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04 marzo, 2014

El Culto a Osiris (Oscars)

Toda la agenda mundial está preparada. Existen manuales, documentos, guiones, estudios universitarios, tesis, etc., donde se enseña a embrutecer y controlar el mundo. 
El ser humano camina incrédulo, ignorante, dormido, infantil, ingenuo, mientras la maquinaria llamada sistema lo destruye y atormenta.
Lo publicamos el 14 de enero de 2014, la película ganadora del Oscar 2014 es parte de la agenda y está en el libreto de la elite que gobierna el mundo.
Millones vieron por la caja de bobos (TV) el culto satánico a Osiris, expectantes de ver quien gana, quien se llevará la “preciada” estatuilla, sin saber que todo ya estaba establecido y era parte del ritual.
Y continua el mundo aletargado con banalidades y oscurantismo, ciegos ante una realidad sorprendente y esclarecedora. Prefieren mantenerse en el desconocimiento, así viven mejor, así la vida es placentera.

NY Times: A Landmark Oscar Win for ‘12 Years a Slave’
Steve McQueen’s film won best picture, the first time Hollywood has so honored the work of a black director. “Gravity” won seven Oscars, including best director for Alfonso Cuarón.

The Anti-New York Times

For our the benefit of our readers, The Anti-New York Times is willing to hold its nose each day, and wade through the stinking toilet paper that is the NY Times. But there are some things we refuse to do; like watching the Academy Awards. Having to endure the sorry spectacle of that degenerate mob of self-congratulatory Communist degenerates is simply too much to bear.

Though we did not watch the "great event", we were indeed aware of the hype surrounding "12 Years a Slave", this year's anti-White propaganda film which won Best Picture. From the days of "To Kill a Mockingbird", to "Roots" to "The Help", to "The Butler", and now this latest filth, the theme of evil blue-eyed, blond-haired racists beating and abusing helpless Blacks remains a staple of anti-White Jewish Hollyweird.

These propaganda films are calculated to achieve two objectives: 
1. Instill resentment and hatred in Blacks, and 
2. Instill a pathetic White Guilt Complex in non Jewish Whites. Unfortunately, Hollyweird has succeeded on both fronts. That's how we got Obongo.

Hollweird did its job well. Pathetic White crowds worship Obama.

By the way, when is Hollyweird going to do a film on the Jewish DOMINATION of the slave trade?

Deliberately inflammatory films such have caused the beatings, rapes and murders of countless many White Americans. 
1. The innocent Tom Robinson (played by Brock Peters) is condemned in "To Kill a Mockingbird" (1962)
2. Kunta Kinte (played by Lavar Burton) is savagely whipped in "Roots" (1977)
3. John Coffey (played by Michael Clarke Duncan) is electrocuted in 'The Green Mile'
4. Solomon Northup (played by Chiwetel Ejiofor) is horribly abused in '12 Years a Slave' (2013)

The images above are fictitious. The images of Black-on-White violence below (fomented by the images above) are REAL!

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