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24 febrero, 2014

Triunfa el #Fascismo en #Quito / #Venezuela

Tras las elecciones para alcalde en la capital de la República del Ecuador el día de ayer, el candidato de la ultraderecha, Mauricio Rodas, salió victorioso. Tras él se encuentra una maquinaria de mafiosos, golpistas y fascistas de toda Latinoamérica. Los quiteños no entendieron lo que se jugaba en estas elecciones. El camino para Rafael Correa se endurece, pero llega en buen momento para reforzar sus filas, repensar algunas ideas y deshacerse de algunos elementos inservibles.
Todos deseamos que en Quito no sucedan actos violentos por parte del fascismo internacional disfrazado de “jóvenes”. 


These Photos Being Shared From Venezuela Are Fake

There have been some powerful images coming out of Venezuela over the past week.
Massive anti-government demonstrations have clogged the streets of major cities, and clashes between law enforcement and protesters have resulted in injury and even death. Shocking photos of the violence and unrest have quickly disseminated under hashtags like #SOSVenezuela and #PrayforVenezuela.
But all is not what it seems. A slew of phony images has emerged since the protests began, some of which have been shared thousands of times.
Though it is impossible to know the extent to which these hoaxes have fueled the conflict in Venezuela, they demonstrate that social media are fertile ground for spreading rumors and hysteria. 

Venezuela: “It is an Outside Coup Attempt”

The current violent actions taking place in Venezuela are a troubling reminder of events in April 2002, which turned out to be an attempted coup against President Hugo Chavez, Professor Salim Lamrani charged today.
Lamrani recalled that in 2002, similar protests organized by the right-wing caused a number of fatalities, while the oligarchy, along with the private media and the radical opposition, broke constitutional order and imposed a dictatorship that lasted just 48 hours thanks to the mobilization of the people.
Lamrani told the Algerian El Watan newspaper that no Venezuelan government has done as much for young people as that of Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro in terms of education, health, access to culture and recreation.
Lamrani recalled that, since 1998, the right-wing has refused to accept the people’s will and, being unable to take power democratically, it opts for violence.
“The United States plays a key role in the attempt to destabilize Venezuela,” noted Lamrani, stressing that this country is the world´s fifth largest oil producer, and since Chavez assumed power, he achieved economic, political and energy sovereignty for the country.

El siniestro déjà vu de Washington y el golpismo venezolano

Corina Machado, junto con Leopoldo López y Henrique Capriles constituye la junta golpista más
extrema de la derecha venezolana.
Una vez más Estados Unidos muestra sin vergüenza su apoyo al derrocamiento del elegido democráticamente Gobierno venezolano, como ya hicieron en 2002 George W. Bush y José María Aznar que respaldaron el golpe militar de entonces contra el presidente Hugo Chávez. Como no fue suficiente, le siguieron un posterior y devastador cierre patronal de la poderosa industria nacional petrolera (PDVSA), también fracasado, y una patética sublevación militar en una céntrica plaza de Caracas —con misas diarias y rosarios incluidos— que sumieron al país en una violenta y desestabilizadora época sombría.

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