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03 junio, 2016

#Zika - #Vacunas - #Vaccines - Sigue la #Farsa - #Farse Continue

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Jim Stone

Remember, this will NEVER CHANGE:
Zika is an old virus that has been known about since 10 years before scientists even knew what DNA was. It is a mild virus that causes no symptoms in 3 out of 4 people, and does not cause birth defects. It is such a mild virus that labs that stocked it would ship it out to anyone who ordered it ever since 1960.
Something else is causing the birth defects, and that would be a newly introduced Tdap shot that is now given to mothers in the early stages of pregnancy. What could be the motive for trying to scapegoat a virus which is proven benign, but has a spooky name? EEEEW, ZIKA ZIKA ZIKA, RUN!!!!! and meanwhile our future is faced with an intellectual death via the needle in the name of Zika.
SALIENT ZIKA QUESTION: how much of that 1.9 billion the CDC is demanding from Congress to "fight zika" will end up in Hillary Clinton's back pocket? 

First "zika microcephaly baby" now born in the U.S.
What they won't tell you: The woman was pregnant in Latin America, where a new Tdap shot
given to expecting mothers has been recently introduced. Evidently she traveled to America to have her anchor baby. Why can't they draw the connection between the introduction of this new vaccine, and microcephaly everywhere it goes?
Doctors here in Mexico (two high paid well connected professionals, not Doctor Simi) were intrigued enough by what I told them about the vaccines to dig into the topic. Two months later, (last week) they returned an answer and congratulated me. They were surprised that anyone in the public would draw the connection to vaccines. 
BAD NEWS: According to them and a large newly developed team of doctors, it's not just the Tdap shot, they believe more than one vaccine is to blame and many doctors have tracked this down and know Zika is B.S. But the MSM won't print that, because the truth will interfere with an agenda.
Both doctors I talked to ended up collaborating and now the only place the the Zika story can be fronted to full effect is in the media, the doctors are rapidly waking up to it. And surprisingly, Faceplant did not stop them from communicating on this topic. Another potential obstacle I guess I should warn them about, but for now, so far so good, they all linked up on Facebook and blew it open. These were high profile top paid doctors that go around to many different private hospitals forming groups that do surgeries and other work, and the groups all interconnect as various teams are put together for various reasons. So facebook can only help, it can't stop them. This was HUGE,
The vaccine scam is well on its way to being BUSTED in Latin America.
I guess the profit motive and brainwashing has made it so American doctors have a long way to go . . . . . .

Here is the technology that is used to trick a child's immune system into attacking the brain after vaccination
They obviously do not mention the fact that a vaccine can program the immune system to attack the body itself, but by stating it can programmed to attack cancer - which is the same tissue that is in the body gone amok - and going over how that is done, this article still says a lot. 
And it also serves as an open admission that, as I have always said - genetic reprogramming via vaccination is possible also. I see this MSM report as a major screw up and release of information that is key to knowing what vaccines are really all about with regard to dividing mankind into two groups - those who have had their futures vaccined away by a tiny elite, and the elite, who will elevate themselves as far as possible.

Doctors waking up
"From the outside looking in now and as I'm saying this to all you people, I almost feel like an ass... It's kinda like, you wake up one day and you just feel like, God! I'm just blindly, like a robot, following through with this [vaccination] with no new data, no new information and didn't know what was in them...That's part of why physicians are very resistant to this information because you have to sit at home and redigest and relearn everything that you learned and come to terms with the damage that you potentially caused through the years." SEE THIS

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