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20 marzo, 2014

Malaysian Airline a 'Sandy Hookish' Hoax?

Para quien no está muy familiarizado con el idioma inglés, por favor se recomienda utilizar un traductor para el análisis abajo expuesto, así como una revisión dentro de este blog y en otros sobre la masacre de la Escuela Primaria de Sandy Hook que resultó ser todo un montaje preparado.

Malaysian Airline a 'Sandy Hookish' Hoax?
The Anti-New York Times

The New York Times, and the rest of the world media, have bandied about an endless stream of theories regarding the vanishing Malaysian airliner; including 'conspiracy theories' involving terrorists and suicidal pilots. But the one 'conspiracy theory' that no one dares to even suggest is that of State involvement. You see, only "terrorists" and "radical Muslims" are capable of conspiring, but never the State!

We must ask: who else but a State (military) would possess the technological capabilities to make an airliner disappear with a trace? Is there a viable alternative?

Or was there even an actual passenger plane? Could we be looking at an aerial "Sandy Hook-Boston Bombing" type hoax, involving a real plane, but with no actual passengers and grieving Malaysian & Chinese actors on the CIA payroll?

Or might some secret US laser / directed energy weapon have obliterated Flight 370 as a message to Russia and China?

Sounds "crazy", you say? In light of the 9/11 hoax, the Sandy Hook non-shooting hoax, and the Boston non-bombing hoax, is anything too "crazy" to believe any more? Is this theory any "crazier" than the vanished-into-thin-air theory?

For what purpose? We cannot say for certain, but it is interesting to note that the search mission surrounding this event has now drawn US and Chinese warships into close proximity. Why is the US even so heavily involved in the search? There were only 2 Americans on board (supposedly).

Could this be the beginning of a move to embarass and then destablize the pro-China, pro-Russia, anti-Israel government of Malaysia? It is an open secret that the CIA is very active in fomenting problems in Malaysia (and a zillion other countries!)

From the Center for Research on Globalization: September 25, 2012
'Towards a 'Color Revolution' in Malaysia? US and Pro-Israel Foundations Channel Support to Pakatan Rakyat Opposition (here)

The strange images of the 'mourners' shown below arouse our suspicions, and warrant closer analysis.

Gone without a trace? Impossible!
Crisis actors playing for the camera?

"Pray for MH370" - English language signs and light displays? Malaysians speak Malaysian (English is only the 2nd language). Why are they playing to an American audience? Who arranged for these seemingly contrived demos?

Professionally made banners and artwork. Who financed and organized this "marketing blitz", and why?

A different group, in a different place, holding an identical banner
An English language note on a paper airplane? 

Hollywood style, 'Sandy Hookish' type vigils

Who says you can't have fun while 'mourning'? Everybody say "cheeeese"!
More English language artwork and a Twiiter Page: #prayforMH370 

"Pray for MH 370", the 'theme' is repeated, in English, over and over again. 

Malaysia "grieving couple" photo / Sandy Hook "grieving couple" photo

Malaysia "sky lantern" stunt / Sandy Hook "sky lantern" stunt

The old "Boo Hoo! This is a giant picture of me with my child" routine was used in both Sandy Hook and Malaysia 

Malaysia (left) & Sandy Hook (right): The old "Boo Hoo! I just got the sad word over the cell phone routine." (Crying female with no visible tears) 

And an oh-so-conveniently pre-positioned camera man, with tripod!

Wow! Such an artistically gifted little girl; and she writes in English too! 

Within days, "spontaneous" artwork and graphics of very high quality, all with the same theme, broke out all over Malaysia. 

T-shirts, murals, choreographed vigils; who is behind this professional marketing campaign?
What is REALLY going on here?
We shall know soon enough!

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