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06 mayo, 2022

Countering “The Great Reset”. “Exit Globalization”, Refuse “Digital Tyranny” and “Global Governance” Derailing the Endgame

 By Peter Koenig

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“Capital can no longer maintain its profitability by exploiting labor alone. This much has been clear for some time. There is only so much surplus value to be extracted before the surplus is insufficient.

The great reset is really about capitalism’s end-game. Those promoting it realize the economic and social system must undergo a reset to a ‘new normal’, something that might no longer resemble ‘capitalism’.” – Colin Todhunter


The Great Reset is a multi-faceted Global and Globalist approach to controlling, manipulating, enslaving, starving and eventually digitizing humans into transhumans under a Great Tyranny.

We have to exit Globalization.

We have to resist any Globalist attempt to take our submission to this global fraud a step further – towards a Great Reset – which they might as well call a Global Reset.

Because that’s what it is letter by letter, when reading and analyzing Klaus Schwab’s book, “Covid-19 – The Great Reset”. 

In the video below, Klaus Schwab discusses the transition from humans to transhumans with Google Co-founder Sergey  Brin: 

“Can you imagine that in 10 years, when we are sitting here, we have an implant in our brains, and I can immediately feel [what you are feeling] because you all will have implants. I can remeasure your brainwaves, and I can immediately tell you how some people react [emotionally] to your answers. Is it imaginable?”


It is of utmost importance that We, the People, realize that the Reset bells are tolling since quite a while.

An effective option of countering the Great Reset is people worldwide collectively exiting Globalisation, the Global Concept of a Global Government and a Global, centrally directed economy and society.

Adopting the concept of:

Local production for local consumption with local money and local public banking via a sovereign local central bank – and trading with think-alike nations, bilaterally and multilaterally, according to comparative advantages, to reach to the extent possible “win-win” outcomes” – may be a solution.


Famine – the Hunger Game, is the name of the game which the elite-cabal is rolling out at warp speed.

Humanity, we the people, must pay special attention to this strategy of submission and fear.

We must depend as little as possible on international food trade.

Independence from international supply chains of food, fertilizers and other agricultural inputs, is crucial.

Produce locally, is a principal question of survival

As long as we do not understand, that our western so-called intellectuals do not grasp that writing letters to compromised, not to say “bought” western politicians, for example, to German Chancellor Scholz, not to deliver German weaponry to Ukraine to fight against Russia – we have not understood who is commanding the chessboard.

As long as newspaper articles accuse the black-green Austrian Government of not doing anything against rampant inflation, we have not understood that a (western) worldwide double-digit inflation is part of the Great Reset’s plan, and that the western coerced and corrupted Governments – like Austria, a symbol for the rest of the corrupted European Union — go along with it.

As long as we do not understand that everything is planned, has been planned by a long but utterly determined hand – and that all what seems coincidence is not coincidence, but is connected, because it is planned, has been planned for decades, probably for a century or more, we have not understood anything.

And we are not only sold to and dominated by the most powerful and financial elite, the monster money corporations, like BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street and Fidelity, but we are totally enslaved by and to them.

Our UN system, our central banks, our western monetary system work for them.

They want digitized money to even better control and mandate us, our lives and they will get it, if we let them.

Because our politicians, the so-called democratically elected “leaders” (sic), who are paid by our taxes and who run the theatre in our (western) world, are either voluntarily or in one way or another coerced to follow their imposed script.

The World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders”

We have to understand that these puppets that have been put at the helm of our western governments, the likes of Emmanuel Macron (France), Olaf Scholz, successor to Angela Merkel (Germany), Karl Nehammer (Austria), Mark Rutte (Netherlands), Magdalena Andersson (Sweden), Mette Frederiksen (Denmark), Mario Draghi (Italy), Pedro Sanchez (Spain), Scott Morrison (Australia), Jacinda Ardern (New Zealand), Justin Trudeau (Canada), Alberto Fernandez (Argentina); Gabriel Boric (Chile); Shinzo Abe (Japan) – and many more – were not democratically elected by the people, as you are made to believe.

They are all students or “scholars” of Klaus Schwab’s “Young Global Leaders” academy. They are groomed politicians appointed by powerful financial interests.

As such they were all preselected by Klaus Schwab, acting on behalf of powerful financial interests and put into their positions under the guise of elections.

Today’s computerized election fraud is so sophisticated and perfect, that the commons – us – are unable to understand it, let alone successfully fight it. Not even a former US President. Example Donald Trump.


