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20 febrero, 2024

Is Uncle Sam Being Duped Into Fighting Israel’s War? Mike Whitney


Is Uncle Sam Being Duped Into Fighting Israel’s War? Mike Whitney

By Mike Whitney, January 08, 2024

This week’s drone strike on senior Hamas leader Saleh al-Arouri in southern Beirut provides compelling evidence that Israel wants to expand the conflict beyond its borders. In the last few weeks, Israel has assassinated a deputy political leader in Hamas (al-Arouri), a senior adviser in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, (Sayyed Razi Mousavi) and “nearly a dozen senior Iranian military officials” (Fox News) at an airport in Damascus.

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Human Rights Lawyer Accuses a French Company for Providing Funds and Material to ISIS in Syria, but Ignores the Crimes of the US and UK

By Steven Sahiounie, January 08, 2024

The crime committed by Lafarge is serious, but it is just one small incidence of western entities supporting terrorists in Syria following Radical Islam. Clooney is singling out a French company, and France is allied with both the U.S. and UK. While the crime affected hundreds of Yazidis, the same crime carried out by the U.S., UK and EU has affected millions of Syrian citizens.

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J’Accuse … ! The Line Is Clear, COVID-19 Was a Concerted Effort by the “Global Cabal” to Control the Population

By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, January 08, 2024

We are now approximately four years removed from the unleashing of the covid so-called pandemic and the consequential measures adopted and enforced world-wide that created terror in the global populace, imposed unprecedented strictures, subverted foundational principles of medicine and foisted an unnecessary and dangerous inoculation upon a mostly unwitting public.

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Unmatched Surge in Illegal Settlement Activity Against Palestinians in the West Bank Since the Onset of the Gaza War

By Peace Now, January 08, 2024

In the aftermath of three months of war in Gaza, we are witnessing an unprecedented surge in settlement activities, including the construction of outposts, roads, fences, and roadblocks initiated by settlers. Settlers persist in seizing control of Area C in the West Bank, further marginalizing the Palestinian presence.

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Understanding Power Dynamics and Moving Beyond Divisions: COVID–19 Through to Ukraine and Israel/Palestine

By Vanessa Beeley and Professor Piers Robinson, January 08, 2024

The last four years has been a significant shakeup for some people. Many of those previously identifying as ‘of the left’ have started to wonder what that actually means. At the same time, we have seen a willingness by those usually associated with ‘the right’ becoming more open to engaging with ‘left wing’ voices. 

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Was the Iraq War the Biggest Con of the 21st Century?

By James Bovard, January 08, 2024

The Iraq War was spawned by a deadly combination of political depravity and media complicity. Unfortunately, on the twentieth anniversary of the war, both elements of that conspiracy are being whitewashed. Instead, politicians and their pundit accomplices are prattling as if the Iraq war was a well-intentioned mistake, not a crime against humanity.

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UN Relief Chief: “Death and Despair”. The War in Gaza Must End

By Martin Griffiths, January 08, 2024

Tens of thousands of people, mostly women and children, have been killed or injured. Families are sleeping in the open as temperatures plummet. Areas where civilians were told to relocate for their safety have come under bombardment. Medical facilities are under relentless attack.

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South Africa’s ICJ Application for Israel’s Genocide in Gaza

By International Court of Justice, January 08, 2024

This Application concerns acts threatened, adopted, condoned, taken and being taken by the Government and military of the State of Israel against the Palestinian people, a distinct national, racial and ethnical group, in the wake of the attacks in Israel on 7 October 2023.

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100+ Global Rights Groups Urge Support for South Africa’s Genocide Case Against Israel at ICJ

By Julia Conley, January 08, 2024

More than 100 international groups signed onto a letter released Wednesday by a newly formed Palestinian rights coalition, urging governments across the globe to formally support South Africa’s International Court of Justice case against Israel, accusing the government of genocidal violence in Gaza.

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Rapid Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) or Prion Disease in the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated

By Dr. William Makis, January 08, 2024

63 year old Diane Wagner was diagnosed with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) on Jan. 3, 2024, which “will soon take Diane’s life”. “Just a few weeks ago, she was healthy & living an everyday normal life.”

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