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06 junio, 2023

The Royal Crowning of King Charles III and the WEF’s Great Reset


By Julian Rose, May 08, 2023

The Coronation of King Charles III will be remembered, if indeed it is remembered, for the pronouncement by the Archbishop of Canterbury a few days before the event, that people watching on television and on the streets should pay homage to the new King by shouting their pledge of support at the moment the King makes his Coronation Oath. 
By Prof. Patrick Bond, May 08, 2023

There are many complicated aspects of what we are recognising as an ultra-anti-imperial logic, that twist quite quickly into pro-Putin propaganda, because after all as the ultra slogan has it, “my enemy’s enemy is my friend”! As in everything in life, we have to separate wheat from chaff. So for those who don’t like so-called “Campist” – or “Tankie” – reading material, do not continue reading.
By Jon Rappoport, May 08, 2023

For decades, people have been accusing the government of hiding advanced technology. Here we have a serious clue. Something in the record and on the record. It is only a very small piece of the puzzle, but it’s a potent piece, if you’ll stop and think about it.
By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, May 08, 2023

On the basis of attacks on other people (amoktats) in the USA, Germany and Serbia, I will provide answers from the perspective of personal psychology to important questions that have not been thought through by society as a whole in the past.
By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, May 08, 2023

In this essay I address Russia’s current round of self-defence against the hostile incursions advanced by most of NATO’s 32 countries. The newest NATO country is Finland on the western boundary of Russia. Some would like to see Ukraine become the 33rd NATO country.
By Peter Koenig, May 08, 2023

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is on a three-day trip to Africa, first stop Ethiopia, where he spoke to African Union (AU) chairperson Moussa Faki, in Addis Ababa, that integrating African nations into the G20 will ensure that they “can participate and have a say,” presumably meaning in world affairs.
By Middle East Monitor, May 08, 2023

A former Iranian official and dual British-Iranian citizen who was hanged in Tehran in January was a spy for the UK’s Foreign Intelligence Service, intelligence officials have revealed.
By Steve Kirsch, May 08, 2023

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) hasn’t investigated any link between the COVID vaccines and death. That’s a violation of California law to look the other way. Peter Baldridge, former Assistant Chief Counsel of the CDPH, expressly brought this violation to the attention of the head of the department. As you might expect, the CDPH ignored him and did absolutely nothing.
By Dr. William Makis, May 08, 2023

Died in their sleep, cardiac arrest at school, 6 cardiac arrests, cardiac arrest while cycling, cardiac arrest in the shower, short illness, sudden illness, unknown cause, myocarditis, pulmonary embolism, turbo cancer. Sound familiar? This is our new post COVID-19 mRNA vaccine era normal.
By Ben Jamal, May 08, 2023

Next Saturday, May 13 2023, thousands will gather in London to attend a march organised by Palestine Solidarity Campaign and partners, supported by 10 national trade unions. They will march to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Nakba, not as an historical moment of collective national trauma but as an ongoing process of colonisation, dispossession, and occupation.

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