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20 febrero, 2016

#Zika Health Fraud Fools Millions

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Zika the latest health fraud fools millions of intelligent people
into supporting the theft of yet more state funding by big pharma

I am amazed how apparently intelligent normal people, who’ve been educated at the best universities, seem to be the dumbest when it comes to realising that most media news stories are false. Yet again, the usual culprits are finding ways to send huge sums of pubic money into the arms of big pharma, while evidence of the virus seems to be completely absent. Now come on, you brainy Graduates. Please try to get it! You are so amazingly dumb. What is it about education? Nothing closes the mind more completely. They even trick you into borrowing money to pay for your own mind control. James Corbett of The Corbett Report sums it all up nicely.

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