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30 mayo, 2023

The Jewish Money Lenders of Venice

Inside Venice’s Canton Synagogue, from 1532, whose gilded woodwork, curtains and lamps are being cleaned and restored.
APRIL 20, 2023
NY Times: Reviving the Renaissance Temples of Venice’s Jewish Ghetto


Thanks for that confirmation, Dario! You see, the phenomenon of Jews from centuries past converting Gentiles to their depleted ranks (a fact which we have long understood to be true) makes the latter day claim of a "right to return" to Palestine -- from which the Romans dispersed the original true Jews in A.D. 70 -- all the more absurd. And it wasn't just in Italy where conversions occurred. The Spanish Alhambra Edict of Expulsion Decree in 1492 specifically cited Jewish conversions of Christians as one of the reasons for them having worn out their welcome. And according to the eminent and officially approved historian Will Durant, the olive-skinned Sephardi branch of Jewry descend from North African converts. Then of course there was the mass conversion of the mixed Turko-European pagans of Khazaria (modern day Ukraine). These are the Ashkenazi, the dominant racial sub-group of modern day Jewry.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today about the renovation of 500 year old synagogues in Venice.

Boobus Americanus 2: I didn't know there were Jews in Venice.

St. Sugar: Like fliess to sshit, wherever there are booming busstling commercial centers, the ussual ssusspects will eventually show up, Boobuss.

Editor: There was a lot of money to be made by lending at interest to merchants and noblemen.

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