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05 octubre, 2024

Future generations at risk: Fluoride exposure linked to devastating consequences, even if you eat organic food


prenatal-fluoride-exposure(NaturalHealth365)  Alarming new evidence has emerged in the ongoing debate over water fluoridation, challenging long-held assumptions about its safety.  Less than a decade ago, in a move that raised eyebrows but received little public attention, the United States government took unprecedented action regarding fluoride levels in public water supplies.

Keep in mind, even if you eat organic food, you are not avoiding fluoride – if “water” is listed as the main ingredient.  That water is likely to be regular tap water contaminated with fluoride!

Back in 2015, federal health authorities made a startling admission: the standard fluoride concentration of 1.2 milligrams per liter was excessively high.  The Public Health Service issued a revised recommendation, calling for a significant reduction to 0.7 milligrams per liter in public water systems nationwide.

Now, nine years later, this decision takes on new urgency in light of a newly published study.  Researchers have uncovered a disturbing link between prenatal fluoride exposure and negative health outcomes in children.  This latest research delves into the relationship between maternal urinary fluoride levels and offspring neurobehavior – essentially, how fluoride exposure before birth might influence a child’s brain function and behavior throughout life.

As we unpack these findings, serious questions arise about the long-term impacts of fluoridation and whether even current reduced levels are truly safe for our most vulnerable populations.

Exposure to fluoride before and during pregnancy causes disturbing neurobehavioral disorders in kids

Th above-referenced cohort study, involving 229 pregnant women and their children, has revealed alarming connections between prenatal fluoride exposure and neurobehavioral outcomes.  The findings are both significant and concerning:

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A 0.68 mg/L increase in maternal urinary fluoride during pregnancy was associated with nearly double the odds of an adverse neurobehavioral outcome, categorized as either clinical or borderline clinical.  This suggests that even in areas considered “optimally fluoridated,” prenatal fluoride exposure may significantly increase the risk of neurobehavioral issues in children.

Importantly, these results aren’t isolated.  Similar studies in Canada and Mexico have corroborated these findings, linking high prenatal fluoride exposure to:

  1. Increased likelihood of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  2. Impaired cognition
  3. Reduced executive function

Furthermore, a systematic analysis by the National Toxicology Program has linked elevated fluoride exposure to lower IQs in children, adding another layer of concern to this growing body of evidence.

The U.S. study stands out for its methodology, which analyzed maternal urine samples over a three-year period (2017-2020) and subsequent neurobehavioral data analysis conducted from 2020 to 2023.

Strategies to limit prenatal fluoride exposure

The evidence is clear and alarming: even minimal fluoride exposure before and during pregnancy can potentially alter a child’s brain development, leading to cognitive issues that may persist throughout their lifetime.  With 73% of U.S. residential areas having fluoridated tap water at or above the 0.7 mg/L targeted concentration, it’s crucial to take action.  While petitioning lawmakers to eliminate fluoride in drinking water is a long-term goal, immediate steps can be taken to protect current and future mothers, as well as their children.

Water purification stands at the forefront of fluoride reduction strategies.  Distillation offers a reliable method to purify tap water before consumption, while reverse osmosis systems can remove up to 95% of fluoride.  Bone char carbon filters effectively eliminate fluoride and other contaminants, and activated alumina filters are specifically designed to target fluoride removal.  For those with access, well water can be an ideal source, though it should be tested for naturally occurring fluoride levels.  Alternatively, opting for spring water brands that are tested and certified low in fluoride can provide a safer option.

Dietary considerations play a crucial role in minimizing fluoride exposure.  Pregnant women should avoid fluoride-rich foods such as black tea, raisins, and certain seafood like, crab legs and shrimp.  Using fluoride-free salt and steering clear of processed foods that may contain fluoridated water can further reduce intake.  Personal care products also warrant attention; switching to fluoride-free toothpaste and mouthwash is essential, as is checking labels on skincare products for fluoride compounds.

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