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07 junio, 2022


JUNE 01, 2022

NY Times: Why the Air at the Gym May Be More Likely to Spread Covid

A new study found exercisers expel a shocking number of tiny aerosol particles when they are working hard.

The tragic irony of the Stupid-19 scamdemic is that the "public health" measures imposed to combat the imaginary bug were themselves extremely unhealthy. There were the filthy oxygen-stifling / CO2-retaining masks which many people were (and still are!) compelled to wear 8 hours a day. There was the increased production of stress hormones associated with actually believing that our lives were in danger day to day. There was widespread depression and increased suicide triggered by the unnatural isolation many were forced to endure. There were the rampant (and ongoing) killing-for-cash hospital murders which took out 100s of 1000s of isolated senior citizens (and some healthy young people too!) --- including my dear old Uncle Joe back in April 2020. And, as we may not fully appreciate until years from now -- the psychological damage inflicted upon an entire generation of fearful children whose educations were stunted even worse than under "normal" circumstances. Oh what a monstrous Marxist mess these ghoulish Globalists made of our bodies and minds for a year and a half. Kill them and their minions all! (after suitable trials, of course).

This Slimes scare article about the "dangers" of returning to the gym offers us a good "teachable moment" ™ to review yet another overlooked consequence of the mandates & lockdown regime of 2020-21 -- one which may turn out to be the deadliest side-effect of all -- specifically,
"the quarantine fifteen" fat gain experienced by millions of previously fit gym-goers (and non gym goers) who never returned, and may never return, to their previous weight and level of activity.

The "Quarantine Fifteen" --- A REAL pandemic

With the gyms closed, scores of millions of weight lifters, swimmers, treadmill walkers, Zumba dancers and yoga enthusiasts had their lifestyles altered by not only being barred -- BY THE FORCE OF LAW -- from the gyms; but also by being incarcerated at home where they often snacked more than usual. As "youse guys" over 40 (or even 30) all know, the combination of less exercise and more food will pack those pounds amazingly quick. Good luck to all those fatties trying to shed those pounds, especially now that the gym habit has been broken for so long and many are still afraid of returning (and this scary Slimes article about "particles" in the air sure won't help with that either!)

The sheer number of weight gainers and pounds gained (both by gym enthusiasts and non gym goers) is as astonishing as the fact that so few are even talking about the near & long term consequences. One study out of the University of New Mexico estimated that 48% of those surveyed said they gained weight during the first 12 months of the pandemic -- March 2020 to April 2021.

According to a Harvard study, 39% of patients gained weight in excess of the normal fluctuation of 2.5 pounds. Approximately 10% gained more than 12.5 pounds, with 2% gaining over 27 pounds. Extrapolate those percentages out to 250 million adult Americans and it means a whole lot of people gained a whole lot of weight during Stupid-19. And even the kids / teens who got fat may end up carrying their newly acquired weight and poor health habits into adulthood.


Dr. Falsie's lockdown led to poorer mental and physical health for many MILLIONS of people. Many will NEVER return to their previous habits and fitness levels.

What does the Great Fattening of 2020-21 portend for the portly? It doesn't take an MD to figure this one out, boys & girls. Let us consider the litany of dangerous ailments which the deadly combination of extra weight and less exercise is known to contribute greatly toward:

Heart attacks
High blood pressure
Blood clots
Falls / broken bones
Weakened immune systems
Difficulty breathing
Sleep apnea
Fatty liver disease
Gall bladder disease
I may have even missed a few, but you get the point. Fat = premature death! A good life insurance actuary should be able to calculate a precise ratio correlating lockdown pounds gained to months / years of life lost -- per pound even. So, naturally, the pro-death New York Scary Slimes is trying to discourage folks from returning to the gyms and exercise studios of America. Sickening!

Move less and carry around excess fat -- die younger (generally speaking). It's that simple.

"So what," you got fat --- declared the "paper of record" in 2020. Now (((they))) want the frightened "goyim" to REMAIN fat by staying away from the gyms. Could this slow-kill / death-by-fat strategy be the real reason why we're suddenly seeing so many "plus size" models and store mannequins these days?

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that a study found that exercisers expel a shocking number of tiny aerosol particles when they are working out.

Boobus Americanus 2: I haven't been to the gym since February 2020; and I'll never go back either.

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