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05 octubre, 2024

Table salt danger: Study finds heightened risk of gastric cancer with regular consumption


table-salt-linked-to-gastric-cancer(NaturalHealth365)  Imagine sitting down to a delicious meal, savoring each bite, unaware that a common ingredient in your food could quietly contribute to a serious health risk.  This seemingly innocent addition is table salt, a staple in nearly every kitchen and restaurant.  While we often focus on the pleasures of taste, the impact of our dietary choices goes far beyond the immediate satisfaction they provide.

Stomach cancer, although less common now than in the past, remains a significant health threat.  The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2024, there will be about 26,890 new cases of stomach cancer in the United States.  For much of the early 20th century, stomach cancer was the leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S.  Thanks to advances in food storage, particularly refrigeration, and a decline in Helicobacter pylori infections, the incidence of stomach cancer has dropped.  However, one risk factor that continues to linger is the consumption of table salt.  Excessive salt intake has been linked to an increased risk of developing gastric cancer, a connection that is often overlooked.

Regular salt use poses a direct threat to stomach health

It’s a common misconception that stomach (gastric) cancer is primarily the result of genetics and stress.  However, infections with H. pylori bacteria can cause ulcers and inflammation in the stomach lining, significantly increasing cancer risk.  Additionally, diets high in processed meats, salty foods, and smoked foods also pose significant threats to stomach health.  Stomach cancer is the fifth-most common type of cancer globally.

Recent research has revealed a surprising and alarming connection between the use of table salt and stomach cancer.  The study shows that the regular use of table salt can elevate the risk of stomach cancer by 41%.  This finding highlights the hidden dangers lurking in a seemingly harmless seasoning.

The study involved 471,144 participants, with data sourced from the United Kingdom Biobank, a comprehensive health research database containing information from over half a million individuals.  Participants provided detailed questionnaires on their frequency of salt use in food, excluding salt used in cooking.  The researchers also measured sodium levels in urine samples and estimated 24-hour sodium excretion.

Ditch table salt for a healthier alternative

If the salt on your dining room table is traditional table salt, it’s time to reconsider your choice.  Resist the temptation to continue using it, and opt for a healthier alternative that is just as flavorful but does not pose a threat to your health.

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Unlike table salt, pink Himalayan and Celtic salt are healthier options.  Although they are slightly more expensive, many find their taste superior to that of table salt.  The key difference between Celtic or Himalayan salt and conventional table salt is their production methods.  Table salt is highly processed, while pink Himalayan and Celtic salt are collected with minimal processing.

This heavy processing of table salt is linked to an elevated risk of gastric cancer, cardiovascular disease, and other health problems.  The mass production of table salt strips it of essential natural minerals crucial for human health.  In contrast, Himalayan and Celtic salt contain up to 84 trace minerals, offering significant health benefits.  Table salt, on the other hand, is virtually devoid of these beneficial minerals.

While it’s important to be mindful of salt consumption, completely avoiding salt isn’t necessary.  Instead, consider reducing your intake of table salt and replacing it with Himalayan or Celtic salt.  Enhance your spice rack with a variety of herbs and spices to add flavor to your meals without relying only on salt.  This way, you can enjoy delicious food while maintaining optimal health.

Editor’s note: Here is my #1 choice for sea salt.  And, yes, your purchase does help to support our operations here at NaturalHealth365 – at no extra cost to you.

Sources for this article include:


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