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25 febrero, 2025

4 newly discovered health benefits of blueberries you need to know


blueberries(NaturalHealth365)  As one of the few fruits native to the North American continent, blueberries were an important part of the Native American diet for hundreds of years.  Today, these beneficial berries rank second to strawberries in terms of the most popular berry consumed.

The benefits of blueberries have been well-documented in scientific literature.  They are known to have one of the highest antioxidant capacities among all fruits, vegetables, and seasonings.  These powerful antioxidant properties help to combat oxidative stress from free radicals that can damage your cells and DNA.

Recent research provides new insight into the benefits of these popular berries, particularly in four critical areas of health…

Blueberries reduce risk factors leading to atherosclerosis, stroke, and heart attack

Elevated LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, high triglycerides, homocysteine, and glucose are known to be some of the major risk factors for atherosclerosis.  Research published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition found that blueberry supplementation reverses hypercholesterolemia risk factors.  The findings have implications for humans facing risk factors during the aging process.

Total cholesterol was reduced by 29 percent.  LDL was about 34 percent lower, while HDL was as much as 40 percent higher.  The study also showed that triglycerides, a type of fat accumulating in normal cells and turning them into fat cells, were reduced by nearly 50 percent.  In addition, homocysteine, an amino acid that causes inflammation in artery walls, was reduced by half.

Nourishing the brain

Several studies have confirmed that blueberries contribute to overall brain health.  Research is now also indicating that blueberries can reduce some of the risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease, including the accumulation of plaques in the brain, believed to be a contributing factor of the disease.

A recent study for Alzheimer’s found that providing a supplement consisting of blueberries coupled with omega-3 and phosphatidylserine reduced the amount of dangerous plaque formed after seven months.  Oxidative stress indicators were also reduced.

There was also an increase in certain neurotransmitters that facilitate the transmission of impulses between neurons.  This is good news since deficiency in this type of neurotransmitter has been linked to the development of Alzheimer’s disease, while medications developed to address the situation have unfavorable side effects.

Giving a boost to balance and mobility

Many factors potentially contribute to a loss of mobility during aging, including obesity, slowing physical activity, neuronal impairment, and the effects of chronic illnesses like diabetes and arthritis.  When lack of mobility becomes severe, it can lead to further complications, such as incontinence, which can increase the risk of skin or urinary tract infection.

However, research published in Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism showed that when elderly study participants suffering from poor mobility were provided with two cups of blueberries a day for six weeks, the improvement in movement was significant, particularly in steadiness of gait.  This is particularly critical since steadiness is linked to the risk of falling.

Those consuming the blueberries also showed increased movement speed with fewer stepping errors and better overall foot placement.  This group also exhibited improved balance.

Blueberries protect the retina, safeguarding sight

Over the years, light-induced damage can cause debilitating damage to the eye and vision, such as age-related macular degeneration, one of the primary causes of blindness in the elderly.  Excessive light damage leads to fatty acid oxidation, compromising health and retinal cells.

However, research shows supplementation with blueberries reduced lipid peroxidation, even with daily visible light exposure.  This protective action can help safeguard the retina, reducing the incidence of blindness.

Choose blueberries carefully for the best results

Because blueberries are so popular, you will likely find them in many forms.  Unfortunately, you will also find that they are frequently served highly processed and with added sugars.

As with other foods, the best way to consume blueberries for the greatest health benefits is to eat them in organic, raw form as a whole berry or pure organic powder.  Not only will you reap the greatest nutritional benefits, but you will enjoy the berries at their most flavorful!

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