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26 junio, 2024

When "Trusted Sources" Mislead: YouTube, WHO, and the Thyroid Cancer Epidemic

Posted on: Sunday, May 5th 2024 at 3:00 am

In a startling twist, YouTube's latest crackdown on medical misinformation, guided by the World Health Organization, may be inadvertently promoting one of the most pervasive and harmful forms of medical misinformation today: the overdiagnosis of thyroid cancer.

YouTube's new medical misinformation policy, which relies on WHO guidelines, could amplify the overdiagnosis of thyroid cancer by silencing critical voices that question the conventional wisdom. A recent study reveals that a significant proportion of YouTube videos by medical professionals endorse excessive thyroid cancer screening, potentially leading to overdiagnosis and unnecessary treatments. This inversion of the common narrative suggests that the real threat of medical misinformation may sometimes come from within the conventional medical establishment itself.

In a world where "misinformation" has become a buzzword, social media giants like YouTube are increasingly taking on the role of arbiter of truth. Their latest policy update, which expands the platform's power to remove content that contradicts World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines, is a prime example of this trend.1 However, a closer examination reveals that this well-intentioned effort could inadvertently amplify one of the most pervasive forms of medical misinformation today: the overdiagnosis of thyroid cancer.

recent study published in BMC Public Health offers a startling perspective on this issue. The researchers found that a significant proportion of thyroid cancer-related videos uploaded by medical professionals on YouTube actually endorse excessive screening practices, potentially leading to overdiagnosis and unnecessary treatments.2 This finding inverts the common narrative, suggesting that the real threat of medical misinformation may sometimes come from within the conventional medical establishment itself.

The study, which analyzed 326 YouTube videos, revealed that 68.5% of videos by medical professionals mentioned the poor prognosis of thyroid cancer, and the number of videos opposing excessive screening has been gradually decreasing since 2015.2 Moreover, viewers' comments were more favorable towards videos advocating screening than those critical of overdiagnosis. This is particularly concerning given that South Korea, the country with the highest incidence of thyroid cancer worldwide, has seen a rebound in cases after a brief decline following raised awareness about overdiagnosis.3

The implications of these findings are profound. By relying on WHO guidelines and silencing voices that question the conventional wisdom, YouTube's new policy could inadvertently amplify the very misinformation it seeks to combat. As Dr. Peter A. McCullough, a cardiologist, warns, "YouTube is violating civil rights and intentionally deceiving its audience. YouTube is essentially a common carrier for media content. It does not have the right nor the competency or processes to conduct peer review and adjudicate medical or scientific information."1

The overdiagnosis of thyroid cancer is a prime example of how the medical establishment can sometimes perpetuate harmful practices. Despite a dramatic increase in diagnoses, the mortality rate for thyroid cancer has remained stable, suggesting that many of these cases may represent overdiagnosis of harmless tumors that would never progress to cause symptoms or death.4 This overdiagnosis can lead to unnecessary surgeries, lifelong hormone replacement therapy, and psychological distress for patients.5

The root of this problem lies in the widespread use of ultrasound screening for thyroid cancer, which often detects small, indolent tumors that would never cause harm.6 However, once detected, these tumors are often treated aggressively, leading to a cascade of unnecessary interventions. By promoting videos that endorse this approach and suppressing those that question it, YouTube's new policy could exacerbate this problem and hinder the critical debate necessary for scientific progress.

As Dr. Kat Lindley, president of the Global Health Project, notes, "Science should always be debated. YouTube's new policy relies on agencies that, in my opinion, have failed in their primary role of public health policies to now define what 'misinformation' is. This one-size-fits-all approach has failed."1

The case of thyroid cancer overdiagnosis is just one example of how conventional medical wisdom can sometimes be the source of misinformation. By outsourcing the definition of truth to the WHO and other authorities, YouTube risks stifling the very debate and dissent that are essential for scientific progress and public health.

In an era where trust in public health institutions is already strained, this heavy-handed approach could further erode public confidence and drive people towards alternative sources of information. Instead of censorship, what we need is more transparency, open debate, and a willingness to question the status quo. Only by fostering a culture of critical thinking and intellectual humility can we hope to navigate the complex landscape of medical information and misinformation.

As we grapple with the challenges of the information age, it is crucial that we remain vigilant against all forms of misinformation, whether they come from fringe sources or the heart of the medical establishment itself. The case of thyroid cancer overdiagnosis reminds us that the truth is often more complex than any single authority can capture, and that the path to knowledge requires a commitment to open inquiry, rigorous debate, and a willingness to challenge our assumptions.

To learn more about overdiagnosis, visit our database on the subject here.

To learn more about thyroid cancer overdiagnosis read our article on the topic here.


1. Nevradakis, M. (2023, August 21). Under new 'medical misinformation' policy, YouTube will delete content that contradicts WHO guidance. Children's Health Defense. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/youtube-deletes-contradicts-who-guidance/

2. Kang, E., Ju, H., Kim, S., & Choi, J. (2024). Contents analysis of thyroid cancer-related information uploaded to YouTube by physicians in Korea: endorsing thyroid cancer screening, potentially leading to overdiagnosis. BMC Public Health, 24, 942. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-024-18403-2

3. Jung, C. K., Bae, J. S., & Park, Y. J. (2022). Re-increasing trends in thyroid cancer incidence after a short period of decrease in Korea: reigniting the debate on ultrasound screening. Endocrinology and Metabolism, 37(1), 183-185. https://doi.org/10.3803/EnM.2022.1586

4. Li, M., Dal Maso, L., & Vaccarella, S. (2020). Global trends in thyroid cancer incidence and the impact of overdiagnosis. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 8(6), 468-470. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2213-8587(20)30115-7

5. Voigtlander, S., & Führer, D. (2022). Overdiagnosis and overtreatment of thyroid carcinoma: how to counteract the epidemics?. Endocrine, 78(1), 12-17. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12020-022-03061-4

6. Kaliszewski, K., Diakowska, D., Wojtczak, B., & Rudnicki, J. (2020). Cancer screening activity results in overdiagnosis and overtreatment of papillary thyroid cancer: a 10-year experience at a single institution. PloS one, 15(8), e0236257. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0236257

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