your original source historian here always noticed a similar pattern of spinning crushing defeat into stalemate or even victory for the ALL LIES-- until circumstances rendered the lie no longer tenable. Always in justifiable preemptive self-defense, the Germans would easily roll through country after country after country. And always, the Slimes would hype up the heroic effectiveness of the Polish, or Norwegian, or Dutch, or Greek etc. "resistance," and the UK-France "counterattacks." Days later, when the Germans would occupy the Capital city, the truth of the rout would finally be reported.

It's not clear what the motives for initially portraying a rout as a defeat are. Wishful thinking in the form of reporting? A bias toward believing the propaganda of the favored nation? A desire to prop up the illusion of a close match so that the western nations will be more apt to help the underdog? An attempt to penetrate the population of the enemy state with demoralizing news? A combination of all these factors?

Though we can't define the motives with 100% certainty; the historical pattern of depicting the defeat of the preferred state as a close match or even victory is well established, as the rebutted Slimes' WW 2 headlines below indicate:

Sept 5, 1939: "Attack on wide fronts" -- Fact Check: In the early days of the war, the British & French did virtually nothing to help the Poles. The French took the tiny Saarland unopposed -- and that was the extent of the "wide front," until the Germans moved westward eight months later.

Sept 12, 1939: "Poles halt enemy" -- Fact Check: The Poles would actually surrender just 2 weeks after this headline -- "French continue to gain" -- Fact Check: The French (to the dismay of the abandoned Poles) actually made no other advances during this time.

May 17, 1940: "German drive is slowed" -- Fact Check: The very next day, the German take the Belgian capital, Brussels --- and the day after that, Antwerp.

May 27, 1940: "Allies Repulse" -- "Lines hold" -- Fact Check: Just 3 days later, the British begin evacuating the continent from Dunkirk!

June 8, 1940: 'Main Battle Line Holds" -- "Savage fighting" --- Fact Check: Just 6 days later, the Germans take Paris with ease!

April 16, 1941: "Allies hold on Greek line" & Yugoslavs recapturing towns" Holds" --- Fact Check: Within 3 days, the Yugoslavian army capitulates; and within 10 days, the Germans enter Athens.

The day-to-day reporting throughout all of World War followed that same pattern of optimistic deception -- until, of course, the tide truly started to turn against Germany in 1943. When (not "if") Mariupol is completely liberated, the end of Putin's targeted military operation (we hesitate to call it a "war") will be near. Then all of the idiot libtards can pull their stupid yellow & blue flags down (there are 5 such homes along the route that I often drive to get to the local stores) and maybe put those "Thank You Healthcare Heroes" signs back up in honor of the BA.2 "variant" currently making its way through the malleable minds of the overlapping kingdoms of Normiedom & Libtardia.

The string of "causes" never ends for these juvenile junkies.

Anytown USA

Kentucky Restaurant

UK Libtards

The same libtards who would never think of flying a US flag on the 4th of July will proudly and obediently show off the colors of crooked Ukraine.


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Boobus Americanus 1: I read in today's New York Times the Ukrainians are making a last stand in the east at a steel factory.

Boobus Americanus 2: But ... but ... I thought Ukraine was winning?
St. Sugar: You never "thought" anything, Boobuss. You jusst repeated whatever frickin' propaganda the Sslimes feedss you!

Editor: Putin's "Vietnam" marks the death of NATO.

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