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08 junio, 2024

Deadly decision: EPA allows toxic weedkiller on food crops, despite ban on golf courses


epa-fails-to-ban-toxic-weedkiller(NaturalHealth365)  It is no secret that Roundup and other weedkillers are detrimental to human health.  Many such weedkillers are banned from use on golf courses yet the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) permits the use of toxic herbicides on food crops.

The threat posed by weedkillers extends far beyond the clear and present danger to farm workers.  Sadly, the food we consume exposes us to the toxicity of weedkillers, as highlighted in a recent study published by The Environmental Working Group (EWG).

Are your favorite foods covered in toxic paraquat?

The toxic herbicide referenced above is formally known as paraquat.  The EPA banned the use of paraquat on all United States golf courses in 2021.  However, the EPA still permits the use of the harmful herbicide on a wide array of crops.  For example, those who consume non-organic walnuts, almonds, and alfalfa are likely downing delights laden with toxic paraquat.

The aforementioned study indicates that over the past five years, more than 5 million pounds of paraquat were spread over crops in California.  It is concerning that California stands as the only state with publicly accessible paraquat data.  This herbicide was predominantly utilized in the central region of the state, where non-organic crops such as alfalfa, walnuts, almonds, and others are cultivated.

Downing even one teaspoon of paraquat has the potential to be fatal.  Few Americans are aware that 60 nations have banned the use of paraquat.  Yet, the EPA’s latest analysis of the herbicide insists its health risks are outweighed by its benefits.

Paraquat exposure is tied to the following health problems:

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Al Rabine, an analyst with EWG who penned the analysis linked above, stated the EPA ignored significant evidence that paraquat results in Parkinson’s disease.  Moreover, an epidemiological study of the central portion of California revealed those residing one-third of a mile where paraquat is used are two times more susceptible to developing Parkinson’s.

However, state officials have not taken action to safeguard California’s hardworking residents from potentially deadly exposure to the weedkiller.

The EPA staunchly defends its use of paraquat for walnuts, alfalfa, and more

EPA representatives argue paraquat can be used for farming despite evidence that it negatively impacts human health.  Moreover, the EPA has glossed over lawsuits filed against Syngenta, the maker of paraquat.  Paraquat residue drifts through the air with even a slight breeze, harming farm workers and local residents alike, yet the EPA arrogantly dismisses the data tying paraquat to Parkinson’s.

The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research submitted nearly 100 studies and other pieces of evidence proving the connection between paraquat and Parkinson’s.  Moreover, EWG contacted the EPA to notify the agency that numerous other nations banned the use of paraquat, yet no meaningful action was taken to protect consumers, farm workers, and those living near farms.

The federal government’s law on pesticide use falls woefully short of the standard necessary to safeguard the human condition.

Contact your state government to petition for a paraquat ban

Though the EPA is unlikely to implement a nationwide ban on paraquat in the near future, individual states may do so.  Your state government is empowered to restrict the use of herbicides and other chemicals, including paraquat.

Make your voice heard today, and you’ll sleep soundly, knowing you’ve done your part to make your food safer and healthier for a better tomorrow.

Sources for this article include:


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