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07 abril, 2022

The Inside Bombers of 9/11 Mocked Their Victims In Advance

By Mike King


Two of the "artist" fronts -- which served as Trojan Horses for the Zionist blasting operatives -- were given unfettered, off hours access to the the 90s floors of the North Tower. The groups (among others still unknown to us) went by the name Gelatin (from Austria) and E-Team (Three Jews from New York). Both groups were chosen to be part of the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council World Views projects which enabled them to actually live in the towers during the months leading up to 9/11. We kid you not!

From terrorism to child sex trafficking to money laundering, the arch-villains of the CIA-Mossad Deep State often use "art" or "artists" as a front. And so it was regarding the 9/11 false flag.


The Gelatin project produced a book called "The B Thing." Just 3 weeks before the fateful day, a New York Times story about the project reported:

"Called ''The B-Thing'' and produced by four Vienna-based artists known collectively as Gelatin, the book is demure to the point of being oblique. What little explanation it contains appears to have been scribbled in ballpoint. Among the photos and schematic drawings, there are doodles of tarantulas with human heads.

In short, the book belies the extravagance of the feat it seems to document: the covert installation, and brief use, of a balcony on the 91st floor of the World Trade Center, 1,100 feet above the earth." (emphasis added)

The photos, drawings and notes which Gelatin published in B-Thing -- a book which now only sells used at Amazon for $2900 -- would have been deemed weird by anyone seeing the book when it first came out in January of 2001. But for anyone --- even a normie --- seeing the contents after 9/11; it is a real shocker, or at least a curiosity simulator for a normie.

We'll let some of the images from B Thing posted below do most of the talking. But first, an observation about the group's name, "Gelatin." Gelignite is an enormously powerful blasting material, invented by Alfred Nobel -- who also invented dynamite. The explosive is also commonly referred to as gelatin. And the B-Thing? ---- Bomb Thing!

The pre-9/11 NY Times full page article on Gelatin and their B-Thing project (which included the removal of a window, the construction of a balcony, and grappling equipment) included a photo of one of the "artists" working in front of a box labelled BB 18 -- the model number for FUSES manufactured by a company called Littelefuse Inc.

1. The book cover of B-Thing // 2. Members of the "art group" named after a blasting compound, Gelatin // 3. Images from B Thing show a room packed with boxes labeled BB 18. Who was protecting these shady characters?

From B-Thing --- etchings with creepy notes, such as: "Amazing outside depressing inside" -- "Depression inside (image of tiny people jumping) amazement outside" -- "Fill with wonder, astound" -- "Last chance for a parachute" -- "Chambers for S.M. (Sado Masochism) Lust" --"Airplane food" -- "Hole to Escape Shame" --"Satellite phone talk with mama" -- "suicide height"

Other Gelatin projects (featured in the New York Slimes) include excrement sculptures and a giant pink rabbit (pedo symbolism) placed on a mountain in Italy.


Another cast of shady characters fronting as "artists" working inside the Towers was a Jewish New York trio Eteam: consisting of members Ranziska Lamprecht, Hajoe Moderegger, and Daniel Seiple. E-Team = Explosives team? Yeah --- I think so.

Not as much is known about E-team as we now know about the Gelatin crew. But we do know that they were also active in the 90s floors of the North Tower (the exact spot which exploded first on 9/11).

What's notable about E-team is an outrageous in-your-face mockery stunt essentially telling New York that they were going to blow up the towers, and the precise location of the original great fireball. The following write up and images are straight from E-team member Daniel Sieple (here):

127 Illuminated Windows
E-Team (Franziska Lamprecht, Hajoe Moderegger, Daniel Seiple)
Light sculpture
LMCC World Views Short Term Project, North Face of 1 World Trade (Floors 89-95)
March 29, 2001

The name of our collaboration, E-TEAM, is generic. To illuminate it on the North face of Tower 1, World Trade Center, we would use the windows between the 89th and 95th floors like elements in an LCD. It would require 279 darkened and 127 lit windows, and the help of those respective offices. We contacted 14 businesses and provided them with floor plans detailing which blinds to open and close. The support we received from the offices and their employees was integral to illuminating our name. (emphasis added)

It wasn't enough to kill thousands of people for the overlapping causes of Globalism and Zionism. No. They had to revel in perverse mockery over the grand event, both before and after it happened. Bastards!

1. Seiple charms the businesses into letting the E-Team set up their lighted windows mockery stunt. // 2. Closing and opening blinds on the evening of illumination -- 6 months before 9/11. // 3. Perfect placement, and Satanic mockery.

1. World Trade Center lease owner Larry Silverstein could be found eating breakfast at Windows on the World restaurant on the top floor of the North Tower which got "E-Teamed" on 9/11. But on that fateful day, he just happened to have a "doctor's appointment" and both of his children (who also worked in the WTC) were late for work. // 2. Israeli children dressed up as burning Twin Towers for biblical murder festival known as "Purim." // 3. CD cover from "Coup" came out BEFORE 9/11 and was pulled after the event. The placing of the blast was perfect.

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