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10 agosto, 2022

The COVID-19 Endgame: Global Governance, “Digital Tyranny” and the Depopulation Agenda


By Pepe Escobar, August 02, 2022

Mystic poet, Sufi, theosophist, and thinker, Jalal al-Din Rumi remains one of the most beloved historical personalities in history, east and west. A wanderer in search of the light, he famously characterized himself thus: “I am nothing more than a humble lover of God.”
By Philip Giraldi, August 02, 2022

Every leader and top official now in power in the so-called Western World seems to have forgotten that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was founded in 1949 as an alliance that was ostensibly defensive in nature, intended to counter the expansion of Soviet style communism in Europe.

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