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05 mayo, 2022

Why are Teens so Depressed and Suicidal_


APRIL 25, 2022

NY Times: ‘It’s Life or Death’: The Mental Health Crisis Among U.S. Teens

Depression, self-harm and suicide are rising among American adolescents.

The sanctimonious scribblers at the "paper of record" are whining, whinging and wringing their hands in fake dismay over yet another tragedy which their culture-wrecking "liberal" ideology caused in the first place. A truly saddening excerpt from the article by Matt Richtel (cough cough):

"These really important trends in anxiety, depression and suicide stop us in our tracks. We need to figure it out. Because it’s life or death for these kids. (Odgers said).... but solid data on the issue is limited, the findings are nuanced and often contradictory."

Dr. Candice Odgers: "We need to figure it out." --- You keep "studying" those "nuances,"
Professor. Let us know when you "figure it out."

The increasing madness of today's tweens and teens represents the inevitable rotten fruit of the culturally and morally degenerative toxin of the "Critical Theory" devised by the Frankfurt School (cough cough) decades ago; and then injected into the major arteries which feed the common culture --- Fake News, Hollywood (Film & Music), academia and government. Here it is, in a non-"nuanced" / non grant-money-funded nutshell for ya:

* Fatherless children raised by struggling and depressed "single moms"
* Broken families, children isolated from their fathers after traumatic divorce
* Mothers forced into the workplace by economic realities (taxes and inflation)
* Children (infants even!) raised by strangers in impersonal daycare institutions
* Negative messages and imagery in books, music and TV shows
* State-imposed atheism // promotion of "coincidental" purposeless existence
* Daily confinement in penal institutions run by deranged libtarded "educators"
* Lack of any moral instruction and "Golden Rule" respect for others (bullying)
* Lack of discipline and structure // loose parenting
* Too much discipline and structure // over-protective "Karen" parenting
* Peer-to-peer corruption of even those children from good solid families
* Confusion over gender roles and even biological gender itself!
* "Climate Change" future gloom and doom fed to very young children
* An intuitive worry that future economic independence will be unobtainable
* Girls encouraged to "give away the jewels" in empty sexual relations
* Boys made to feel like failures if the little whores don't give them any action
* Medications for "ADD" and other "disorders"

None of this is natural, and the drug and I-phone addictions used to fill the void only makes the emptiness worse. Thus separated from the eternal fixed laws of nature and nature's God, the anxious, mind-raped and depressed children will go mad just as surely as the nervously pacing polar bear whose predicament so upset us during a visit to Sea World in Florida many years ago. Alone and confined to an enclosed underground space about the size of a 2-car garage, we watched in sorrow as the majestic creature paced and panted non-stop from wall to wall. All that was missing was a cigarette.

Because his inhumane sunless circumstances were not natural / God-ordained (not even on a mimicked smaller scale!), the King of the Arctic had gone mad. That same principle of separation-from-the-natural-order applies to so many young "Frankfurted" teens today. How's that for "nuance," Dr. Odgers? -- You frickin' diploma-decorated egghead!

1. The Frankfurt "intellectuals" fled Germany after The Great One took over in 1933.Many
ended up at Columbia University (known for its teachers' college) and spread their wicked
"question everything" cultural poison from there. // 3. Understand animals --- understand people.
No "Phd." required. God's will be done, or else insanity will fill the void.

Only when Norman Rockwell paintings come to again represent the "new normal,"
will children be healed, healthy and happy.

Cancelling Norman Rockwell --- How Frankfurt Schoolish!

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in today's New York Times that there has been an alarming rise in 
teen depression and suicide -- and it pre-dates Covid.

Boobus Americanus 2: That's sad. I wonder what's causing it?

Boobus Americanus 1: Psychologists are still studying it. Apparently, the causes are nuanced.

St. Sugar: It'ss the &%4#!!!!!
Editor: The usual suspects.

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