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11 octubre, 2024

COVID-19 Acute Respiratory Failure 2x as Deadly for “Vaccinated”

Philippines Investigates Spike in Deaths Following COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign

Ohio State research revealed that COVID-19 “vaccination” induces dangerous antibodies and higher mortality rates

By Dr. Mark Trozzi
Global Research, July 23, 2024
Dr. Mark Trozzi

Researchers in Ohio studied 152 severely ill adult patients who were admitted to Ohio State University Hospital with Acute Respiratory Failure (ARF) between May 2020 and November 2022. Of these patients, 112 tested positive for COVID-19, while 40 did not. Among the 112 COVID-positive ARF patients, 20 had received COVID-19 “vaccines” and 89 had not. The death rate during hospitalization was 37% in the unvaccinated group, while it was 70% in the vaccinated group. The vaccine almost doubled the risk of dying from COVID-19 respiratory disease. The death rate was lower among all age groups if they were not vaccinated.

The vaccinated group had higher rates of comorbidities (other health problems); however, even when the data was adjusted for this using the Charlson Comorbidity Score, the results still showed that being COVID-19 vaccinated carried a higher risk of death from COVID-19 respiratory disease.

The researchers also compared antibody levels among the patients. The vaccinated group had higher levels of IgG4 antibodies, which are known to promote immune tolerance or antibody-dependent enhancement of the disease.

In summary, this study showed that among people hospitalized with severe COVID-19 respiratory disease, COVID-19 vaccinated individuals have higher levels of IgG4 disease-enhancing antibodies and are more likely to die than unvaccinated individuals.

Thanks to researchers Adhikari, Bednash, Horowitz, Rubinstein, and Vlasova for this research published on February 7th, 2024, in the journal Frontiers in Immunology

Click here to read the full report


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ALERT: Philippines Investigates Spike in Deaths Following COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign

Posted on: 
Wednesday, July 24th 2024 at 3:00 am

Government officials and lawmakers in the Philippines are conducting an investigation into a reported surge in deaths that coincided with the country's COVID-19 vaccination program, according to recent hearings in the nation's House of Representatives. The probe comes amid concerns about a dramatic increase in mortality rates following the rollout of mRNA vaccines beginning in early 2021.1

Congressman Dan S. Fernandez, speaking during parliamentary hearings, noted that the Philippines experienced a 43% increase in its mortality rate in 2021 compared to previous years. This stands in stark contrast to the 2% rise in mortality between 2016 and 2020 that was attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic itself.1

"It stands to reason that this very substantial increase in the number of deaths in 2021 could be attributed mainly to either two factors - to COVID-19 infection or to the vaccines themselves," Fernandez stated, according to reports from the hearings.1

The investigation is examining over 290,000 excess deaths among vaccinated individuals in the Philippines. Lawmakers are seeking to determine the cause of these fatalities and whether they may be linked to the administration of COVID-19 vaccines.1

It's important to note that while this investigation is ongoing, no definitive conclusions have yet been reached regarding a causal relationship between vaccines and the reported deaths. The scientific and medical communities generally maintain that approved COVID-19 vaccines have undergone rigorous safety testing and continue to be monitored for adverse events.2

Data Presentation and Expert Testimony

During the hearings, data analyst Sally Clark presented statistics on mortality rates and birth data. According to Clark's testimony, there has been a noticeable decline in birth rates each year since the start of the pandemic, with 2019 representing the last "normal" year for births in the Philippines.1

Clark also highlighted a significant spike in deaths beginning in March 2021, coinciding with the initiation of the vaccine rollout in the country. She noted that the increase in mortality was observed across all vaccinated age groups."The very big spike is the deaths in 2021, which started in March of 2021, immediately consecutive with the start of the vaccine rollout," Clark stated in her testimony.1

It's crucial to approach such data with caution, as correlation does not necessarily imply causation. Factors such as delayed medical care due to lockdowns, stress, and other pandemic-related issues could potentially contribute to increased mortality rates.3

Legal and Health Concerns Raised

Attorney Tanya Lat, speaking at the hearings, raised concerns about reports of unusual health issues among vaccinated individuals. Lat mentioned accounts of "turbo cancers" and myocarditis, as well as reports of children experiencing health problems typically associated with older adults.1

"There are Filipino people who are sick and tired of how the DOH (Department of Health) has let us down, has refused to admit that people are dying, turning a blind eye to the people who are getting sick," Lat said during her testimony.1

These claims of vaccine-related illnesses require thorough scientific investigation and peer-reviewed studies to substantiate. The global medical community continues to study the long-term effects of COVID-19 vaccines, with ongoing surveillance for rare adverse events.4

