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13 junio, 2023

Russia Forewarned UNSC and UN Secretary General of Kiev’s Plan to Destroy the Kakhovskaya Dam

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, June 07, 2023

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June 7, 2023

Was the Kiev regime  behind the plot to blow-up the dam? “A war crime” against the Ukrainian people, instigated by the Zelensky government?  

The mainstream media in chorus blames Russia. (See our analysis of the MSM media coverage


Ask yourself, why on earth would Russia flood its own positions within the territories under its control?

Our message to MSM journalists: It’s “elementary logic”. Use your common sense. Why would they do it?  A “Russian Roulette style ritual Hara-kiri” ordered by the Kremlin? 

The impacts on people’s lives are devastating in both Ukraine and Russia. 

The blow-up of the dam has had repercussions on the supply of water to Crimea, which visibly is to the detriment of  Russia. See map below. 



Was US-NATO complicit in the conduct of this criminal agenda?

See Moscow’s standpoint in the following text issued by the Russian Embassy in the UK:

“We took note of the fact that the unannounced visit to Kiev by #UK  Foreign Secretary @JamesCleverly  on 5-6 June occurred at the same time as the sharp increase in military activities by the AFU along with #Kievregime’s attempts to destabilise the situation in bordering Russian regions. 

These circumstances can hardly be considered a coincidence. A personal visit by a high-ranking British emissary and his encouraging public statements cannot be viewed by the Western-controlled Kiev regime as anything other than an endorsement to engage in further military adventures and acts of sabotage against the peaceful citizens of Russia – for instance, the intentional destruction of facilities of the #Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Station which can lead to dramatic humanitarian consequences for the civilian population of the flooded territory.
London’s longstanding deliberate efforts to escalate the anti-Russian proxy conflict in #Ukraine, including by supplying Kiev with more lethal and long-range offensive weapons, leave no doubt that words of peace and value of Ukrainian lives mean nothing to London. In this context Mr Cleverly’s enthusiastic musings about the blooming of flowers and leaves in Kiev sound particularly cynical.”


Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, Update, June 7, 2023

Below is the detailed article published by Global Research on June 6, 2023


The Western media in chorus is blaming the Russians without acknowledging the fact that the issue of the Hydroelectric Kakhovskaya Dam had been brought to the attention of the United Nations Security Council back on October 21, 2022. 

The document was made available to all members of the UN Security Council. 

The UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres was fully aware of the letter addressed to him by Russia’s UN Permanent Representative regarding Kiev’s plan to blow up the dam. 

What did he do? Nothing.The UNSC had the responsibility to open an investigation. 


Russian MFA Spox Maria #Zakharova: On October 21, 2022, Russia’s Ambassador to the UN sent a letter to the UN Secretary General regarding the Kiev regime’s plans to destroy the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric dam in Kherson province.

Here is a question for @antonioguterres: what has been done?

Here’s the letter:


Russia had warned of potential catastrophic flooding and loss of life (see October 21, 2022 advisory to UNSC). In recent months, Russia conducted the evacuation of people on the East side of the Dnieper.

And here is the coverage of the mainstream media, casually blaming Russia, without a shred of evidence:

“Everything is going to die here,’ a man named Serhiy living in Kherson said. ‘All the living creatures, and people will be flooded out.

‘People will suffer. There’s already no water coming out of taps – why not, no one knows.’

Other Kherson residents said the water level in some parts of the city had already reached 9ft high and they could see more water headed their way.

Ukrainian authorities have previously warned that the dam’s failure could unleash 18million cubic meters (4.8billion gallons) of water and flood Kherson and dozens of other towns and settlements, home to hundreds of thousands of people. 

The cause of the blasts is not yet clear, although Ukraine warned late last year that Russian forces had mined the dam as they retreated from Kherson and Ukraine’s state hydroelectric company said the Kakhova plant was destroyed by an explosion in the engine room – suggesting it was attacked from within rather than by external strikes.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Tuesday told a Vatican peace envoy that the destruction of the Kakhovka dam would have ‘dire consequences’ for people and nature.

‘This crime carries enormous threats and will have dire consequences for people’s lives and the environment,’ he told Italian cardinal Matteo Zuppi as the two met in Kyiv, according to a presidency statement.

As tens of thousands of Ukrainians flee their homes…

  • Ukraine’s state hydroelectric company said the Kakhovka plant was totally destroyed by an engine room blast
  • Ukrainian prime minister Denys Shmyhal said that up to 80 settlements are at risk of flooding
  • Kyiv officials alleged that Moscow destroyed the dam in order to slow down its long-awaited counteroffensive
  • Zelensky said that Russian forces must be ‘expelled from every corner’ of his nation for their ‘terrorist actions’
  • Moscow has blamed Kyiv’s forces for the strikes on the dam which is in Russian-held territory  (Daily Mail, June 6, 2023)

According the NBC (June 6,2023) quoting “authoritative” sources as well as US “intelligence” which need to be “declassified”:   

“The United States government has intelligence that is leaning toward Russia as the culprit of the attack on the dam in Ukraine, according to two U.S. officials and one Western official.

President Joe Biden’s administration was working to declassify some of the intelligence and share it as early as Tuesday afternoon.

The motive behind the explosion was still being assessed, but the collapse appears likely to make it more difficult for Ukrainian forces to conduct a river crossing and also presents a difficult humanitarian challenge, the Western official said. (NBC, June 6, 2023, emphasis added)

Why on earth would they blow up the Kakhovka dam, which is in territory under Russian control. 

According to independent geopolitical analyst Don Hank

The Russian Ministry of defense has been warning for over a year now that the Kiev regime is  likely to collapse the dam up river from Kherson and cause a catastrophe.

Well, sure enough, today [June 6, 2023] they did just that and the West is stupidly buying into the propaganda that the Russians are to blame.

Of course the Russians wouldn’t destroy their own dam, [In territory they control] but if the combined West admits that the Russians were right all along and that their “Nazi pals” burst the dam, that would be bad publicity for Washington.

In the case of the Nord Stream sabotage, they pretended to start an “investigation” that went nowhere, but this time, the unbiased UN chief just skipped that step and laid it right on Putin, exonerating the Nazis from the outset.” 

Informed and officially advised on October 21, 2022 (with distribution to all members of the UNSC)  here is UNSG’s Antonio Guterres’ response regarding the destruction of the dam. 

UN Secretary-General António Guterres pleaded ignorance: “he told reporters in New York outside the Security Council that the UN had no access to independent information to verify how the catastrophe had occurred.” That’s an outright lie. 


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Featured image: Kakhovka hydroelectric station, Nova Kakhovka, Kherson Oblast, Ukraine (Licensed under the Public Domain)

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