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08 julio, 2023

The Strange Ending of Greta Gloomberg Inc.


JUNE 13, 2023

NY Times: Greta Thunberg Ends Her School Strikes After 251 Weeks

The climate activist, who has inspired young people around the world to demand action against climate change, graduated from high school on Friday in Sweden.

CIA child actress Greta Thunberg was quite "the latest thing" a few years back -- Time Mag cover girl (or cover boy?), 2-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee, darling of international Fake News etc. Propagandists, Prime Ministers, Presidents and even the Poofter Pope fawned over the little Swedish monster in an artificially manufactured marketing mania not seen since the aforementioned "New World Pope" was trotted onto the world stage in early 2013.

But like so many other Deep State superstar provocateurs of the Q / Trump Era, Gloomberg / Doomberg has suddenly and without explanation disappeared from the spotlight. The sainted little she-Devil has been reduced to a few cameo appearances and Internet posts now and then (doubt if it's even her) but she is no longer the mob-leading, media-anointed "rock star" phenomenon of 2018-2020.

1. Leading the brainwashed kiddies in protest over CO2 // 2. Acting like a DERANGED lunatic at the UN // 3. Casting evil-eye daggers into Trump's back

1. Time Mag hero, eh? // 2. Illuminati witch // 3. All smiles with fellow Communist-Satanist Poop Frankie

Mike's immutable Rule of "Spontaneous" Protests states: "The Reds in the Streets only operate at the behest of the Reds in the Suites." Therefore, the sudden silencing of the Bolshevik bullhorns belonging to the likes of Greta, the "Reverend" Al Charlatan, Leonardo Di Caprio and so many other "activists" can only mean that the big bosses have been "dealt with" --- assets confiscated and their wholly owned intelligence operatives defunded and deactivated. Staged stunts like climate protests, women's protests, "Islamic Terror" attacks, marches for this / marches for that, and "spontaneous" Color Revolutions used to be monthly occurrences in major cities worldwide. But now? Seldom, if ever. Think about it.

The Slimes article offers us further clues that Greta Incorporated -- whose felonious front girl has ended her "Climate Strikes" and supposedly graduated High School -- has been forced out of business:

"After 251 weeks, she is hanging up her cardboard protest sign — as a student......

It was not immediately clear whether Ms. Thunberg would enroll in a university. She could not immediately be reached for comment." (emphasis added)

Wait just a minute! Greta Gloomberg --- that odious little fame-whore -- suddenly "could not be reached for comment" by the high and mighty "paper of record" as to her future plans??? And no one knows what college (if any) she will be attending in the fall? Say what? Perhaps the intrepid reporters should try calling Gitmo for further information?

The pathological pessimists of the Black Pill Society will need to explain this one to me. What bizarre and mysterious force on Earth is sidelining all of these once ubiquitous superstar troublemakers? Who or what induced them all to suddenly "retire" from their lucrative rabble rousing? Heck, Roe vs Wade was even overturned last year and -- in spite of many states then imposing severe restrictions on abortion -- the baby-killing brigades couldn't even rile up a dozen or so hags and whores to march on DC! Whatever happened to that "speaking truth to power" stuff?

Answer: Patriots Are In Control.

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