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02 marzo, 2024

Israel Confronted at the International Court of Justice (ICJ)

Israel Confronted at the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Does it Matter? Will It Effectively Take on Israel for its Atrocious Crimes?

They have an agenda – and this agenda is to be fulfilled, come hell or high water.

By Peter Koenig
Global Research, January 11, 2024

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Does anybody believe that the ICJ will accuse Israel of committing genocide on Palestinian people, notably in Gaza, as accused by the government of South Africa?

Is there any lawyer, or team of lawyers in the world, that would dare to condemn Israel for crimes against humanity?

And even if there were courageous lawyers and judges to take on Israel for its horrendous and atrocious crimes, does anyone believe Israel – or the Zionists running Israel, the driving force behind the war; protected and supported by almost the entire Western world, or rather the governments of the Western world – would blink an eye and pay attention?

VIDEO. ICJ Hearings in The Hague

Click Screen to View the ICJ Hearings, January 11, 2024

They have an agenda – and this agenda is to be fulfilled, come hell or high water.

PM Netanyahu is the perfect “fall guy” for this job. He is inhuman. He has no morals, no ethics. He is ideal. That is why the US and the “system” – or call it the Matrix – pushed him into the PM position for the third time in November 2022.

Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu has previously held the Office of Prime Minister (PM) from 1996 to 1999, and again from 2009 to 2021. He is the chairman of the ultra-conservative, neoliberal Likud party. Netanyahu is the longest tenured PM in the country’s history, having served for a total of over 16 years. He is also the first Prime Minister having been born in Israel after Israel’s establishment.

In November 2019, Netanyahu was officially charged with fraud, breach of trust and for receiving bribes. He would likely be in prison, if he would not have been shoved into his third PM position – compliments of the powerful Zionist lobby in the United States and the support of all those who are doing the Zionists bidding in the US and around the world. “Bibi” serves the Western elite’s interests better as Israel’s PM than as a prisoner.


Because Netanyahu is ideal – heartless in killing civilians, mostly women and children, eradicating one or more generations of Palestinians – to achieve the multiple-headed agenda, the creation of Greater Israel (see map).

Hend F Q on X: "Zionist Plan for the Middle East: “Greater Israel'', according to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, is a Jewish State stretching “from the Brook of Egypt
The Zionist’s Greater Israel would become THE Power House of the Middle East, possibly of the world, exactly as predicted by the Talmud which may be called the Israeli equivalent to the Christian Bible.

The power of the Chosen People has no limits and must obey to no-one.

With Palestine gone, more than a trillion cubic feet (probably much more) of natural gas off-shore of Gaza would be absorbed by Israel. This is already the current plan.

Greater Israel would be the second or third largest power in terms of controlling hydrocarbon resources worldwide. And as we know, the world’s energy supply depends on about 85% of petrol and gas.

Who controls the energy, controls food supply. And who controls food, controls the people.

To expand Zionist-Israel’s power even further, the plan for Greater Israel is also to control the shipping lines – thereby controlling the European economy. What is already going on today — Yemeni Houthis pirating Israeli and US ships in the Red Sea and vessels of any other nation attempting to supply Israel, are attacked, and taken over by Houthi warriors in the Red Sea. The Red Sea is linked to the Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Canal.

Aat least 18 European nations have already said they will avoid the Suez Canal for “security reasons”, meaning that the cost for them doing business with their Asian markets is going to skyrocket. And a key income for Arab-Egypt which owns the Suez Canal would be drastically reduced.

But there is an alternative. The so-called Ben-Gurion Canal that has been on the drawing board since the early 1970s, crossing from the Med Sea just outside of the current Gaza border, through Israel and the West Bank into the Red Sea, effectively rendering the Suez Canal obsolete. A massive reduction of shipping traffic might bring the Suez Canal into receivership, potentially ruining Egypt’s economy. Closing the Suez Canal may then become the logical next step.

In other worlds, Greater Israel would potentially also exercise command over the entire shipping routes for Western and Eastern Europe, Russia, Turkey, Syria, from reaching their Asian market destinations. Of course, they could go around Africa, and a third to half of business might be lost, due to high costs and long shipping time.

Alternatively, everybody might use the “future” Ben Gurion Canal.

Does still anybody believe the ICJ would make one iota of difference for the pursuits of Greater Israel, even if Israel were to be accused of genocide and ordered to stop, and pay reparation to Palestine?

It would not stop Israel from pursuing her goal, nor would it stop the Western nations, notably the US, from continuing in supporting all the murderous actions of Israel – already expanding to the West Bank and into Southern Lebanon, soon stepping up to absorb all of Lebanon, as planned.

So, what is this South African initiative of attempting to legally try Israel for her crimes on humanity? A mere fig leaf for Western morals and ethics?

Maybe it is more.

Maybe it is an attempt to show to the world whether international law has still a role to play – or, if not, make the elite’s rules-based order official. For all to see. A wake-up call. One more of them for people and politicians to see that they are just puppets following a lawless small elite of dirty-rich people and foremost, of a corporate controlled worldwide mayhem.

South Africa’s initiative may have an agenda that does not meet the eye of the average politician, nor may it affect the immediate fate of Israel – but it may have repercussions way beyond the Middle East.

It may become a blunt demonstration to the Western civilization that our system is sick, so sick, recklessly lawless, with no common sense; that this matrix must be abandoned and rebuilt by a peoples-run society of the People for the People.

Is this just a dream?

Well, all revolutions, any paradigm shift of such magnitude, where light is to replace the supremacy of darkness has started and will start with a dream. A multifaceted dream. A dream that sparks a fire; a fire burning down the trash and creating fertile ground for new seeds to grow.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.  

Featured image: The International Court of Justice. Photo credit: ICJ

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