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02 marzo, 2024

“Building Trust”?: The World Economic Forum Is the West’s Perfect “White-Collar Euthanasia Agent”


“Building Trust”?: The World Economic Forum Is the West’s Perfect “White-Collar Euthanasia Agent”

By Peter Koenig, January 18, 2024

The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) motto for Davos24 (ongoing) is “Rebuilding Trust”. This is worse than a joke because what the WEF propagates openly – a Polygon Cyberattack, a not yet identified virus “X”, already somewhere out there (say Bill Gates and WHO’s Tedros), and more — as well as the untold secret behind closed-door topics, is anything but “Building Trust”.

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Propaganda Surrounding JN.1 COVID Variant. The Fearmongering Heats Up

By Dr. William Makis, January 18, 2024

There is a desperation about the “JN.1” variant, by the COVID Cartel – it seems to be one last effort to scare substantial numbers of people into taking their COVID booster shots, before a probable “escalation”.

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Zelensky Wants a “Peace Summit” to Which Russia Would Not be Invited

By Drago Bosnic, January 18, 2024

For all of human history, when two sides are in a conflict and one wants to initiate peace talks (common sense implies it’s usually the one that’s not exactly winning), the actual negotiations require both of the warring sides to be present. However, the era of the so-called post-truth also seems to be a time of “post-logic”, as the Kiev regime keeps insisting on a “peace summit” to which Russia wouldn’t be invited.

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A Quiet Evil: The Destruction of Informed Consent. Shared Decision-Making Whereby Doctors Help Their Patients Regarding Options and Medical Treatment

By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, January 18, 2024

You will forgive me this preface as I alight on a matter that demonstrates with simple clarity a facet of the evil that has been visited upon us during the Corona War by an institution purporting to have as its charge the protection of the public weal in its regulation of medical practitioners: the infamous Medical Council of New Zealand.

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“We Meant It”, No More Weapons: US Stresses There Is No Other Military Package for Ukraine

By Ahmed Adel, January 18, 2024

The White House strategic communications coordinator, John Kirby, at a time when Kiev insists that it needs more weapons to combat Russian forces, said once again that Washington has no more funds for Ukrainian troops and stressed that there is not another package “in the works right now.” His statement comes as the Ukrainian foreign minister attempts to manipulate Congress using a Russian disinformation narrative.

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How the US Misleads the World About Its Involvement in Yemen. Scott Ritter

By Scott Ritter, January 18, 2024

British Foreign Minister David Cameron cited the UN Security Council in his justification of the UK’s involvement in the attacks on Yemen, claiming that the Council had “made clear” that the “Houthi must halt attacks in the Red Sea.”

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21st Annual MLK Day Event Focused on Labor, Community and Palestinian Struggles

By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 18, 2024

Shawn Fain, President of the UAW International, noted during his major policy address at the 21st Annual Detroit MLK Day Rally that the labor movement and the struggle for civil rights remains at the center of change and transformation in the United States.

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NYC Physician, Medical Student Speak on Gaza Genocide and Intimidation at Campuses and Workplaces

By Clara Weiss, January 18, 2024

The Gaza genocide has galvanized immense opposition among healthcare workers and students around the world. Despite freezing temperatures, thousands of people, including many healthcare workers, students and youth, joined a rally in Union Square, Manhattan on Monday to protest against the genocide in Gaza.

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Philippines Pushing China’s Limits in South China Sea

By Richard Javad Heydarian, January 18, 2024

The Filipino military chief has announced new plans for massive construction activities across all Philippine-claimed land features in the South China Sea, a move that promises to intensify already hot tensions with China over contested territories.

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Gaza Will be the Grave of the Western-led World Order

By Prof. Saul J Takahashi, January 18, 2024

No matter how it concludes, South Africa’s lawsuit in the International Court of Justice arguing Israel has violated the Genocide Convention will go down in history. It will either be remembered as the first step towards finally holding a rogue state accountable for repeated, longstanding violations of international law; or as the last, dying breath of a dysfunctional, Western-led international system.

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