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22 octubre, 2024

Unmasking the Real Disinformation: How Flawed Research and Media Bias Threaten Free Speech

Posted on: Friday, August 16th 2024 at 3:00 am

When respected news outlets uncritically amplify dubious claims from shadowy organizations, who's really spreading disinformation - and at what cost to our fundamental freedoms?

I. The Anatomy of a Dangerous Mischaracterization

In May 2022, New Zealand's Newshub aired a segment that went beyond mere misinformation - it actively sought to link peaceful free speech with violent behavior. The report claimed that "a small group of disinformation super-spreaders were responsible for the conspiracy theories that circulated during the wellington protest," further asserting that "this small group is what drove the transition from a peaceful protest to a violent clash with police."

This inflammatory allegation doesn't just misrepresent facts - it dangerously conflates protected speech with criminal actions, potentially chilling legitimate discourse on crucial public health issues.

II. The Center for Countering Digital Hate: Manufacturing a Crisis

At the heart of this controversy lies the deeply flawed "Disinformation Dozen" report from the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH). This document, published in March 2021, made the extraordinary claim that just 12 individuals were responsible for 65% of anti-vaccine content on social media platforms.

However, as noted in the debunking article:

"Meta revealed that these 12 individuals are actually responsible for only about 0.05% of all views of vaccine-related content on Facebook, including both accurate and inaccurate posts."1

This staggering discrepancy - between 65% and 0.05% - reveals the true nature of the CCDH's work: not objective research, but a targeted campaign to silence specific voices.

III. From Misinformation to Character Assassination

The Newshub story, relying on claims from "The Disinformation Project," takes the CCDH's flawed premise to an even more dangerous conclusion. By suggesting that these 12 individuals - who were simply exercising their right to free speech on medical matters - were somehow responsible for violent protests in New Zealand, the report engages in a form of character assassination.

It's crucial to emphasize: There is no evidence that any of the "Disinformation Dozen" advocated for violence or destruction. Their speech, whether one agrees with it or not, falls squarely within the bounds of protected expression in a free society.

IV. The Real Threat: Criminalizing Dissent

The most alarming aspect of this situation is how flawed research and biased reporting can be weaponized to not just suppress legitimate debate, but to potentially criminalize it. As our recent article debunking CCDH's defamatory 'research' article notes:

"Critics argue that the campaign against the 'Disinformation Dozen' amounts to an attack on free speech and sets a dangerous precedent of government officials pressuring private companies to censor individuals with whom they disagree."2

By drawing a direct line between protected speech and violent actions, without evidence, these reports create a chilling effect on all forms of dissent. This is particularly dangerous when it comes to matters of public health, where open debate and the free exchange of ideas are crucial for informed decision-making.

V. Media Malpractice: Amplifying Falsehoods, Ignoring Facts

Newshub's uncritical reporting of these claims represents a serious lapse in journalistic standards:

  1. Failure to verify: Basic fact-checking would have revealed the CCDH report's debunking months earlier.
  2. Lack of balance: The story presents no counter-perspectives or challenges to the claims made.
  3. Potential harm: By amplifying unsubstantiated allegations and linking protected speech to violence, Newshub may be contributing to the erosion of fundamental freedoms.

As the debunking article points out:

"The CCDH report's methodology is a critical weakness that leads to misleading conclusions. The report analyzed only 483 pieces of content over six weeks from just 30 groups, some with as few as 2,500 members. This sample is not representative of the billions of posts about COVID-19 vaccines shared on Facebook and Instagram."3

A responsible news organization should have recognized and highlighted these glaring methodological flaws.

Call to Action:

In light of these serious issues, we demand that the Center for Countering Digital HateThe Disinformation Project, and Newshub take the following actions:

  1. Issue immediate retractions of their flawed claims and methodologies.
  2. Publish comprehensive apologies acknowledging the potential harm caused by their actions, particularly in linking protected speech to violent behavior.
  3. Commit to rigorous fact-checking and balanced reporting in all future work related to alleged "disinformation."
  4. Engage in open dialogue with those they have accused, allowing for a fair hearing of alternative perspectives.
  5. Clearly distinguish between protected speech and criminal actions in all future reporting.


The fight against genuine disinformation is crucial for a healthy democracy. However, when that noble goal is corrupted by shoddy research, media bias, and the suppression of dissenting voices, it becomes a threat to the very values it claims to protect.

Moreover, when flawed studies are used to draw baseless connections between free speech and violent actions, we enter truly dangerous territory. We must remain vigilant against all forms of misinformation - including those cloaked in the guise of "fact-checking" and "protecting public health." Our fundamental freedoms, including the right to question and debate matters of public importance, depend on it.


1: GreenMedInfo Research Group, "Debunking the CCDH's 'Disinformation Dozen' Report: How Flawed Methodology and Misleading Claims Fuel Misinformation," GreenMedInfo, June 2, 2024, https://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/debunking-ccdhs-disinformation-dozen-report-how-flawed-methodology-and-misleading.

2: Ibid.

3: Ibid.

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