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20 febrero, 2024

Glyphosate induces oxidative stress, a key characteristic of carcinogens


cancerous-cells(NaturalHealth365)  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently found traces of a cancerous substance known as glyphosate in common foods, including granola and crackers.  Why is this such a big deal?

Just consider this statement from Dr. Stephanie Seneff and Dr. Anthony Samsel – which speaks volumes about the danger of this toxin:

Glyphosate has a large number of tumorigenic [cancer-causing] effects on biological systems, including direct damage to DNA in sensitive cells, disruption of glycine homeostasis, succinate dehydrogenase inhibition, chelation of [minerals such as] manganese, modification to more carcinogenic molecules, such as N-Nitrosoglyphosate and glyoxylate, disruption of fructose metabolism, etc …” (the bold is our emphasis)

And, for those a bit more skeptical about the often underreported threat of this herbicide ingredient, check out this article by the Guardian revealing findings that the FDA prefers to keep under the radar.  These reports are a constant reminder of how environmental toxins are ‘quietly’ destroying millions of lives – without informed consent.

The research EXPOSED: Glyphosate induces oxidative stress, causes hormonal imbalances and cancerous tumors

Recent research on genetically modified foods showed that products like Roundup (loaded with glyphosate) cause hormonal imbalances by interfering with testosterone and estrogen – the two hormones required for a healthy reproductive system.

To add insult to injury, glyphosate also causes kidney and liver damage.  Remember that these two organs play a significant role in hormone metabolism, removing metabolic waste material, and regulating blood pressure.

The point is obvious: If you want your organs to function correctly – don’t consume glyphosate, which contaminates many of the most popular (processed) foods on the market today.

Underreported NEWS about how to avoid glyphosate

The best way to minimize exposure to toxic chemicals like glyphosate is to change your diet – one step at a time. Here’s an excellent place to start:

  • Eat organic, locally-grown food – as often as possible

Going organic helps in avoiding toxins that are used in conventional farming.  To state the obvious, organic foods are grown without chemicals, and thus, consumers aren’t exposed to as many health risks.

Go to farmers’ markets, visit your local health food store, and, if possible, grow your own food or directly visit an organic farmer near you. It’s a great way to get to know the source of your food and make some great friends.

  • Increase your intake of healthy fats

Glyphosate is an infamous culprit for wreaking havoc in the digestive system.  A low-carbohydrate, high-fat, low-sugar diet keeps your gut in good condition, and it would be wise to learn more about restoring gut health using diet.

  • Consume activated charcoal

The use of charcoal for detox purposes goes way back in time, and the trend does not seem to end anytime soon.  Activated charcoal is highly adsorbent thanks to the minute pores that bind and eradicate unwanted elements after consuming suspect drinks and/or food.

Check with your holistic healthcare provider about the best ways to detoxify the body.  And, just as a side note, you should know that activated charcoal is not ‘regular charcoal’ used in a barbecue grill.  Never consume (barbecue) charcoal – it’s loaded with toxic chemicals.

Sources for this article include:


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