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07 abril, 2022

#Ukraine IS a Region

APRIL 07, 2022

NY Times: Exodus from East as Russians Shift Focus of Attack.

The ignorance of the self-styled "sophisticated" readership of the "paper of record" is really appalling. The fact that they fancy themselves "informed" would make the farce comical, were it not for its deadly implications. If these bewildered boobs merely understood that the Donbas region of eastern "Ukraine" is totally Russian-speaking, pro-Putin and anti-Kiev, the Slimes could never get away with printing an opening absurdity like the following (the relevant words in bold red):

"Spurred by reports of Russian atrocities outside Ukraine’s capital and alarmed at signs that Russia’s invasion force is about to escalate assaults in eastern Ukraine, many civilians in that region are fleeing while they can, officials said Wednesday." (emphasis added)

This leaves the reader with the intentionally misleading impression that Donbas civilians are "fleeing" (assuming they really are as the "officials" claim) from the murderous Russian atrocity-makers. That doesn't make any sense! For even if one were to swallow -- hook, line & sinker -- every last morsel of the Manhattan Mendacity Machine's atrocity propaganda, a puzzling question would remain: Why would Russian troops carry out "atrocities" against Russian people in the Donbas region (the east)? One can understand Russian civilians wanting to flee the fighting (and the real atrocities of the Kiev's mercenary monster) but why would they flee from Russian "atrocities" when they see the Russians as their liberators?

MARCH 1, 2014

TIME went off script in 2014 and let the truth slip out. The people of eastern "Ukraine" hate the gangster regime in Kiev and want Russia to liberate them.

Did "youse guys" catch how we referred to that concocted Globalist state as "Ukraine" -- in quotes. That's because the so-called "nation" of "Ukraine" -- known for the longest time simply as "The Ukraine" --- and the very idea of "Ukrainian Nationalism" are actually artificial created concepts cooked up and incited by western intelligence agencies for the purpose of slitting up the Soviet Union / Russia. THE Ukraine is a REGION --- like say, THE Ohio Valley, or THE Caucasus, THE Florida Everglades, or THE French Riviera, or THE Donbas etc. The "nationalist" script writers dropped the grammatical article "the" so as to transform this 1200-year-old REGION (The Ukraine) of Russia into a proper, though fake, nation (Ukraine).

The massive federation of 800s Kievan Rus is the historical, ethnic, linguistic Viking ancestor entity of Belarus, Russia, and "Ukraine." The Mongols took control in the 1200s, and when their grip was finally broken some 200 years later, the center of power and influence emerged in Moscow, though Kiev always remained an important part of the Russian Empire. Thus, from the early days of Kievan Rus, down through the centuries of the Tsars, and for most of the 20th Century as part of the Soviet Union, the Ukraine was nothing more than a region -- with its westernmost inhabitants speaking a bastardized dialect of Russian.

Ukraine's western distance from the Russian center and its slight cultural differences gave the "usual suspects" an opening to use "nationalism" to play their usual divide and conquer scheme -- very similar to the fake-ass "Bavarian Nationalism" movement which (((they))) juiced up in an effort to further splinter Germany after World War I.

Henceforth -- and with all due respect to the mentally and physically captive folks of the Orwellian asylum that is today's "Ukraine" -- the Anti-NY Times will be "cancelling" this fake state entity known as "Ukraine" by using quotes, or simply reverting back to the age old Russian regional name: The Ukraine.

1 & 2. The Ukraine was Russian / Rus since the day when the Vikings arrived and merged with the Slavics, who had invited them to rule over them. // 3. Modern day "Ukrainians" now take offense at the descriptive "the" for their region. A large number of people in the west have been slowly poisoned with artificial "nationalism" created in and injected by MI6, CIA and Mossad laboratories.

Decades of well-funded, slick, pseudo-nationalist Deep State propaganda dating back 100 years (but really kicking into high gear after WW II) has brainwashed the Rus of The Ukraine region into hating their Rus brothers and sisters in the east of The Ukraine region and Mother Russia. Newsflash people! Stalin (a Georgian), Kaganovich (a Jew) and Dzerzhinsky (a Jew) et al killed plenty of people in Russia proper as well!

The Atlantic


Below, the playing board for RISK -- the popular game of world conquest invented in 1957. "Ukraine" is the massive blue territory in the center (the largest on the map!) As an inquisitive child who loved geography and enjoyed playing RISK, I always wondered why "Ukraine" was so darn large; why it wasn't referred to as "The Ukraine," and why there was no territory at all named Russia! Now it all makes sense.

*Editor's Note: (((They))) want an expanded Ukraine to be the new Khazaria -- where the Ashkenazi Jews originated.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in today's New York Times that the poor Ukrainians in the east are fleeing their homes in fear of Russian atrocities.

Boobus Americanus 2: My thoughts and prayers go out to Ukraine.

St. Sugar: It'ss not "Ukraine," Boobuss!!! It's The Fukraine!

Editor: Sugar, please. You're over the rainbow bridge now and this is a family friendly channel.

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