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15 mayo, 2024

Kiev Regime and NATO Divert Attention from Losses by Attacking Transnistria

By Drago Bosnic
Global Research, March 19, 2024

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So far, this year has been a disaster for the Neo-Nazi junta and its NATO overlords and everything indicates that it will be even worse. This is precisely why the European Union, now unequivocally exposed as a mere geopolitical pendant of NATO, is contemplating a far more direct involvement, with French President Emmanuel Macron even pompously announcing that some assault units are  supposedly ready to get involved. This soon turned out to be nothing more than wishful thinking, but the rhetoric still stands. And where there’s rhetoric, there is at least some possibility for action. Why is the political West doing this, when the mainstream propaganda machine keeps insisting that the Kiev regime is “winning” and that there’s “nothing to worry about”?

Obviously, they’re not winning and there’s a lot to worry about. Otherwise, the belligerent power pole wouldn’t be escalating tensions with the world’s only superpower that can wipe it off the face of the Earth in mere minutes. Faced with catastrophic losses, at least on par with those during the much-touted counteroffensive, the Neo-Nazi junta is desperate to divert public attention away from this to the only field in which it’s “winning” – optics and PR “victories”. Brainwashed by years of war propaganda about “Russia losing“, the populace in the political West is being tricked into believing that the Kiev regime “can win this”, that “it’s time to finish the job”, that “Putin is hiding in a bunker” and similar nonsense. And it worked for the most part.

Millions in the United States and Europe truly believe(d) in the “Ghost of Kyyyiiiv”, “Snake Island defenders”pickle jar air defenses and even the “Goat of Kyyyiiiv”. Although all this (and much more) turned out to be nothing more than absurd lies, the war propaganda kept churning out nonsensical claims about Russia and its military. Moscow was now “stealing Ukrainian washing machines to ameliorate its lack of microchips“, while Russian soldiers “kept fighting with shovels due to ammunition shortages“. And yet, Russia was somehow magically able to “send nukes to space” and produce nearly three times more shells than all countries of the political West, combined. Obviously,  the reality on the battlefield is starkly different and NATO wants to hide it at all costs.

This is precisely why the abortive incursion into the Belgorod oblast (region) was launched. The goal was to demonstrate how the Neo-Nazi junta forces can still launch offensive operations into Russia’s undisputed territory, which was most likely supposed to affect the presidential election and show how President Vladimir Putin “lacks authority”. Needless to say, it not only failed miserably, but it actually backfired, as Moscow’s incumbent got a staggering 87% of votes, with a nationwide turnout of over 75%. Which Western leader has even half of that? In fact, the much more appropriate question is – which Western leader doesn’t have absolutely atrocious public approval, be it Emmanuel Macron, Olaf Scholz, Rishi Sunak or Joe Biden?

Thus, as the belligerent power pole’s Belgorod adventure failed, it now needs another sacrificial lamb. Unfortunately for the peoples of Transnistria and Moldova, they’re the next target of the New Reich, just like they were some 80 years ago. On March 17, the Ministry of State Security of Transnistria reported a drone strike on a local military base in the capital city of Tiraspol. There were no human casualties, but the base hosts military helicopters of the Armed Forces of Transnistria. The drone, as of yet formally unidentified, destroyed a Mi-8MT helicopter of the Transnistrian military. According to the Ministry of State Security, the unmanned aircraft came from the direction of the Clover Bridge in the southwestern Odessa oblast of Ukraine.

While no side took responsibility for the attack, it’s quite clear that the Neo-Nazi junta and its NATO handlers are the culprits. Transnistrian security forces are investigating the attack, so we’re still waiting for an official confirmation, but one doesn’t need to be a rocket scientist to understand who benefits from such escalation. Transnistria is an autonomous republic that declared independence from Moldova in the aftermath of the unfortunate dismantling of the Soviet Union. The ensuing conflict resulted in hundreds of casualties on both sides, particularly in 1992, but was stopped by the intervention of the Russian 14th Guards Army (officially disbanded in 1995, but in reality renamed to Operational Group of Russian Forces in Transnistria – OGRF).

In cooperation with the militaries of Transnistria and Moldova, OGRF has been maintaining security in the area for over 30 years now. The sides formed a trilateral Joint Control Commission (JCC) that supervises the formally demilitarized zone (DMZ) sandwiched between Moldova and Ukraine (largely running along the Dniester River). The cooperation between the three sides, albeit not without problems, has been quite fruitful, preventing any conflicts over the last three decades. Unfortunately, after the controversial 2020 presidential election in Moldova, the political West managed to replace the then-incumbent Igor Dodon with its puppet Maia Sandu. Prior to her involvement in Moldovan politics, Sandu was a World Bank asset, working on turning Moldova into a (neo)colony.

Apart from this, her main job was to destroy Kishinev’s otherwise cordial relations with Moscow, which was to put the former Soviet republic firmly into the EU’s (and by extension NATO’s) orbit. This includes the deliberate undermining of press freedom under Brussels’ supervision, with Russian media being particularly targeted for suppression. In addition, Sandu has been promoting absurd conspiracy theories about Russia supposedly “trying to stage a coup with the help of Serbian football fans”. Understandably, the people of Moldova haven’t been quite happy with this, particularly after the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict escalated over two years ago, as they don’t want to see their country involved, directly or otherwise.

On March 7, the Brussels’ puppets in Kishinev even signed a military pact with Paris, once again highlighting France’s suicidal push for a direct confrontation with Russia. Macron even promised “unwavering support on security and defense issues”, obviously hinting at Transnistria. It should be noted that NATO is trying to spread its tentacles to Moldova, most likely in hopes of snatching Transnistria at some point. This would open the door for a more direct involvement in Ukraine, particularly the strategically important Odessa oblast. However, if Moldova ever becomes a NATO member (either through unification with Romania or direct accession), this would put the belligerent alliance directly on a collision course with Russia.

Namely, a “future NATO member” Moldova (or even Romania) would end up having Russian soldiers stationed on its territory. If the controversial Article 4 were to be invoked, then that would mean war between Russia and the political West. This is precisely why Brussels is directing Sandu to escalate with Moscow, as it would give her the excuse to formally request Russian troops to leave Transnistria. If this were to happen, Tiraspol would be left hanging, surrounded by hostile NATO satellite states and promptly neutralized. It would give the political West an actual, much-needed tactical and long-term (geo)political victory over Russia. However, precisely because of the strategic importance of the area the Kremlin is extremely unlikely to budge.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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