Pharmaceutical Accountability and Global Health Governance

The hearings also touched on broader issues of pharmaceutical company accountability and international health governance. Congressman Alonto Adiong expressed concern about liability protections for vaccine manufacturers, questioning why pharmaceutical companies would insist on immunity from lawsuits if their products were completely safe.1

"There's really an agreement that indicates that they cannot be sued," Adiong stated. "So I mean, that's something that we should worry about. Why would a pharmaceutical company insist on not being sued if there will be injuries or fatalities that may come after as a result of that?"1

This issue of liability protection for vaccine manufacturers has been a point of debate globally, with proponents arguing it's necessary to ensure rapid vaccine development in emergencies, while critics contend it may reduce accountability.5

The World Health Organization's Pandemic Treaty

Another significant focus of the hearings was the World Health Organization's (WHO) proposed Pandemic Treaty. Some lawmakers expressed reservations about the potential implications of such an agreement on national sovereignty and public health policies.1

Congressman Fernandez voiced concerns about the binding nature of the WHO agreement and its potential to impose restrictive measures and mandatory medical interventions on Filipino citizens.1

Congressman Adiong went further, characterizing some aspects of the proposed amendments to the WHO treaty as potentially "fascist," expressing worry about the loss of individual state consent in global health decisions.1

"If we continue on this track we are surrendering to a fascist establishment!" Adiong stated, according to reports from the hearing. "Because all of these things without asking individual states whether they agree or not through these amendments? It's fascism for me! It's a clear basic definition of fascism!"1

It's important to note that discussions around the WHO Pandemic Treaty are ongoing, and its final form and implications remain subjects of international negotiation and debate.6

Global Context and Continuing Vaccine Development

While the Philippines investigates these concerns, it's worth noting that many countries continue to invest in vaccine development and distribution. For instance, the United States recently allocated $176 million in taxpayer funds to Moderna for the development of an mRNA vaccine against H5N1 avian influenza, as reported by Channel News Asia on July 2, 2024.7

This ongoing investment in vaccine technology underscores the complex global landscape of public health policy and pharmaceutical development. Different nations are taking varied approaches to vaccine policy and pandemic preparedness based on their individual assessments of risks and benefits.8

Conclusion and Moving Forward

The investigation in the Philippines raises important questions about vaccine safety, pharmaceutical accountability, and global health governance. However, it's crucial to approach these issues with scientific rigor and await peer-reviewed studies and comprehensive data analysis before drawing definitive conclusions.9

As the hearings continue, it will be important for investigators to collaborate with international health organizations, independent researchers, and medical experts to conduct a thorough and impartial examination of the data. This process should include consideration of alternative explanations for the observed mortality increases and careful analysis of individual case reports.10

The global medical and scientific community continues to emphasize the overall safety and efficacy of approved COVID-19 vaccines in preventing severe illness and death from the virus. However, ongoing monitoring and research into potential rare side effects remain crucial components of public health policy.11

As this story develops, it will be essential for journalists, policymakers, and the public to stay informed about the progress of the investigation and any scientific findings that emerge. Balanced reporting that considers multiple perspectives and relies on verified data will be crucial in helping communities make informed decisions about public health and medical choices.12

The situation in the Philippines serves as a reminder of the importance of transparency, accountability, and ongoing safety monitoring in public health initiatives. It also highlights the need for clear communication between health authorities and the public to maintain trust and address concerns as they arise.13

As the world continues to navigate the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and prepares for future public health threats, the lessons learned from investigations like this one in the Philippines may play a crucial role in shaping more effective and trusted global health policies.14


1. Slay News. (2024, July 10). Philippines Raises Alarm after Recording 290,000 Vax Deaths.

2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2024). Safety of COVID-19 Vaccines.

3. The Lancet. (2023). Excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic: a global analysis.

4. World Health Organization. (2024). COVID-19 vaccine safety surveillance.

5. New England Journal of Medicine. (2022). Liability Protection for COVID-19 Vaccines -- Implications for Vaccine Safety and Public Trust.

6. World Health Organization. (2024). WHO CA+ on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.

7. Channel News Asia. (2024, July 2). US invests $176 million in Moderna's bird flu vaccine.

8. Nature. (2023). Global vaccine equity: challenges and opportunities.

9. British Medical Journal. (2024). The importance of rigorous scientific investigation in vaccine safety studies.

10. Science. (2023). Collaborative approaches to vaccine safety monitoring.

11. The Lancet. (2024). Long-term safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines: A comprehensive review.

12. Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. (2023). Reporting on vaccine controversies: Best practices for balanced journalism.

13. JAMA. (2024). Building and Maintaining Public Trust in Vaccines.

14. New England Journal of Medicine. (2023). Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic: Shaping Future Global Health Policies.

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