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14 mayo, 2024

Stoltenberg Delusion, Macron’s Military Losses, West Weakens on Non-NATO Ukraine


Stoltenberg Delusion, Macron’s Military Losses, West Weakens on Non-NATO Ukraine

While the US publication Foreign Policy accepts Putin’s case on non NATO Ukraine and concedes that Russia cares more for Ukraine than the West there is great dissension within the western alliance. Jens Stoltenberg speaking at Sweden’s NATO membership ceremony continues the war rhetoric.

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Are We Stumbling Into World War III in Ukraine?

President Biden began his State of the Union speech with an impassioned warning that failing to pass his $61 billion dollar weapons package for Ukraine “will put Ukraine at risk, Europe at risk, the free world at risk.” But even if the president’s request were suddenly passed, it would only prolong, and dangerously escalate, the brutal war that is destroying Ukraine.

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The Myth of Israel as ‘US Aircraft Carrier’ in Middle East

The myth is that Israel is a major U.S. strategic asset, described as a sort of unsinkable American aircraft carrier vital to Washington’s interests in the Middle East. The line of argument of those who share this myth is to show that the United States has economic and strategic interests in the oil-rich Middle East (which nobody denies) and to quote American (and, of course, Israeli) political figures who claim that Israel is the best or even the sole U.S. ally in the region.

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Prime Minister Trudeau’s Bill C-63: “Like Something Out of a Science-Fiction Horror Fantasy”

Justin Trudeau is trying to pass Bill C-63 into law — which would make it illegal to “express hate on the internet.” The Liberal government is trying to make it illegal to express an intense dislike for somebody or something.

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Conscription: Neo-Nazi Junta Now After Three Million Ukrainian Women with Small Children

In the aftermath of the NATO-backed 2014 Maidan coup that brought Neo-Nazis to power in Ukraine, there has been a systematic nazification of Ukrainian youth, including underage children.

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Big Pharma and Its Bloomberg News, Annenberg Center and Harvard University Shills Adjust the COVID Vax Coverup and Advance the Displacement of Reality

As I reported recently, now that it can no longer be denied that the Covid “vaccine” causes death and a large variety of serious health effects, Big Pharma and its shills are adjusting the narrative. A “study” was done admitting the adverse effects of the “vaccine” but pronouncing them to be “rare.”

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The State of Our Nation No One’s Talking About: Tyranny Is Rising as Freedom Falls

Day by day, tyranny is rising as freedom falls. The U.S. military is being used to patrol subway stations and police the U.S.-Mexico border, supposedly in the name of national security.

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