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20 febrero, 2024

Canadian Government Admits 48,780 Excess Deaths in 2022


Canadian Government Admits 48,780 Excess Deaths in 2022 (17% Increase in Mortality). There Is No Evidence COVID-19 Vaccines Saved a Single Life in Canada During 2021-2022

By Dr. William Makis, December 28, 2023

Statistics Canada “Deaths 2022” is data that you can reasonably expect has been thoroughly manipulated and tampered with. It’s “preliminary” and doesn’t include many “younger Canadians” who died suddenly. Even so, it is a devastating report.

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Right-Wing Extremism and the Cold War Go Hand-In-Hand

By Cale Holmes, December 28, 2023

U.S. “ironclad” support for militarism undercuts attempts to curb right-wing terrorism. From white supremacist violence in the West Bank to gendered violence in Olongapo, we can’t defeat at home what we export abroad.

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U.S. Intelligence: What Is America’s “Fourth Branch of Government” Up to?

By Germán Gorraiz López, December 28, 2023

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was created in 1947 by Harry S. Truman, replacing the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) to investigate administrative and fiscal files without judicial authorization and with the initial philosophy of providing the President with a second point of view drawn up by civilians compared to that provided by the military of the National Security Agency (NSA).

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The Middle East: Home of the Earliest Civilizations in World History

By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, December 28, 2023

The region of the Middle East usually covers the territories from the eastern littoral of the Mediterranean Sea up to India in the East. In a broader sense, geographically, the region encompasses territories of the East Mediterranean and Central Asia but many Americans followed by other Western academicians, politicians, and journalists regard as a single region the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). 

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Israel’s Crimes and Atrocities Committed in Gaza

By Peter Koenig and Press TV, December 28, 2023

Netanyahu said Israel has no choice but to keep fighting to achieve its goals, including the elimination of Hamas and returning of its hostages. He made the comments after the Israeli army confirmed that 14 troops were killed in Gaza since Friday. It said 153 Israeli troops have been killed and nearly 500 others wounded since the beginning of Israel’s ground invasion in Gaza. Hamas says the number of Israeli army casualties is much higher.

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Why Is the Corporate State Media Turning on Netanyahu?

By Ben Bartee, December 28, 2023

Over the past several decades, until very recently, you would have been hard-pressed to locate a single word of criticism in the corporate state media leveled at literally anything the Israeli state does. The uniparty’s pawns in elected government — and, more to the point, the national security state that actually runs foreign policy — have unanimously, full-throatedly embraced Zionism without reservation.

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Mass Protests. Washington Is “Coordinating” the Actions of Both the Serbian Government and the Serbian Opposition. Dragana Trifkovic

By Dragana Trifkovic, December 28, 2023

Mass protests have begun in Belgrade. Opposition members and their supporters, who disagree with the results of the recent parliamentary elections, have taken to the streets, blocking roads and attacking government buildings. Law enforcement agencies are responding by trying to contain the unrest. The situation is heating up.

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Constitutional Violations: Julian Assange, Privacy and the CIA

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 28, 2023

As a private citizen, the options for suing an intelligence agency are few and far between. The US Central Intelligence Agency, as with other members of the secret club, pour scorn on such efforts. To a degree, such a dismissive sentiment is understandable: Why sue an agency for its bread-and-butter task, which is surveillance?

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Will Biden be Forced to Send Ground Troops to Yemen? Escalation? “Both Israel and the US want to implicate Iran.” Mike Whitney

By Mike Whitney, December 28, 2023

The Biden administration is blaming Iran for drone attacks on a commercial tanker in the Indian Ocean. The claims are being used as leverage on Iran to pressure the Houthis to abandon their blockade in the Red Sea and allow maritime traffic to return to normal. But the Houthis have no intention of caving in to pressure from Iran or anyone else. They are determined to continue their attacks on Israel-bound traffic however long it takes and whatever the cost.

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As US Veto Power Enables Genocide, There Are Still UN Options to Protect Gaza. Dr. Marjorie Cohn

By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, December 28, 2023

The Biden administration, Israel’s chief enabler, defanged the resolution that was ultimately passed by the UN Security Council on December 22, rendering it merely symbolic. The final resolution calls for humanitarian assistance but not for a ceasefire which would allow aid to reach the people of Gaza. The U.S. saved diplomatic face by not employing its customary veto, but it did not vote for the resolution, electing instead to abstain.

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