The Globalist Agenda and Its Institutions: IMF, WTO, World Bank WHO 

Back to the Globalists. Finally, the heads of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Kristalina Georgieva; of the World Bank, David Malpass; the World Trade Center (WTO), Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, and, finally, of WHO (World Health Organization), Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, they are all compromised to the Globalist Agenda, to UN Agenda 2030.

Dr. Tedros, former Head of GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, headquartered just next door to WHO, in Geneva, was appointed by Bill Gates, who also created GAVI. In preparation for things to come, Dr. Tedros, was eventually approved by WHO’s General Assembly in 2017.

For those who do not know, the WHO was created in 1948 by Rockefeller and subsequently integrated into the UN system. The WHO is also unique among the so-called UN agencies, in as much as the organization receives the bulk (between about two thirds and three quarters) of its budget from “private” contributions, i.e., a majority from pharma-trustfunds.

In 1948, at WHO’s inception, the organization’s future role of becoming the world’s health dictator, through a so-called “Pandemic Treaty” that may eventually overrule all 194 WHO-member nations’ Constitutions, was already planned.

The Pandemic Treaty would disempower countries’ health sovereignty, leading to a global health tyranny. We are not there yet, but preparatory discussions and negotiations are ongoing by member countries’ representatives and health ministers to force this treaty through World Health Assembly approval by 2023, so as to make it effective by 2024.

This Pandemic Treaty must be resisted by Us, The People, if we want to have a chance to gain back power over our lives and our destiny. We must organize in spirits, minds and on the ground.

Make no mistake, the Pandemic Treaty is intimately connected to the Hunger Game being played out on us, Humanity. Always remember, every act of oppression and misery descending upon us, is connected. If you don’t see it immediately – look for it. Look for it, not in the lie-prone mainstream, but in alternative media. It may mean more work, than the comfort of watching the evening news. But remember, freedom doesn’t come for free.

All the above heads of states, and many more, as well as the leaders of prominent UN agencies were put into their position by the WEF (World Economic Forum), and the financial elite behind the WEF. Most, if not all of them, have gone through Klaus Schwab’s (WEF’s CEO forever) “academy” for Young Global Leaders.

PM Justin Trudeau receives the AstraZeneca vaccine - YouTube

What do they get in return for obeying? Maybe a placebo instead of a potentially deadly vaxx – if they get a jab at all? But most importantly, they get protection from the most powerful on this earth. They may be guaranteed a safe-haven in Paradise, in case the cabal’s dream collapses.

At Klaus Schwab’s School for Young Global Leaders, they have learned dictatorship and tyranny. They now freely execute it, despite massive peoples’ opposition and protests. They know, they have the backing of enormous powers, of the world’s (financial) super powers, those that control the UN and all its specialized agencies, as well as all the UN member states.

For example, as the Ukraine war is devastatingly distracting people’s attention from what is going on behind the scenes in preparation of total tyranny, Canada’s Justin Trudeau, Klaus Schwab’s Wunderkind, is allegedly quietly working towards implementing: (i) a system of digital IDs; (ii) a Universal Basic Income (UBI); (iii) a Federal Vaxx Mandate; (iv) an Asset Seizure Law; (v) a Social Credit System; (vi) a Biometric Access System (collecting and recording biological data from humans, for example through QR [Quick Response]-coding); and of course, (vii) Extreme Censorship.

We have to wake up from our slumber of Cognitive Dissonance.

We have to break out of Globalization

We have to find alternatives to our wasteful lives of the past, and to the terror-life planned by the elite-cabal, the Deep State, the world’s largest financial carnivores.

On 1 May 2022, the NY Times reports that

Dozens of countries have thrown up trade barriers in the past two months to protect scarce supplies of food and commodities, but experts say the policies will only exacerbate a global food crisis.” – Of course, such propaganda exacerbates the drive for food hoarding, thus, leading to food shortages.

An effective alternative to Globalization – which is propagated from all angles of our globe – is the simple axiom, mentioned above, and, due to its importance, repeated here:

“Local Production for Local Consumption, with Local (CASH) Money, through a Public Banking System and Local Sovereign Central Banking – and Cross-Border Trading with Thinkalikes, based on Comparative Advantages.”

The focus must be on self-sufficiency and on food production to avoid massive famine and starvation – which is part of the plan. Always be aware, there are no coincidences. Famine – obedience – submissiveness – fear – and population Reduction. They are all connected.

