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21 julio, 2014

NY Times Spins GENOCIDE Into "Competing Narratives"

NY Times: In Gaza, Epithets Are Fired and 
Euphemisms Give Shelter

In a clash of narratives, officials from both Israel and Gaza advise supporters on the language and images that should be used on social media platforms.

"A clash of narratives", eh Sulzberger? With that manipulative phrase, the New York Slimes creates the illusion of journalistic objectivity in regard to the mass slaughter taking place in Palestine's Gaza Strip. You see, if The Times was to take an overtly pro-Israeli line, folks would question its motives and biases. But by speaking of "a clash of narratives", Sulzberger's sneaky scribblers are able to sit back and say "We don't take sides. We just report both narratives of the conflict." 

The Jewish con is made all the more effective by cosmetic Zionist "good cop - bad cop" attacks against The Times for giving any weight, at all, to Arab suffering. Whereas readers of the overtly Zionist NY Post and viewers of Neo-Con FOX News are spoon-fed 100% pure pro-Israeli bovine excrement, the filth dished out by the more "respectable" NY Times is "only" 90% pro-Israeli.

These are clever tricks, and very effective. An honest newspaper would be reporting on the reality of the one-sided mass slaughter of civilians, including many women, elderly and children.

But by giving equal weight to "competing narratives" - versions which are themselves very unequal in regard to reality - The Times creates the illusion of a complex issue with several sides to it. 

This would be akin to covering a child molestation-murder story by giving equal weight to the unharmed murderer's passionate sounding "competing narrative" - as the poor little girl's battered skull and sexually mutilated body are left to rot in the street. 

There is nothing complex or nuanced about what is going on in Gaza, and there is no "clash of narratives" here other than brutal realty vs Israeli spin. What is happening in Gaza is an unprovoked, unjustified genocide. PERIOD!
Bloody lying Zionist BASTARDS! 

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