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20 febrero, 2024

Middle East: Arsonists Shout “Fire”. Netanyahu’s Insidious “Prerequisite for Peace”


Middle East: Arsonists Shout “Fire”. Netanyahu’s Insidious “Prerequisite for Peace”

By Manlio Dinucci, January 01, 2024

The one waged by Israel in Gaza is called by the Washington Post “one of the most destructive wars of this century.” This war – implemented by Israel with the full support of the U.S. NATO and the EU – has so far left more than 20,000 Palestinians dead and 55,000 seriously wounded, most of whom will not survive as Israeli forces systematically destroy Gaza’s hospitals.

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Africa in Review 2023: BRICS and The Emerging Global Reconfiguration

By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 01, 2024

During 2023 a greater emphasis was placed upon the necessity for the majority of the world’s population to seek new avenues for economic development along with the resolution of diplomatic disputes and regional conflicts.

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Tolstoy’s Speech Against War: “Thou shalt not kill!”

By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, January 01, 2024

As this speech is still highly topical today, at the turn of the year 2023/2024 – including the deliberate reduction of the world’s population through the COVID mRNA vaccine – some of the speeches are reproduced verbatim below. They all revolve around the clear, universally recognised truth, which is binding for all people, “that man cannot or must not kill another under any circumstances and under no pretext whatsoever.”

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Why Do Western Neo-liberal Economic Policies Continue to Sideline People-centred Approach to Development?

By Tina Renier, January 01, 2024

Neo-liberalism continues to be a dominant political and economic ideology in international development because it is supported by global institutions, finance and influential ideologues. Nation-states are therefore assimilated into standardized policies through coercion or voluntary submission. 

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War on Gaza: Global Leaders Must Find the Courage to Hit Israel and the US Where It Hurts

By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, January 01, 2024

As the world looks forward to 2024, holiday celebrations are being overshadowed by humanity’s failure to halt the genocide in Gaza and the active complicity of the United States that enables it.

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Bulletproof Dreams: Turkiye Displays Paintings by Gazan Children

By TRT World, January 01, 2024

Drawing attention to the humanitarian tragedy in Palestine’s Gaza through the eyes of children, Türkiye’s Directorate of Communications has opened an art exhibit consisting of paintings and drawings by the children of Gaza.

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There Are Human Beings in Palestine. “Against Erasure” A Pictorial History of Palestinians

By Kim Petersen, December 30, 2023

Against Erasure (Haymarket Books) is a book, edited by Teresa Aranguren and Sandra Barrilaro, that presents a pictorial history of Palestinians. The photos refute the often-heard canard that Palestine was a land without people. More importantly, the historicity of the photos humanizes the Palestinians. It seems ludicrous to anyone familiar with Palestinians that they would require humanization.

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Amoral Compass: “Create and Govern Artificial Intelligence”. Palantir and Its Quest to Remake the World

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 30, 2023

Finance analysts free of moral scruple can point to Palantir with relish and note that 2023 was a fairly rewarding year for it. The company, which bills itself as a “category-leading software” builder “that empowers organizations to create and govern artificial intelligence”, launched its initial public offering in 2020.

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Israeli Forces Raiding West Bank Cash Machines and Banks, Depriving Palestinians of Their Means of Survival. What Is the Trigger That “Starts Peace”?

By Peter Koenig, December 29, 2023

Zionist Defense Forces (ZDF) are raiding cash machines (ATM), banks and exchange outlets in the occupied West Bank. They are stealing millions of dollars, under the pretext that the money is serving to finance resistance groups.

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Zelensky, the Last Tsar of Ukraine

By Germán Gorraiz López, December 29, 2023

The stagnation of the war due to the arrival of winter and the lack of weapons and economic aid from the USA, would have provoked discouragement in the Ukrainian Army so it would be already brewing a peace agreement in Ukraine between the US and Russia that will try to be torpedoed by Zelensky, Britain and the Baltic States.

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