Local Production for Local Consumption

As to food shortages, in the west, especially Europe and the US, at least a third, in some countries more, of all food is being shamefully wasted, thrown away, often for fake expiration dates; and in supermarkets, because after the first or second day, some vegetable food items do no longer keep the “sparkling” sales-attractive “freshness”, while they are still totally consumable.

As an interim step to local production for local consumption (LP4LC) and to counter Reset measures, let us store as much unperishable food (lots of grains and dried food) as possible. It keeps for years and can be stored by people wo do not have their own gardens. In the medium to longer run, LP4LC may be community based, bypassing supermarkets and food corporations.
The same or similar waste prevails in restaurants. In Switzerland, I was told by restaurant staff, that they risk being fired, if they give left-over food away to the poor, after closing of the restaurants. They must throw it in the garbage.

Imagine! Another horrendous inhumane act of snake-capitalism. That’s what we have to keep in mind and eradiate from our lives. And we will make or own Reset, the People’s RESET.

The Globalists’ Artificial Meat 

The cabal – Gates and Co., as well as the huge, interconnected global food producers, own ever more ag-production land which eventually allows them to dictate what we are to eat and not to eat. Already in 2019, the WEF declared: “You will be eating replacement (artificial) meats in 20 years.” See this.

The anti-meat propaganda is part of the so-called Green Agenda to save the planet.

There are good health reasons to eat less red meat, but not those fake environmental reasons advanced and propagated by Bill Gates and the Green Agenda. By those corporate Green Capitalists, who are every year in January for the WEF’s Davos meeting literally congesting the Zurich airport with their private jets – as if this was not enough, they let themselves being flown by helicopter from Zurich to Davos (some 150 km, less than 100 miles) – altogether with this sole event releasing a multiple of CO2 into the atmosphere of what a million cows produce in a year.

The rule of reducing the use of hydrocarbon as “mobility-fuel” does not apply to the elite-cabal. They know very well that their imposed immobility – through ever-more astronomical fuel prices, taxes, and eventually outright “legal” restrictions – have nothing to do with saving the planet, but only with repression, fear – submission – outright tyranny – and transfer of more monetary resources, assets, from the bottom and the middle to the top.

Once in Davos, the elite preach a fully Green Agenda to the plebs. They hire Swedish 19-year-old Greta Thunberg, to talk about environmental protection and “shame on you!” – propagating things, she has no clue about. But it sells, because the Soros-et all-paid propaganda, again, is strong enough to persuade those, who are too comfortable to dig for the climate change and environmental truth on their own.

In Conclusion

The name of Our Game, the People’s Game, ought to be a massive waking up into an alternative lifestyle, quite different from what we have been living in western luxury and comfort. Taking conscience and detach

  • from current Government oppression;
  • from obedience to our lying, manipulating traitor governments; and
  • create alternative independent sovereign societies.

Our western national Constitutions have been quietly disabled, suspended, mostly by emergency laws or otherwise by quietly or even clandestinely passed decrees, about which most people have never been informed.

Most western countries are already living in a pre-state of tyranny that steadily tightens the grip around our societies’ necks, depriving us of ever more what otherwise would have been Constitutional Rights – leaving Us, the People, powerless against government oppression.

Immobility of the commons, is what the cabal, the Cult of Darkness wants.

Immobility at will of a global health institution, i.e. WHO, that under a new Pandemic Treaty, still being worked out and negotiated, with planned effectiveness in 2024, may declare worldwide lockdowns, mask wearing, social distancing, work from home, forced vaxxing and much more – thus, overriding national laws.

In other words, WHO, a Rockefeller creation, may soon decide over life and death. In Henry Kissinger’s infamous words, “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world” – and slightly expanded, “Who controls health, decides over life and death.”


  • Increasing fuel prices are planned;
  • Increasing inflation is planned;
  • Food shortages, famine, death by hunger – are planned;
  • Wars and annihilating conflicts are planned;
  • Massive bankruptcies and consequential misery are planned;
  • More plandemics, lockdowns and mask-humiliations, are planned;
  • Supply chain disruptions are planned;
  • Shortages of everything are planned;
  • Production interruptions and stoppages of vital industries are planned; and
  • Much more is planned – and connected.

Be aware – all what disrupts society, reduces population, causes discomfort and misery – and of course, anything that causes fear, reduces physical and psychological resistance.

But No fear – and We Shall Overcome!


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he has worked for over 30 years on water and environment around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also is a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing. 

Featured image is from 21st Century Wire

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