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28 junio, 2019

#French #Invade #Reich


By Mike King


The 1939 Saar Offensive / Invasion of Germany is not new to your humble author. What I did not expect, however, was to find news of this little-known French invasion of Germany - which took place just days after Britain & France declared war on Germany - to be plastered on the front page of an old issue of the New York Slimes. Oh how I just luuuuuv using the Jewish-owned Slimes to confirm the truth of World War II for those stubborn newspaper-worshipping blockheads who still believe in the myth of "The Good War."

A full 8 months before The Great One (that's Hitler for all you newbies & normies)finally was to launch the preemptive invasion of the puppet Low Countries (Belgium / Netherlands) and France, the not-so-innocent French initiate the Saar offensive; the ground invasion into Saarland, Germany. The large scale assault was supposed to have been carried out by 40 divisions and 40 tank battalions. According to the Franco-Polish military convention, the French Army had planned to gain control over the area between the French border and the Siegfried Line of German defense. Much to the dismay of the fools in Poland, the full 40-division all-out assault does not materialize. The empty promise is just a trick just to get Poland's stupid Marshal Edward Rydz-Smigly -- secure in the belief that the Allies would later allow him take all of Prussia --to pick a fight with Germany.

But a limited invasion and occupation of Germany’s Saar region does indeed occur. On October 16 & 17, the German army, reinforced with troops returning from the Polish campaign, conducts a counter-offensive which retakes the lost German towns and territory from the invading French. In liberating what the French had invaded, the Germans lose 196 soldiers, plus 114 missing and 356 wounded. 

1- Invading French soldier reads a poster in German village of Lauterbach. 
2- French-occupied area of Germany.

So you see, dear reader, the Anglo-French Allies not only instigated the war by playing Poland; and not only were the first to declare war; but they also drew first blood upon Germany.

But don't take my word for it. Have a look at "the paper of record."


But wait; it gets even better. Just 3 days later, the "prestigious" New York Slimes not only again reminds us of France's aggression, but reveals that Germany via #2 man, Hermann Goering), even after having been invaded, continues to plea for peace while the British prepare for a "Three-Year War."

Here it is:

I-Phones are so awesome, aren't they? I feel like a secret agent.

So there you have it folks, as confirmed by the "prestigious" New York Slimes: France attacks and invades Germany; Germany responds with more pleas for peace; Germany loses hundreds of men in liberating the invaded territory; as the Allies openly admit to preparing for a long war -- all happening a full 8 months before Germany's westward "aggression" known as the "Blitzkrieg" (ooooh, that word sounds so scary, doesn't it?).

Thank you New York Times! And thank YOU donor-readers whose support enables us to pay the monthly bill for "The Times Machine" service, from which these old headlines can be accessed brought to a truth-starved world.

Please share -- and please send us a few bucks if yu can.

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