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06 junio, 2024

Fatal oversight: Chemotherapy overdoses claim hundreds of lives annually


chemotherapy(NaturalHealth365)  The three mainstay treatment modalities for cancer – surgery, chemotherapy and radiation – undoubtedly generate massive profits for the medical-pharmaceutical complex.  But, as NaturalHealth365 readers know, chemotherapy – a treatment heavily pushed by Big Pharma – has questionable efficacy and its disturbing safety profile is under intense scrutiny.

Despite the known risks, most conventionally trained physicians still advocate for chemotherapy as a primary treatment for cancer patients.  However, the concerning truth is that these treatments often lack sufficient oversight and genetic testing, leading to potentially fatal overdoses.  It’s a devastating reality that many patients face: chemotherapy overdoses claim the lives of hundreds each year, a fact that no cancer patient wants to confront.

Why basic genetic testing is necessary for those undergoing chemotherapy

The preventable overdoses mentioned earlier could be averted with the implementation of straightforward genetic testing.  Unfortunately, many doctors overlook this critical step, inadvertently putting cancer patients at risk of premature death by administering excessive doses of common chemotherapy drugs.  This oversight raises serious questions about the level of care provided by healthcare professionals who fail to order such a fundamental test.

Interestingly, while genetic testing is mandated for cancer patients by healthcare providers in the European Union, it remains largely overlooked in the United States.  Despite its potential to identify at-risk individuals and prevent countless fatalities, the FDA has yet to enforce the requirement for such testing.

Consider this: nearly 300,000 cancer patients in the United States receive 5-FU (fluorouracil) or a similar drug annually as part of their chemotherapy regimen.  These drugs, categorized as anti-metabolites, disrupt cancer cell function by halting cell replication for DNA repair.  However, without proper metabolism and elimination through the excretory system, they linger in the body for extended periods, leading to overdose.

The ramifications of chemotherapy overdoses are profound, with statistics indicating that these drugs cause the deaths of 1 in every 1,000 patients and hospitalize or otherwise harm 2% of users.  These figures likely underestimate the true extent of internal damage caused by chemotherapy drugs, highlighting the urgent need for proactive measures such as basic genetic testing to safeguard patient well-being.

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Chemotherapy overdoses are completely preventable

Despite the capability of physicians across the United States and beyond to conduct tests for cancer patients and obtain results within a week, allowing for adjustments in drug selection or dosage levels, few actually take advantage of this opportunity.  Surprisingly, it is a little-known fact that the majority of doctors in the United States neglect to check for genetic variants that could pose risks to their patients.  Recent surveys have revealed that only a mere 3% of oncologists in the United States consistently require such testing before administering fluorouracil.

The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) does not recommend preemptive testing, effectively giving doctors the green light to proceed without genetic testing.  However, it’s worth noting that the FDA recently updated the drug’s labels to include new warnings about the deadly risks associated with fluorouracil.

Testing variances are likely necessary for individual patients

Gene testing proves especially effective in identifying rare gene variants among individuals with diverse ethnic backgrounds, particularly those of African and certain European descent.  These distinct variants can lead to severe deficiencies in some individuals.

Tests that analyze a broad spectrum of variants can reveal genetic variations that could impede the body’s ability to process chemotherapy drugs.  However, the main obstacle to mandating such testing is the expense and time required to complete these tests.

While the United States may lag behind the European Union and Britain, where gene testing prior to chemotherapy has been recommended since 2000, there are proactive steps you can take in the fight against cancer.  Apart from advocating for legislative mandates for gene testing prior to chemotherapy, you can also explore a holistic approach to cancer prevention and management.

Various herbs, such as ginger, turmeric, garlic, ginkgo, and cayenne pepper, are renowned for their antioxidant, anti-tumor, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Moreover, numerous other compounds found in nature have shown promise in fighting cancer.  For example, green tea contains catechins, which have been studied for their potential anti-cancer effects.  Berries, such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, are rich in antioxidants and other phytochemicals that may help combat cancer.

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts contain sulforaphane and other compounds linked to cancer prevention.  Resveratrol, found in red grapes, has also been studied for its potential anti-cancer properties.

Mushrooms, such as shiitake, maitake, and reishi, contain compounds like beta-glucans and polysaccharides that have shown anti-cancer effects in research studies.  Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fatty fish like salmon and sardines, flaxseeds, and walnuts, may have anti-inflammatory effects that could help prevent cancer.

Empower yourself with knowledge and seek out multiple opinions from healthcare professionals before making decisions about cancer treatment and prevention.  Each person’s journey with cancer is unique, so exploring different perspectives can help you make informed choices aligned with your values and goals.

Embrace a cancer-preventing lifestyle rich in whole (organic) foods, herbs, and holistic practices to support overall health and well-being.  Remember, you are not alone in this journey, and there are resources and support networks available to guide you every step of the way.

Editor’s note: Discover the best ways to stop cancer cell growth and improve immune system function, own the Stop Cancer Docu-Class created by NaturalHealth365 Programs.

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