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16 mayo, 2022

mRNA COVID jabs do not reduce all-cause mortality, new study reveals


(NaturalHealth365)  The claim that mRNA COVID shots could prevent SARS-COV-2 transmission fell apart in a matter of months after the drugs were first made available under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  Once this happened, public health officials quickly switched their messaging.  The jabs, as it turns out, were actually just intended to prevent serious illness, hospitalization, and mortality from COVID-19.  But will ongoing data support this claim?

As it turns out, breaking research available for preprint suggests that the mass mRNA intervention was NOT as effective at preventing deaths as health officials

hoped and that if we were to compare Moderna and Pfizer shots to Johnson & Johnson shots, the latter actually seems to perform much better (to say nothing of drug-free options for keeping you healthy).

New data suggests that mRNA COVID shots do NOT prevent death as well as other vax alternatives

A Danish study made available for preprint by The Lancet reveals some surprising news:

Randomized controlled trials suggest that adenovirus-vector vaxxes – like the ones made by Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca – are actually superior to the mRNA injections made by Modern and Pfizer at reducing all-cause mortality.  The study authors looked at multiple randomized controlled trials and found that the relative risk for overall mortality was lower in the adenovirus trials, which means people who received the J&J or AstraZeneca jabs fared slightly better when assessing all-cause mortality risks than those receiving the mRNA shots.

This study has some big implications for the future of these mRNA COVID shots and policies around COVID shots in general.  As Martin Kulldorf of The Brownstone Institute says in his summary of the preprint study, Pfizer and Moderna should “conduct a proper randomized clinical trial that proves that the vaccines reduce mortality” if they want to continue profiting off their drugs.

Can you imagine, after all, a public health policy that requires people to get annual COVID mRNA booster shots without the drug manufacturers ever having to actually prove that these booster shots are even necessary or beneficial?

Here’s an interesting (and drug-free) intervention that DOES appear to lower all-cause mortality risk

No matter what any public health officials try to tell you, there are plenty of non-pharmaceutical options available to you that can support your health and longevity.  One of the most surprising options that is gaining in popularity recently?  Sauna bathing. 

Sauna bathing, sweat lodge ceremonies, and the like have been mainstays in global societies for centuries.  Thanks to a growing body of research, sauna bathing is becoming increasingly popular and recognized as a good way to relax and as a beneficial and safe way to support health and lifespan.

One 2015 study published in JAMA Internal Medicine showed that increasing sauna use is associated with a reduced risk of all-cause mortality.  Frequent sauna bathing was also associated with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease, cardiovascular disease, and sudden cardiac death.  Based on the accumulating evidence, this truly seems to be just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to sauna use!

How hot, how long, and how often?  On her website, well-known podcaster, biomedical scientist, and sauna fan Dr. Rhonda Patrick sums up her recommendation this way, based on available data:

Sitting in a traditional sauna heated to at least 174°F (78.9°C) for at least 20 minutes, 4 to 7 times per week is associated with a 40 percent reduced risk of all-cause mortality and is likely a good routine to aim for.

Just be sure to check with a healthcare provider before using a sauna if you have any health conditions, as certain individuals should NOT use them, including pregnant women or people with unstable angina.

Don’t have access to a sauna?  Try a hot bath instead.  And if your gym or local wellness studio only has an infrared sauna (rather than the traditional saunas with dry heat and rocks to dump water on), you will probably get some health benefits.  There’s just not quite as much research right now supporting their efficacy.

Sources for this article include:


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