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25 septiembre, 2015

#Crimes Against #Humanity

Crimes Against Humanity:
The 1% of the 1%.
Murder Over 400 Million People Since 1995,
More Than All Wars In Recorded History

by Carl Herman

“Crimes against humanity” include any of the following acts committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack:

  • murder;
  • extermination;
  • enslavement;…
  • the crime of apartheid;
  • other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering or serious bodily or mental injury.

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) (1), the hunger-ending organizations RESULTS (2), and Bread for the World (3) estimate that 15 million people die each year from preventable poverty, of whom 11 million are children under the age of five. Jeffrey Sachs says the total deaths are closer to 8
million (4). Either way, poverty causes more human destruction every year than those claimed in the Holocaust.

The total deaths from poverty in the last 15 years is conservatively greater than from all wars, revolutions, murders, accidents, and suicides in the 20th century (5). In the past 20 years, the total deaths from poverty probably eclipse all the above categories of death in all known human history; ~400 million (6).

Make sure you get this: in your lifetime, human beings have allowed other people in poverty, mostly helpless children under the age of five, to die before our eyes in slow, gruesome, painful death in numbers greater than all of the catastrophic events in all recorded human history. To put this number in one perspective that I provide for my students: since I graduated from high school in 1978, preventable poverty has killed ~ 500 million people, one-half a billion; which equals the entire population of the United States plus five additional Californias.

Crucial to the case to prove Crimes against Humanity as intentional policy is the fact of ongoing “Developed Nations’” reneged promises to end poverty since 1969 (and here) (7). For 18 years I was a volunteer leader for RESULTS, and participated in education for Congress and heads of state on solutions for ending poverty that are technically so easy and affordable that all counter-arguments were ended, both academically and politically. We championed two UN Summits for heads of state: the 1990 World Summit for Children (largest meeting of heads of state in world history) and the 1997 Microcredit Summit (topic of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize). All “Developed Nation” leaders attended, smiled for the cameras, and agreed to end poverty without expressed doubt, counter-argument, or concern. Full documentation of all poverty facts is here; main points regarding solutions:
  • The developed nations promised a mere 0.7% of their income to end all aspects of global poverty. The US typically underfunds this promise by ~400% (providing just 1/4th the promise).
  • The American public believe we give 25% of our budget to foreign aid, and are willing to give 10% (~$380 billion for 2015). The amount invested is actually ~$30 billion/year. The US spends over $600 billion/year on the military. The total amount to end poverty is ~$100 billion combined from all the developed nations a year for ten years. In contrast to the policy we receive, the .01% oligarchs “legally” hide $20 to $30 trillion in offshore tax havens in a rigged-casino economy designed for “peak inequality.” This .01% parasitic loot is twenty to thirty times the amount to end global poverty forever.
  • Ending poverty reduces population growth rates in every historical case, reduces strains on resources, and according to the CIA is the best way to end global terrorism.
This is what the Cabal have done to Syria – the ‘refugee crisis’ was 100% engineered to cause chaos, this is their modus operandi.

This is ongoing Crimes against Humanity because it’s systemic premeditated attack that rejects world summit promises to end poverty, and instead willfully chooses these humans’ murder, extermination, and inhumane great suffering, the most serious bodily harm, and crippling mental injury. These Crimes against Humanity are highlighted by the .01%’s chosen policies that renege not only from promise, but from law:
The choices to kill in lie-began unlawful wars, ensnare the world in escalating and unpayable debt, then allow the debt-burdened and war victimized to die in the hundreds of millions with ongoing lies by officials and corporate media are Emperor’s New Clothes-obvious Crimes against Humanity.
Please read the above paragraph twice, and verify its objective and independently verifiable factual background.

The US Declaration of Independence is honored for asserting unalienable rights of “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” for each and every human being. The most cruel violation of these cherished ideals is intentional sadistic policy for ~20,000 children to die from preventable poverty each and every day while engaging in unlawful wars, piling-on debt as criminal fraud by calling it “money”, and the opposite of representative government by Orwellian constant lies to the public.
What is a solution?

I continue to assert a proven, obvious, and legal method:
We know for certain that until these .01% “leaders” are stopped, all we’ll have is ongoing lies, crimes, and immense suffering.
The arrests will happen from:
  1. Growing demand for arrests from those of us sufficiently educated that the facts prove obvious crimes. This is as easy as being the person in the Emperor’s New Clothes pointing-to and stating what anyone can see who looks.
  2. Law enforcement and military’s organic responses to honor their Oaths to arrest .01% literal criminal psychopaths (and here) who ongoingly commit the worst crimes possible for nations.
None of us has the power to make this happen on our own, AND all of us have the power for honest full self-expression in good-faith effort.
6-minute artistic expression for our futures from PuppetGov:

  1. UNICEF. State of the World’s Children Report 2006: Excluded and Invisible: http://www.unicef.org/sowc06/pdfs/sowc06_chap1.pdf
  2. RESULTS. Child Survival: https://web.archive.org/web/20080527011602/http://www.results.org/website/article.asp?id=241
  3. Bread for the World. Hunger Facts: International: http://www.bread.org/learn/hunger-basics/hunger-facts-international.html .
  4. The UN Millennium Project. The End of Poverty: http://www.unmillenniumproject.org/documents/TimeMagazineMar142005-TheEndofPovertysmall1.pdf
  5. Assuming 15 years of poverty deaths totaling 300 million and 20 years at 400 million (poverty deaths have decreased over the past 20 years) compared to the estimates from Scaruffi, P. “Wars and Genocides of the 20th Century.” http://www.scaruffi.com/politics/massacre.html  (along with the relatively smaller numbers for murders, accidents, and suicides) and from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_and_disasters_by_death_toll .
  6. A safe estimate given the population growth rate of the 20th century and a global population of ~1.6 billion in 1900.
  7. OECD. History of the 0.7% ODA Target: http://www.oecd.org/dac/aidstatistics/45539274.pdf . DAC Journal 2002, Vol 3 No 4, pages III-9 – III-11, revised June 2010. Millennium Project. The 0.7% target: an in-depth look: http://www.unmillenniumproject.org/press/07.htm .
Note: I make all factual assertions as a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, Economics, and History, with all economics factual claims receiving zero refutation since I began writing in 2008 among Advanced Placement Macroeconomics teachers on our discussion board, public audiences of these articles, and international conferences. I invite readers to empower their civic voices with the strongest comprehensive facts most important to building a brighter future. I challenge professionals, academics, and citizens to add their voices for the benefit of all Earth’s inhabitants.

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